How to choose the right words of welcome. Example and basic principles

Correctly chosen welcome words are an opportunity to win the attention of the audience from the very first seconds of communication or, conversely, to miss your "star" chance. Further relationships are often built on the basis of the first impression, therefore it is important to introduce oneself correctly to the public, as well as to draw the attention of all those present to themselves in a proper and appropriate manner. Welcome words should be matched according to the setting, society and purpose of the event. At first glance, it seems that to diversify the usual “Hello!” quite difficult, but people who are knowledgeable in etiquette can argue with a similar statement.

welcome words

Good start

In the right way to say hello, a huge role is played by who is to be called. And, perhaps, this is the most important principle by which you need to select welcome words. The dictionaries give a clear definition of greeting, which says that the meaning of this word is an expression of approval in order to give a sign of goodwill to those present by the speaker.

It would seem, well then, complicated, you just need to say hello. However, as in everything, there are rules and principles that are also subject to fashion, but rather to the style of communication between different social groups. A couple of centuries ago, such words and their combinations were in use:

  • "Greetings!"
  • "The deepest bow!"
  • “Peace be at home!”
  • “I wish you good health!”

Such phrases can now be heard from the lips of people, but this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm of everyday communication. In everyday life between close people, a short “Hello!” and "Good afternoon!". Sometimes even the usual “Hello!” It seems archaism and strongly gives off officialdom.

welcome speech to the participants

The word is not a sparrow

A popular proverb says that “the first word is more expensive than the second,” and you cannot argue with it. Welcome words - this is the first thing a person says when he goes into the room. According to the rules of etiquette, it is the incoming person who must be the first to say hello to all those present. If these are strangers, only a general appeal is enough, but if this is a well-known company, work colleagues, hobby comrades, then it is completely acceptable to personally approach all or some of the participants in the meeting. This technique is called “moral stroking,” an individual greeting can attract an interlocutor to a person, because it shows its significance.

At the same time, you can say something like “Healthy, bro!”, Slapping the interlocutor on the shoulder, you can friend. Appeal to older people, strangers, girls in a respectful way:

  • "Hello!"
  • "Hello how are you?"
  • "Glad to see you!"

Very important is the intonation, the facial expression of the speaker. Saying hello to yourself is not a good start to a conversation. But excessive emotionality and loudness are not always appropriate.

Greetings from Santa Claus

Nothing personal just business

And if in everyday life various flaws in etiquette are excusable, then on a business level a mistake can have a detrimental effect on a career and reputation. By the nature of their activities, many people often need to make speeches and turn to a large society. A welcoming speech to the participants of the meeting, conference is the beginning of the meeting, setting the tone for the future event.

People who have experience of such events can determine from the first words what is in the speaker’s thoughts, with what mood he went to the podium, and in what format the meeting will take place. Composing a greeting for speaking to a large number of people, it is impossible to say hello to everyone personally, but it is important to note the participants, summarizing them:

  • “Good afternoon / evening dear friends!”
  • “Hello colleagues, partners and guests of the meeting!”
  • “Dear friends, we are glad to see you at this meeting!”

Each business meeting takes place according to a pre-compiled plan-protocol, which provides both the time allotted for the greeting and its format.

The fun begins

Festive events are a completely different “weight category”. It is hard to imagine the welcome words of Santa Claus in which he will address guests as business partners or colleagues. Entering the image, you need to follow it in everything from the first to the last minute. For such a colorful character, choosing words is not difficult, but you need to take into account the specifics of the event, the age group of the guests, examples:

  • "Hello guys!"
  • "Here I am! Good afternoon!"
  • “Happy New Year, children / friends / my dear / grandchildren!”

welcome words

Greetings from the Snow Maiden, who is also in a fairy-tale image and must correspond to her role, are selected in the same spirit. Very often, the script is composed in verse, forming a rhymed form of greeting. This technique can be used at various holidays and celebrations - birthday, wedding, christening.

"Give me your word, please ..."

However, it is not only official events that have to be prepared for the speech, and the leading role is not always the only one leading them, in which you need to say a welcoming word. Guests also need to be able to say hello, because they happen to say congratulations, toast, express their opinions on various issues. Getting down to business is a sign of poor upbringing, so first you need to show respect for the assembled society and say a few welcome words that are appropriate for the occasion.


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