The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov. Poems - diary pages

Genius is always doomed to loneliness. He has no one to learn from, except from himself, creating the impossible. A genius is ahead of his time, creating the prerequisites for the further development of society as a whole. They do not understand him, despise and admire him. The latter usually occurs after death. And during his life he has to remain in oblivion. The theme of loneliness in Lermontov’s lyrics becomes the main one, especially in early work.

The sail was alone in the struggle for ideals ...

Lermontov fell into a vague period of doubt and reflection on the future, in the era of the persecution of dissidents, during the hopelessness and suppression of the sources of freedom. Of course, it is very difficult for a young person to begin his career with a denial of reality. It was difficult for a poet with a romantic soul to gain recognition during the period of persecution after the events with the defeat of the Decembrists. The reprisal against them deeply excited him and he took it as a personal tragedy. As a true patriot, Lermontov sincerely experienced a difficult situation in Russia, not being able to actively exert his strength in serving the motherland.

The poet was disappointed not only in reality, but also in the romanticism of previous generations. This caused in him an increase in self-demands and a further pursuit of ideal. The essence of romanticism manifests itself in the expectation of a better world, and the existing life seems temporary. The hero wants a feat, after which everything will be transformed.

The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov

The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov in the first verses echoes the motives of the chosen hero by analogy with Byron. But he soon realized that his work was somewhat different. He calls himself also a persecuted wanderer who has a Russian soul. Having embarked on the path of a lone fighter for his ideals, Lermontov remained true to himself to the end. From the first steps, he sought harmony in friendship and love, but never found it. The poet’s attitude to people who treat him with indifference and contempt, he expressed in verses: "... And (I am sure) there will be more fun about death than about my birth." Since the “crowd” did not understand him, he will continue to proudly carry the banner of poetry alone, as the chosen one. At the same time, he realizes the futility of his confrontation. If the rest are not endowed with the same gift, then why on earth can they correctly understand it?

Love and loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov in the pursuit of true feelings also did not find a response, about which he writes sadly: "Fear of love: it will pass, it will disturb your mind with a dream."

Leaving all hope behind ...

The delicate sensitivity of the poet did not find any response from the environment: "In the eyes of people I read the pages of anger and vice."

Pushkin’s miraculous monument sounds optimistic, and Lermontov’s poem “Prophet” shows pain and hopelessness that his descendants will deservedly appreciate his work. This outstanding multifaceted personality could not get along with the banal and vulgar secular society, which is idle talk and idleness. At the same time, Lermontov was far from poor and could well spend time idly. Society did not suit him. Almost everyone with whom he met did not meet his high standards of morality and intellect. He had a single friend and he lost that one.

The poet chose his thorny path ...

The theme of loneliness in Lermontov’s lyrics is a voluntary choice as a way to free the soul from the obsessive external world. He interprets this topic as expulsion from society to eternal wanderings.

loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov

Moreover, he himself departs from this world in search of peace and freedom. The poet finds them in harmony of soul and nature. He is aware of his break with society and embarks on the chosen path.

Hurry, soon find freedom!

Loneliness in Lermontov’s lyrics is connected with the theme of freedom. If at the beginning of the poem “Desire” he only dreams of a will, by the end he embodies it in real images. Gaining independence is a true value for him, which essentially turns out to be unattainable.

Love also leaves him alone even in verses that open to readers as diary pages. They present hope and frustration. After he finds peace in harmony with the surrounding nature, where "the star speaks with the star."

essay on the theme of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov

The poet describes nature unusually expressively. His poems are distinguished by amazing melody and depth of thought. A significant place in the works was occupied by the Caucasus, where Lermontov to the greatest extent revealed his talent as a poet and artist. The plot of his paintings reflects the romanticism of the author.

Dreams come true ...

A highly artistic description of nature's paintings calms the rebellious spirit, which finds harmony in it. The poet creates the motives of sleep, in which his soul merges with the world blossoming around. In this dream, his soul does not die, but rests from what had hindered so much before.

Realizing the failure of the confrontation against society, the poet begins to think as a realist, "giving peace wishes space."

The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov goes into the background and he strives for people, becomes a civil poet, fighting for justice. He sums up his youthful romanticism and embarks on the path of realism. The poet’s work reflects genuine life, despite the fact that people did not perceive it properly. He encourages his contemporaries to abandon personal experiences and revive the spirit of freedom in poetry. The romantic and chosen hero of the early lyrics becomes a stranger to Lermontov. His poetry, which he uses as a weapon in the struggle for justice, becomes civilian.

love and loneliness in the lyrics of m u lermontov

The calls for a revival of free ideas could not be favorably received by the authorities. The poet’s works were mercilessly controlled by censorship, and he himself was exiled twice, because the verses seemed revolutionary. Russia of that time could not accept Lermontov in the image of the creator. Subsequently, his poems served as the basis for symbolist poets. An essay on the topic "Loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov" is written by schoolchildren. The poet’s work makes some of them more deeply understand life, helping to find their right path.


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