The design of the group in kindergarten, based on the age and needs of children

The responsibility of any educator, among other things, includes the design of the group in kindergarten. Not only the appearance of the room, but also the psychological state of the child depends on this. There are some requirements, both to the general appearance, and to some details.

What should be in the group

Despite the fact that several rooms belong to the group or one, there is a certain standard for the distribution of zones. Each group should have:

  • Play area - most of the time children spend on games and useful activities.
  • Zone for training sessions - should have not only the appropriate design, but also equipment in the form of tables and chairs.
  • A room or a separate sleeping area that does not overlap with areas intended for other activities.
    Kindergarten Activity Area

In addition to general purpose, a room or several rooms should have sufficient space, good lighting, meet all safety parameters. All furniture should consist only of clean materials that are harmless to the human body and be as functional as possible, have a strong and safe design, the design of groups in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard also provides cleanliness and sterility.


In addition to furniture and equipment for games and other activities, each group should have educational materials in the form of posters and stands. If we are talking about the younger group, where the child is still not able to write and read, then it is necessary, given this, to select the most intuitive pictures. The design of the group in the kindergarten can be carried out not only by educators, but also by parents with a certain level of skills in drawing or creating scenery. Use is only bladed materials and images that do not affect the psyche of children. You can also use finished products of the printing industry as decoration items for a group in kindergarten.

Junior class area

Personal place of the child

For each child in the group, a personal place should be predetermined not only for sleep, but also for food. Also, each pupil should have a place to store things. Cabinets for kindergarten should not only consist of safe materials, but also have the appropriate design. The imagination of the teachers is useful here, because in order for the children to remember each place, it will be necessary to create a distinction between seemingly identical objects. In many kindergartens, stickers or drawings on furniture in the form of animals, fruits, plants are used for distinction. Judging from the outside, this is quite practical, every child knows under what picture his temporary property. In order for the children not to get confused, it is advisable to stick or draw the same pictures on the kindergarten cabinets, tables and chairs attached to each individually.

Group Zone


As you know, colors play a very important role both in psychological perception and at the level of subconscious control of human behavior. Children are much more susceptible in the color scheme of the room, so the soft design of the group in the kindergarten of the younger group is very important. Among the popular colors that have a good effect on the condition of children, light colors and green shades can be noted. Bright red color can be used in the power zone, and blue in the game.

Combined area for senior group

Children's age

The design of the group in kindergarten also depends on the age of the alleged pupils, for example, children from the younger group are much more mobile and their attention quickly switches, so they should have a larger play area. Older children prefer joint classes, board games or drawing, which is why in the group of older children should be present everything that is necessary for intellectual development. For example, a stand with books may vary depending on what age it is designed for.

Design depending on the age of students

Children from the younger group will pay attention to books no more than to a simple element of decor, the middle group may be interested, but not for long, and in the older group, where many can read, albeit slowly, the popularity of books can increase significantly. In the area intended for classes, the presence of coloring books, high-quality pencils, sharpeners and paper is desirable. The use of felt-tip pens during drawing is best left for classes with the teacher.

Designing a middle group in a kindergarten is a simple task, especially when viewed from the side. Children in this age category are interested in everything, which expands their circle of interests. Unlike older friends, they still love to run, and unlike younger ones, they are more assiduous. A group intended for children of this age should have not only a spacious area for games, but also all the attributes for intellectual development.

compact play area

The requirements for the younger group are simple, the play area should contain all the children, allowing them not to knock each other off their feet when moving. A properly designed room will help organize and captivate the younger, which will give some peace of mind to teachers.

Properly organized space and design will give support to the teacher and convenience for children, and will solve many problems. For the safety of pupils, it is recommended to avoid furniture with sharp corners or purchase special covers. Wet cleaning in the premises of the kindergarten should take place every day, despite the circumstances. It is necessary to control the appearance of parasites and mice, to carry out prevention and disinfection after the outbreak of epidemics.


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