Taganrog city: sea holidays, reviews of tourists

The most popular budget holiday destinations for Russian vacationers are, of course, the Caucasus and Crimea. However, many tourists in the summer prefer to relax not on the Black, but on the Sea of ​​Azov. Housing prices and services here are even lower than in Sochi or Feodosia, the beaches are pretty clean, and the products on the markets are very inexpensive. The Sea of ​​Azov itself is quite warm and gentle. According to many tourists, it is best in the summer in this area to spend time in the city of Taganrog. Holidays at sea (reviews of tourists say this clearly) can be really enjoyable here.

Description of the city

Taganrog was founded by Peter the Great in 1698 as the first naval base in Russia. Within a few years, the new city became the largest fishing and trade center of the country. As such, in fact, it remains to this day. Most of the city’s population is engaged in fishing or working at enterprises in related fields. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the residents of Taganrog are very hospitable and friendly towards vacationers.

taganrog sea holidays reviews

As for the environmental situation, it is in this city, according to many vacationers, unfortunately, not as favorable as on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus or in Crimea. On the territory of Taganrog there are several large industrial enterprises polluting the air. In addition, as many vacationers on the forums say, there is a huge landfill in the city, the garbage on which is often set on fire, as a result of which the smell spreads everywhere.

Climatic conditions

Taganrog is located within the southern steppe strip of the European part of Russia. This means that the climate is temperate continental. In winter, this city is not too cozy, but in summer there is very strong heating of the air with its transformation (due to the proximity of the sea) to tropical. This is the main reason that just excellent deserved rest on the sea in Taganrog reviews of vacationers. The weather in the warm season is hotter than on the Black Sea coast and, according to most tourists, is not so damp. In any case, the climate in this city is such that it can be safely considered a resort and not bad for a vacation. This is especially true for residents of the steppe zone, accustomed to the summer heat.

The average air temperature in Taganrog in summer is +27 0 in the afternoon and +24 0 in the evening, the maximum is +38 0 . It rains here at about the same frequency as in central Russia.

taganrog sea holidays reviews photos


Russian tourists choose Taganrog as the venue for summer vacations in most cases with a limited budget. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, renting affordable apartments in a mini-hotel will not work for less than 1000 rubles. In Taganrog, room prices start at 200 r. per day (for 2016).

Judging by the reviews of tourists, finding a suitable accommodation in this city is also very easy for a vacationer. It is best to book a room in Taganrog for your holidays via the Internet. But if the tourist did not bother to rent a room or apartment in advance, it doesn’t matter. As on the Black Sea coast, the necessary information can always be obtained from one of the taxi drivers right at the exit of the station. The residents of Taganrog, who earn money from transporting holidaymakers, usually work with the owners of rented real estate and are always willing to tell where it can be rented.

Sea in Taganrog

Of course, not only low housing prices and groceries make holidays in the city of Taganrog a sea vacation. Reviews of tourists about this resort are also excellent because of the very warm water on the local beaches. Its average temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov in summer is 24-26 0 . This is due primarily to its shallow depth. But, unfortunately, at a temperature high enough for comfortable swimming, the water in this sea is usually quite muddy. This is explained by the fact that during storms, also because of the shallow depth, just a huge amount of sand rises from its bottom.

In the second half of summer, the Sea of ​​Azov begins to bloom. Water at the same time acquires a greenish tint, and somewhat later its surface is covered with a huge amount of algae. Therefore, lovers of beach vacations should come to Taganrog from the end of May to mid-July.

taganrog sea holidays reviews boarding house star

Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov in Taganrog: reviews of city beaches

The embankments of this city, thanks to the efforts of the administration, are always clean. The same can be said about the beaches of Taganrog. In addition, various kinds of entertainment events are constantly held on the seashore. On a citywide beach, for example, tourists have the opportunity to visit one of the dance festivals organized by the Greenwich Park complex . Among other things, vacationers in Taganrog will enjoy activities such as renting yachts, bananas and jet skis, visiting water parks, etc.

There are a lot of beaches in Taganrog, both equipped and wild. They are not too similar to the Black Sea. The fact is that the beaches in Taganrog are mostly sandy. Their characteristic feature is that at low tide in order to get to the depths, vacationers have to walk quite a long time up to the waist in the water. There are no pebble beaches in the city, but there are rocky, and even grassy, ​​uncharacteristic for the seas.

A huge population of waterfowl - this is what can slightly overshadow for tourists in the city of Taganrog rest on the sea. Reviews about this resort are good, but many vacationers note that there are always a huge number of feathers lying on the beaches. But still, most vacationers consider the presence of such "garbage" on the coastline a fact insignificant and "not fatal." The width of the beaches in Taganrog can reach up to 10 meters.

rest on the Sea of ​​Azov in Taganrog reviews

Pension "Star"

The ability, among other things, to improve your own health is also what I received good reviews on the sea in Taganrog. Pension "Star" - one of the best on the Sea of ​​Azov, for example, annually takes hundreds of vacationers, providing them with all the conditions for a good pastime. This complex is located not in Taganrog itself, but in a more favorable place with respect to the environmental situation - 50 km to the south, in the village of Rozhok.

According to many tourists, in terms of service, this medical institution is not much inferior to its foreign counterparts. The rooms for vacationers are provided here, of course, not luxurious, but very comfortable. The dining rooms in the rooms are separated from the bedrooms by an arch. All rooms are equipped with necessary appliances and furniture of modern design.

The hotel itself is also very comfortable for relaxing. The role of the terraces in the building is played by balconies with magnificent views. There is no buffet in the boarding house, but the food here, according to most vacationers, is very tasty and varied. The beach at this center, like most others on the Sea of ​​Azov, has its own, well-equipped. For a low price, tourists are offered air mattresses, circles and other beach paraphernalia.

recreation centers taganrog at sea reviews

From the entertainment of vacationers in a boarding house, a nightly disco, concerts of famous artists, Neptune Day, etc. are waiting. Interest groups are organized for children.

Recreation centers and sanatoriums

In addition to the Zvezda boarding house, tourists, of course, have the opportunity to visit other rather comfortable recreation centers of Taganrog on the sea. Reviews of vacationers about many of them are very good. The most popular bases in this part of the Sea of ​​Azov are:

  • "Teremok" (rooms from 300 rubles per day);

  • "Oasis" (from 300 r);

  • "Rainbow" (from 200 r);

  • "Chamomile" (from 800 r).

A vacation in a sanatorium on the sea in Taganrog can also be very pleasant. Responses of vacationers allow us to consider quite comfortable and modern such, for example, medical centers of this city, such as Ivanushka and TRTU. Domestic tourists have a very good opinion of the Topol sanatorium specializing mainly in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, hypertension and obesity.

sea ​​tour in taganrog

Taganrog (sea tour): reviews of tourists

Actually, most tourists consider this city to be very comfortable and welcoming. Getting lost in Taganrog, for example, is simply impossible. Forged pointers with information about the location of streets and squares are installed everywhere in the city. For walks in Taganrog there are a lot of parks and squares. Of course, you can see various sights in this ancient city (for example, Chekhov Gymnasium, Alferaki Palace, the Round House, etc.).

Taganrog causes some complaints among tourists mainly due to the lack of nightly entertainment. Therefore, all the same, the best received rest with children in Taganrog at sea reviews. Most of all, according to many tourists, this resort is suitable for family vacations, as well as for older people. Young people, according to vacationers, in the evenings there is simply nothing to do.

holidays with children in taganrog at sea reviews

Instead of a conclusion

Well, hopefully, we have figured out in sufficient detail what constitutes a sea ​​vacation in the city of Taganrog. The reviews, photos presented above on the page, allow us to judge this resort as one of noteworthy. Of course, the climate here is not as favorable as in the Caucasus or Crimea, and the ecological situation leaves much to be desired. However, people who are financially limited can spend time at this resort, of course, much more pleasantly than at the same summer cottage, engaged in growing potatoes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23876/

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