How to use the dry closet? Some tips

If you do not want to equip a traditional cesspool in your suburban area, then a dry closet is able to replace it. This device is environmentally friendly, in the process of use it does not emit extraneous odors, its operation does not cause difficulties. But in order to eliminate problems, you need to know how to use the dry closet.

Dry closet device

how to use the dry closet

Liquid models consist of several parts. At the top is a container used to store tap water. In the same part, there may be pumping equipment that ensures the flow of fluid from the flush tank. The design includes:

  • housing;
  • cover;
  • seat;
  • flushing tank.

Sewage is collected in the lower part, and for tightness, this part is equipped with a valve. Some models have a fill indicator, which indicates the need for cleaning equipment.

Tips for using the compact dry closet

how to use the dry closet on the train

If you were wondering how to use the dry closet, you should know that this process consists of several stages. To begin with, the design must be prepared for use. Paying attention to the back, you will find the locking latch. The locking lever should be moved to the right to divide the device into separate parts. This will allow the drain tank to be disconnected from the sewage tank.

The locking lever has a spring in the design, so after removing and placing the tank, the element returns to its original position. The lower sewage collection tank must be turned and installed vertically. Pipe holes should face up. At the end of the pipeline there is a cover that should be unscrewed.

Use of disinfectant

how to use a dry closet for a summer residence

The pipeline must be filled with a disinfectant that is designed to clean dry closets. Such substances will eliminate odors that form sewage. After applying such a liquid, the tank does not need to be cleaned, since the composition will perform this function. After reading the instructions, you can understand how much disinfection should be poured into the equipment. As a rule, a quantity of liquid is poured so that the bottom of the storage tank is covered.

If you are thinking about how to use the dry closet, you should know that after pouring the disinfectant, the container must be returned to its original position. Next, a flush tank is installed, which is fixed by brackets and fixed by a latch. Now you can fill the flush tank with liquid. For this, tap water is most often used, but manufacturers recommend adding a cleaning composition to it.

Varieties of sanitary fluids for dry closets

how to use a portable dry closet

Today, dry closets for home are increasingly being used. How to use them and the liquid for such devices, you should find out before you visit the store. To date, several varieties of sanitary fluids are known, among them the following compounds:

  • formaldehyde;
  • ammonium;
  • biological.

The first are made on the basis of formalin-containing substances, they are able to decompose human waste products, but are toxic. Disposal of such waste is possible only in the central sewage system. That is why they are not suitable for a country house or cottage, but are a suitable solution for urban dry closets.

Ammonium compounds are made on the basis of nitrogen-containing substances and work effectively in an environment with limited access to oxygen. This applies to portable dry closets, in which the waste decomposes within a week. If you are thinking about how to use the liquid for dry closets, you should familiarize yourself with the main varieties of these substances. Among them, biological compounds that are a mixture of living bacteria can be distinguished. They process human vital products and do not contain chemical additives. Ultimately, a product is formed that is suitable for fertilizing a country garden.

Additional recommendations for the use of water closet

how to use the dry closet

Recently, toilets at home have become very common. How to use? Photos will help to understand. If you plan to move such a device from one zone to another, where there is a pressure drop, the shutter should be fixed in a half-open position. This recommendation is relevant if you plan to transport dry closets in the mountains. Before use, a certain amount of liquid must be drawn from the drain tank into the design bowl. To do this, the user presses the button of the hand pump, repeating the manipulation several times. On sale there are models that lack a mechanical flushing unit. In this case, the liquid can be added manually by opening the valve. As soon as you use the toilet for its intended purpose, you should open the flap or use the electric flush button. It will be rational to press it repeatedly, about 4 times, while the water will flow into the bowl for a short time.

Service of a dry closet

how to use the dry closet at home

The question of how to use the dry closet also involves familiarizing yourself with the features of design maintenance. Some options have fill indicators. As soon as he crosses the red region, you will realize that the amount of sewage has reached 3/4. But different models can give signals at a certain level of filling. At the same time, you should know how to service the sewage tank. To do this, the tank and the flush tank are disconnected from each other, while using a latch between the nodes. The tank is undocked and transported to the place where service can be performed. It is located on its side, and the drain pipe should be directed downward.

Remove the protective cover from the nozzle, and then turn the container to the side and empty it. In order to prevent liquid splashing, keep the button pressed. It must be activated after turning the tank over. As soon as the storage tank is full, it should be washed with water, and then the tank can be reused.

Features of using dry closets in a train

how to use peat dry closet

If you plan to travel, you should familiarize yourself with how to use the dry closet on the train. Such designs are modern and fully automated. To use the tank, you will need to open the lid. As soon as it becomes necessary to wash off the sewage, press the drain button, which is located to the left or right of the tank. Plain toilet paper should not be used for such devices; there is a specially designated tank for it, which is usually located opposite the toilet. If you decide to travel on VIP class trains, then, as a rule, they have special toilet paper, which is made of material that is easily soluble in water. Sewage in such designs fall into the tank, and then enter the tank. For cleaning, special fluids are used that help the device work. Before using the toilet, they are poured into a collection tank, where the water for discharge is located. Such substances can reduce the amount of sewage, so the design has a small size. If you are thinking about how to use the dry closet on a train, then you may be wondering if such structures are chemical or peat. In the first case, the waste is disposed of through liquid chemicals, while in the second, the waste is treated according to the principle of composting using sawdust and peat.

Service of portable dry closets

The question of how to use a portable dry closet provides not only compliance with the rules for the disposal of sewage, but also the availability of skills for regular maintenance of the structure. In order to extend the period of trouble-free operation, toilet maintenance should be carried out approximately once a month. For these manipulations, you should purchase a special liquid for cleaning the toilet, but you should abandon the use of aggressive chemicals. If the composition has bleach, then it can react with the plastic surface of the dry closet, causing damage to materials.

Special liquid should be sprayed on the surfaces of the dry closet, and then washed off with water. Cleaning the dry closet is also necessary in order to exclude calcium deposits. Inside the toilet should be cleaned, as well as outside. If you plan to abandon the use of the toilet for a long period, for example, in winter, then you should leave the structure in a heated room. Otherwise, the system may freeze, which will make its further operation impossible.

Before long-term storage, the flushing tank and the drain tank should be emptied. Many owners of country houses are wondering how to use the dry closet. They should adhere to certain rules, one of them provides for the need to clean the drain tank about 3 times a year with the obligatory treatment of the gasket with special grease. Such work must be done when the gasket becomes dry. Vegetable oil or petroleum jelly should not be used to lubricate the seals; this can cause leakage into the tank.

Features of the operation of the peat dry closet

Owners of private homes are thinking about how to use a peat dry closet. Such designs are completely environmentally friendly and exclude the use of chemistry. Such devices are also called composting, and when recycled they form an excellent fertilizer. Before using such a toilet, it is necessary to equip a ventilation system, so a stationary installation will be needed.

The size of the structure is slightly larger than a conventional toilet, which is why before installation it is necessary to calculate the free space. Outwardly, such toilets are not much different from chemical toilets, they have two tanks, but peat is located in the top instead of liquid. Such structures are devoid of water washout, and if waste enters the lower tank, they are covered with a layer of peat. If you are faced with the question of how to use a dry closet for a summer residence, which is based on peat, you should know that to eliminate sewage you should use a special lever. Part of the liquid waste will be removed by evaporation through a vent pipe. The rest is absorbed into peat.

If you use the toilet too often, excess water may form. In this case, it is recommended to use a hose with which you can remove the filtered fluid. When filling the lower tank, the waste is loaded into a compost pit, but it can not be used immediately as a fertilizer. In a year, in a compost pit, they will turn into organic fertilizers, which will be useful for feeding plants. The lower tank of this design has a large volume.

A toilet with a capacity of 120 liters will have to be cleaned once a month if the design is used by a family of four. If you purchased such a device, then the question will arise before you about how to use the dry closet for a summer residence. It is important to know how to properly install the ventilation system. It should consist of a corrugated pipe that extends through a wall or roof, and the pipe should be 4 m or less in length. It is necessary to withdraw this toilet element at an angle of 45 °.

Recommendations for using the dry closet at home

If you are trying to solve the problem of how to use the dry closet at home, you should know that the principle of operation of such equipment is almost no different from those installations that were described above. As an alternative, an electric dry closet can be used that is comfortable to operate. However, it is quite expensive. In the conditions of a country house, it is not always possible to establish such a design, since its work provides for the availability of a socket.

Outwardly, it is very similar to a conventional toilet, and for the operation of the compressor and fan it will require power from the mains. Additionally, it will be necessary to equip a ventilation system that goes through the roof or wall of the house. You can start the drain mechanism by pressing the flush button. After removal, the waste will be separated into liquid and solid, the compressor will dry the solid fractions, turning them into powder. For collection it will be necessary to use the lower container, but liquid sewage will go down the hose into the drainage pit.


If you are thinking about how to use a home-based dry closet on the basis of electricity, you should know that the principle of its application will not differ much from the one that underlies the traditional toilet. Electrical structures absorb a minimum amount of electricity, and also have a convenient cleaning system.


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