The main types and types of pumps, their characteristics

A pump is a hydraulic device designed to suction, pressure, or pump fluid by communicating external kinetic or potential energy to it.

Types of water pumps are distinguished by their technical parameters, which include:

  • the amount of fluid that the pump moves per unit of time;
  • developed pressure or maximum pressure;
  • Efficiency
  • power.

History of invention

The first types of pumps appeared in the 1st century BC. e. They helped to extinguish fires. However, until the 18th century. such devices were used extremely rarely.

types of pumps

Everything changed after the invention of the steam engine and the increase in water demand. Various types of pumps began to displace water-lifting devices and were widely used in human activities. Over time, the requirements for hydraulic mechanisms have become increasingly diverse. With the development of technical thought, the main types of pumps were outlined. These included piston, rotational, as well as machines that do not have moving working bodies.

Advances in science and technology have led to the fact that today there are many different types of pumps. What they represent, what is their main purpose, we will consider in this article.

Household and industrial hydraulic machines

The existing types of pumps have different classification. One of them concerns the scope of such devices and distinguishes from them household and industrial. The first of these machines are used for sewage, heating and water supply in residential and industrial premises.

Industrial pumps are designed for use in various systems and installations. They are used for water supply, pumping oil products and aggressive substances, as well as for the implementation of many other specific actions.

Positive displacement pumps

Another classification of hydraulic machines takes into account their design features and the principle of operation. What types of pumps in this case are the main ones? These are volumetric and dynamic hydraulic machines.

In the first of them, the working body is the camera. Under the influence of the arising pressure forces, it changes in volume, which leads to the forced movement of the substance.

All volumetric pumps (types, types we are considering) are designed to supply viscous fluids. The principle of operation of such devices is based on energy conversion. It is transmitted from the engine to the pumped liquid.

types of centrifugal pumps
Volumetric pumps are high pressure. In the process of their work, significant vibration occurs, to extinguish which the device is placed on a massive foundation. However, the advantage of these pumps lies not only in their high power. Such devices are capable of dry absorption.

Types of positive displacement pumps

There are various devices in which the working body is a camera. Among them are such units:

  1. Rotary . These are pumps having a fixed housing in which blades, vanes and other similar parts are enclosed. The movement of fluid in this case is facilitated by the movement of the rotors.
  2. Gears . This is the simplest type of forced displacement pump. These devices move the fluid in the process of changing the volume of the cavities of the gears, interlocked.
  3. Impeller If you look at such a pump in disassembled form, you can see the impeller, the blades of which are made of elastic material. It is located inside the eccentric housing. What happens when a device like this works? The blades bend and, rotating, displace the liquid.
  4. Cam . In these pumps, two independent rotors rotate, which facilitates the movement of fluid along the working chamber. Cam mechanisms are widely used in the manufacture of dairy products, drinks, jams, etc. And all this is due to their ability to pump liquids with large inclusions. Also, this type of pump is used in the pharmaceutical industry.
  5. Peristaltic . In these pumps, the main working part is a multilayer flexible sleeve made of elastomer. When you turn on the engine in such a device begins to rotate the shaft with the rollers. They squeeze the sleeve, facilitating the movement of the fluid inside it.
  6. Screw . A stator made of elastomer is inserted into the casing of these pumps. It contains a metal rotor having a helical shape. How will fluid transfer occur in this case? After turning on the motor, the rotor begins to rotate, changing the volume of internal cavities. In this case, the fluid moves.

Dynamic pumps

These devices are characterized by double energy conversion. Initially, it is transmitted to the fluid in kinetic form. At the same time, the flow moving inside the pump increases its speed. Next, a partial conversion of the energy of the liquid into a static form occurs. In this case, the flow rate decreases with increasing pressure. Such devices, unlike volumetric ones, are not able to produce dry absorption.

Centrifugal hydraulic machines

Consider the types of pumps of the dynamic type. The most common of these are centrifugal devices. These pumps are used for supplying hot or cold water, as well as for pumping aggressive and viscous liquids, wastewater and mixtures of water with slags, with soil, peat, etc.

How does a centrifugal pump work? Being between the blades of a rotating impeller, fluid particles receive kinetic energy from it. In this case, centrifugal force arises. It moves the fluid further into the motor housing. This operation is continuous due to pressure, which ensures a constant supply of new fluid particles to the pump.

According to their purpose, centrifugal pumps are classified into:

  • TPPs used in the operation of operational equipment;
  • various technical purposes.

types of fire pumps

What are the types of centrifugal pumps belonging to the first group? Devices used for water circulation are divided into circulating and recirculating. Pumps installed for heat transfer are divided into boiler and network. In the preparation of drinking water, condensate centrifugal pumps are used, and in the feed system of steam turbine servomotors, pressure pumps.

What devices are used for various technical purposes? These are such types of centrifugal pumps as household, fire, drainage, etc.

Recently, new developments of such devices have appeared. Among them, sand centrifugal pumps are especially popular. They are used for pumping hydraulic mixtures. That is why such pumps are installed in places where there is sand in the water, as well as all kinds of solid substances of industrial origin.

Vortex Hydraulic Devices

These dynamic pumps are similar in their characteristics to centrifugal pumps, but, in contrast to them, have less mass and dimensions. Among the disadvantages of vortex pumps, low efficiency can be distinguished, which in operating mode does not exceed fifteen percent. In addition, such mechanisms are not able to pump fluid containing abrasive particles, as this leads to rapid wear of internal parts.

Inkjet hydraulic devices

These pumps, unlike many other similar machines, are not able to create excess pressure at the outlet. Their principle of operation is reduced to converting the potential energy of the liquid into kinetic. At the same time, there are no moving parts in the jet pumps. The main working mechanism in devices of this type is a stream of liquid or gas.

Such pumps may be water-jet (e.g. hydraulic elevators). In them, the working fluid transfers its kinetic energy to the pumped substance. Among jet pumps there are airlifts. Compressed air is supplied to them by a compressor . Next, the water-air mixture is driven by the lifting force of air bubbles.

Water pumps

These devices have many kinds. But mostly experts classify them according to their purpose. So, there are the following types of pumps for water:

  • circulating , used for forced fluid movement in air conditioning, hot water and heating systems;
  • water-lifting necessary to extract fluid from wells and boreholes, which are submersible and surface;
  • drainage used for pumping water from wells, sewers and basements.

types of pumps for water
Specialists subdivide types of pumps for surface-type water into those used for:

  • increase in pressure;
  • cold water supply;
  • fire extinguishing systems.

When choosing pumps, types, characteristics and other parameters of devices, it is necessary to take into account depending on their purpose. So, sometimes the car will have to work in stand-alone conditions. And in some cases its access to the electric network will be provided.

That is why there are such types of water pumps that operate on internal combustion engines. They are called motor pumps. Moreover, they are divided into gasoline and diesel. There are electric pumps. Their work is completely dependent on the voltage in the network.

However, the main classification of the pumps relates to determining the place they occupy relative to the supply source. According to this parameter, they are divided into surface and submersible. Consider these types of devices in more detail.

Surface pumps

These devices are widely used in cottages, in dachas and in country houses. They are used to increase pressure in the water supply network, as well as for irrigation and irrigation of the land. With their help, water is raised from wells, wells and open water bodies located at a distance of up to eight meters from the axis of the pump.

There are many types of such devices. For example, according to the method of pumping water and the internal device, they are classified into vortex and barrel, drainage and circulation, as well as cantilever (centrifugal). The last two types are most popular with summer residents. These units are easy to operate, compact and economical, and when they are connected to a special automation system, complete stations are obtained.

Surface pumps consist of the following main components:

  1. Hose This is a kind of aquifer from the place where there is a direct intake of liquid to the pump itself and then to the points of intersection with the water supply system or to the water intake.
  2. Ejector . This is a special device designed to improve circulation and pressure in the pump by increasing the depth of suction.
  3. Body . It is most often made of composite materials, cast iron, aluminum or stainless steel. When operating the unit throughout the year, in winter, the housing requires protection from the cold.
  4. The engine . It can be internal combustion or electric. It all depends on the type of pump.

Circulation pumps

This variety of surface aggregates is distinguished by a complex device. They are usually used in autonomous heating systems with the aim of forcibly moving water in a closed circuit and maintaining a constant temperature in it.

By their design, they have a housing with a steel or ceramic rotor built into it, as well as a shaft with blades.

Today there are the following types of circulation pumps:

  • with a wet rotor;
  • with a dry rotor.

The first of them are almost silent, economical, cheap and easy to operate. Their working element is designed in such a way that it is in water, which lubricates all parts and at the same time cools the engine. But such units have a significant drawback. The fact is that when the fluid circulation stops, the engine may overheat. In addition, the efficiency of such units is at an extremely low level.

All types of circulation heat pumps with a “dry” rotor have a built-in fan. Their engine is structurally isolated from the incoming fluid. At the same time, all moving parts are lubricated with oil.

In turn, such pumps are divided into:

  • cantilever, in which the engine is located separately from the housing;
  • monoblock, where the body and engine are also separated, but are in the same block;
  • inline pumps, distinguished from the previous two by their increased tightness.

Submersible pumps

Such units are indispensable in cases when water layers lie at a depth exceeding the mark of 8 m. Submersible pumps are lowered into the well together with the pressure pipe. Further, under the pressure created by the hydraulic device, water enters the house.

All types of submersible pumps are highly efficient, in addition, they have effective and high-quality cooling. According to their internal design, submersible pumps are classified into:

  • centrifugal, in which water rotates with the impeller blades and is supplied out under high pressure;
  • vibrational, in which the liquid is absorbed due to the vibrational and electromagnetic mechanism.

main types of pumps
Such pumps consist of a housing, motor and circuit breaker. In the drainage and sewage pumps, a chopper or cutting mechanism is additionally installed, designed to prevent solids in the liquid, the size of which exceeds 5 cm.

Fire fighting extinguishing media

The pumps used to localize fires are subject to special requirements. The success of the fight against fire largely depends on their design excellence and technical parameters.

types of oil pumps

What types of fire pumps are there? It all depends on the extinguishing conditions. So, centrifugal units are installed on fire engines. They supply fire extinguishing agents without any pulsations, do not increase pressure during breaking or clogging of the fire hose, are simple and reliable in operation.

It is also important that centrifugal pumps installed on fire trucks do not need a complex drive from the engine and have a relatively low weight and dimensions. However, such units have a number of disadvantages. They are not able to independently suck in the liquid and are ready to work only after the suction line is filled with water.

What other types of fire pumps are there? These are auxiliary units. They are also installed on fire trucks. Auxiliary pumps allow you to fill the body of the centrifugal mechanism and the cavity of the suction sleeve with water. That is why their work is short-term. After starting the centrifugal pump, they turn off. As auxiliary devices, rotary-type aggregates, etc. are used.

Oil pumps

These devices are designed to reduce frictional forces arising between moving parts of the engine. All types of oil pumps are divided into two types. The first one is adjustable. Such pumps maintain a constant pressure by varying capacity. The second type of oil pumps is unregulated. They also maintain constant pressure, but only using a pressure reducing valve. Most modern engines are equipped with unregulated pumps.

Oil pumping units are also classified by their design. They are:

  • gears, with the drive and driven gears housed in the housing;
  • rotary.

In the first of these two types of devices, oil enters the housing where it is captured by gears. Then, through the discharge valve, it moves into the system.

The performance of such a pump is directly dependent on the frequency with which the crankshaft rotates. After the pressure of the oil pumped into the unit exceeds a certain limit, a pressure-reducing valve enters into operation . It passes a certain portion of oil to the suction blade or to the crankcase.

As for rotary pumps, they can be both unregulated and with adjustable control. The first type of such units has leading and driven rotors, which are placed in its housing. These parts are used to trap oil entering the system. Further, as in the gear pump, a pressure reducing valve opens to move the substance.

Rotary pumps with adjustable control provide a constant working pressure, which is independent of the speed of their crankshaft. To carry out this function, they provide an adjustment spring and a movable stator. Constant working pressure is created by changing the volume of the cavity, which is located between the leading and driven rotors.

Fuel pumps

These units are the main elements without which the operation of any internal combustion engine is impossible. Their main purpose is to deliver gasoline or diesel from the tank to the combustion chamber.

types of circulation pumps

One or two fuel pumps are a must for every car. These units perform work, the principle of which largely depends on the features of their design. What types of fuel pumps are there? The main ones are two. It:

  1. Mechanical gas pump . This device is part of a carburetor engine. In its design, it is a classic piston pump. The main details of such an assembly are a housing divided into two parts by a diaphragm, as well as two valves for supplying and receiving fuel.
  2. Electric pump . This type of unit is used in gasoline engines with separate injection. Electric pumps are installed either directly in the tank, or in any place of the fuel line. The most common submersible fuel assemblies. They are placed at the bottom of the tank. In turn, according to the type of oil injection, electric pumps are divided into centrifugal, gear and rotary.

There are many types of pumps, and all such devices have become widespread in one or another field.


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