How to sheathe the toilet with plastic panels? Tips for resolving this issue

Currently, construction stores are crowded with a large number of materials for decoration of various premises. To repair the toilet, an excellent solution would be to choose plastic panels that are very convenient for installation and use.

When carrying out repairs to the toilet room, the question arises of how to sheathe the toilet with plastic panels.

To finish the toilet, it is necessary to have suspensions, plastic panels, a ceiling plinth, a stapler, a knife, rails, profiles - starting, finishing and corner, self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, and a building level.

Before you sheathe the toilet with plastic panels, you should take a detailed look at the dimensions of the room, that is, you definitely need to know its width, length and height. It is also necessary to figure out how to close the communications passing in the toilet. In this case, they can be masked with the same plastic panels that will be used to decorate the toilet.

After preparation, it is necessary to determine the color and size of the plastic panels, when choosing which it is imperative to pay attention to their width, since this indicator provides the correct calculation of the required number of panels so that the plastic sheathing of the walls looks perfect. If the walls in the toilet are uneven, then you will need to create a frame from the racks to ensure alignment. The size of the specified rails should be 10 - 50 mm.

At the initial stage of finishing, it is necessary to process the rails with the help of a special composition that will provide protection against fungus and mold. After the rails have dried, you can begin to collect the frame for attaching the plastic panels. For this assembly, it is necessary to measure and saw four horizontal strips from the indicated rails. Then, using the building level , the resulting strips should be attached as evenly as possible to the dowel-nails to the wall. You must also take into account the fact that the attached rails should be parallel to each other.

After preparing the frame, you can mount the plastic panels. First you need to decide on the place from which it will be convenient to start lining with plastic panels. After that, the corner or starting profile is fixed on the frame using self-tapping screws or a stapler. Then the first panel is inserted into the profile, and the subsequent ones are inserted into each other and fixed on the frame.

When lining the toilet with plastic panels, it is recommended not to pre-cut all the plates, since due to the nervousness of the walls, ceilings and floors, it may turn out that the previously prepared panel will have to be thrown out, because it may not fit in size. Thus, the cutting of panels must be carried out immediately before the installation of each of them.

Observing all the above requirements and rules, you can easily answer the above question - "How to sheathe the toilet with plastic panels?"

Ceiling frame mounting should be carried out on direct suspensions, and it is recommended to cut holes for fixtures with a sharp knife. You can easily insert a ceiling plinth into the resulting gaps.

And how to sheathe the toilet with absolutely even walls, floor and ceiling with plastic panels? In this case, it is recommended to use the method of frameless installation. In this method, the panels are fastened with dowel nails or mounting glue.


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