Choose a place for the construction of a cottage

Perhaps the blame is the eternal noise of cars, the endless repairs of neighbors, illness, aggravated by dust and gas pollution of city streets. But many modern city dwellers eventually begin to think about moving to a private house somewhere in quiet village near the city . And how pleasant it will be to wake up there and not to hear the clatter above your head and not to see the gray walls of neighboring buildings in the window!

Modern villages are now growing at an incredible rate. You can buy in them as finished cottage , and the land for the construction of their own houses. On how to choose such a site, read on.


Many do not want to leave far from the city to make it convenient to go to work or to shop. Choosing a site 3-5 km from the sleeping areas, think: will a new building begin to grow next to you in ten years? Surely you will not want to live in full view of the inhabitants of the upper floors. Or you may even have to sell a newly built house to make way for the construction of a new district.

Even before the very first stages of construction, it is better to learn about the planned expansion of the city or to choose a site more remote. If you have a car, then a 15-20 minute journey to the city should not be a problem, but you are guaranteed to live in the fresh air and not run into the problem described above

finished cottage


The views that open from the site are often emphasized on sale. This is especially true for hilly areas. Of course, this is very good when you can see meadows and a river flowing from below, but construction on the side of a hill can hit your pocketbook hard. It all depends on the slope of the surface. If it is small, then the cost of leveling the foundation will not be too high. But if the height difference is a meter or more, then it will be more logical to make the basement, which greatly affects the cost of the future home.

A similar problem awaits those who wish to acquire a house on the shore of a lake or river. But in this case, you will have to deal with soil friability and seasonal changes in water level

Lot size

This factor is highly desirable to consider when choosing a place for construction. Moreover, at this stage, you should have at least a minimal idea of ​​what should be located on your site. If, in addition to the house, a garage and a garden are planned, see that there is a distance between the house and the land for planting. Pay attention to the width of the plot, because now at an attractive price are sold such options in the width of which it is physically impossible to accommodate a full-fledged house. In this case, you will have to buy two adjacent plots at once.


This question is especially relevant for those who buy a plot not in a small village, but in a newly built holiday village. You need to find out as soon as possible about the possibility of bringing communications to your site and their complete list. This should be done not at the seller, but at the local authorities. If you connect to the communications of a residential village or village is quite simple, then in new, not yet fully built-up settlements, you may have to pay for part of the work on laying the water supply, sewage and electric network.

Rose of Wind

Wind rose is a special chart showing the typical wind direction in a given region. It would seem how wind affects construction? Everything is very simple. If the settlement is located near the industrial zone, plant or livestock complex, it can easily happen that you simply do not want to open the windows of your new home. It will be very disappointing to live in nature and not breathe fresh air.

choose a place for the construction of a cottage

Be realistic

If you are planning to buy a site, take your time. Try to think through all aspects of life in each of the options. It’s better to check everything carefully once, choosing a place for construction, and even overpay in something, but to build a house “for centuries”, where it will be pleasant and comfortable for you and your descendants to live.


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