How many years have lived Alabai, description of the breed, features of the content

Alabaev is considered one of the most ancient breeds. A large animal is somewhat reminiscent of a bear and has a frightening appearance. Many people are attracted by the beauty and strength of such pets. Before getting such a dog, people are interested in how many years the Alabai live and what conditions they need. If you are a fan of the breed, our article will interest you.

A bit of history ...

Researchers claim that the breed is more than five thousand years old. It is believed that the Alabai appeared as a result of mixing Tibetan mastiffs and shepherd dogs of Central Asian nomads, as well as Mongolian shepherds. Nobody was specially engaged in breed selection. Alabai formed due to natural selection. If selection was present, it was of a purely national character. For many centuries, exclusively the best representatives of the breed were selected. For people, animals with dense hair, strong and thick skin were of interest. Dogs had to tolerate cold, predator bites, be hardy and strong.

How old Alabai live

How many years have the Alabai lived next to a person, for so many years have they served him faithfully. Since ancient times, dogs have been used to protect homes and caravans. Of course, in such conditions, the animal had to have strength and endurance. Weak representatives had no chance of survival. The breed was officially classified only in 1993. And in 2010, a new standard was approved. I must say that in the world of Alabai are not very common. The fact is that in Turkmenistan, purebred representatives are considered national pride and heritage. Therefore, they are not allowed to be exported.

Specialists cannot say for sure in which country the breed originated. It is believed that its range was originally between the Caspian Sea. Afghanistan, the Urals and China. It is simply impossible to define a region more precisely. An interesting fact is that in 1930 in the Soviet Union they tried to use representatives of this breed to protect objects. But the venture was unsuccessful. It turned out that the Central Asians are not amenable to mass training.

Breed description

Alabai have a large complexion. But at the same time, the dogs do not look massive. Their body is very proportional, and their movements are incredibly graceful. Dogs have developed muscles and an impressive chest. The code in animals is very dense, but elastic.

Alabai are quite high. At the withers, males reach 75 cm, females - 65 cm. Sometimes the growth of dogs can be even larger, this is welcome if all proportions are consistent. The weight of the animal reaches 75-80 kg.

How many years have Alabai lived at home

The muzzle of the dogs is elongated and massive, and the head has a rectangular shape. The limbs in animals are strong with well-developed muscles. Alabaevโ€™s coat is thick with dense undercoat. According to standards, its length can reach 10 cm. Most often, the tail and ears of puppies stop on the first day. Such a tradition has long been waged to protect dogs from predators that mark in the most vulnerable places.

There are several color options: fawn, black, red and brindle. The nose in animals is always black.


It is worth noting that the representatives of the breed have their own characteristics. How many years have the Alabai lived with man, for so many years they have faithfully served. However, it is worthwhile to understand that a formidable dog is not a cute little fluffy with which you can play cute. Since ancient times, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs have been used as irreplaceable helpers that protect housing, pastures, and cargo. In addition, dogs can be good companions for the family.

The nature of animals has been forming for millennia, therefore, at the genetic level, Alabai are very aggressive towards their brethren. But this does not mean that they cannot get along in the same house with other dogs. With proper education, they peacefully coexist with other breeds.

How old are Alabai dogs

Alabai have long been considered good defenders, but at the same time they do not attack strangers. Usually they try to scare off the enemy with a loud growl. The terrible sight of an animal can scare anyone.

How many years have the Alabai lived? It depends on many aspects. The breed is not officially recognized as fighting. But at the same time, many consider it to be just that. In Turkmenistan, for example, dog fights take place every year, in which animals must show courage and be able to stand up for themselves. Alabai are calm. They are self-confident and not overly aggressive.

Life span

One of the most important questions that people are interested in when choosing a pet: how many years do Alabai live at home? Every breeder wants a reliable friend for years to come. If you decide to opt for a representative of such a breed, note that the animal is very large. The average weight of a dog reaches 50 kg. Not every house can accommodate such a dog. He will need a lot of space.

How many years Alabai dogs live have a lot to do with the conditions of detention. On average, according to experts, life expectancy is 12-15 years. Experienced breeders who are breeding dogs say that with proper maintenance and care the animal can live a very interesting and eventful life.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how many years Alabai dogs live, largely depends on the owners themselves. Novice dog breeders often make the same mistake. They compare the Alabaev with the East European and German Shepherd. But this is not entirely true. Many factors influence how many Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd dogs live. An important point is genetics. Each breed has its own characteristics. For example, in the history of the breed, a case was recorded when the Central Asian Shepherd Dog lived 17 years.

How many years Alabai live on the street or at home depends on a number of factors. Let's talk in more detail about them.

Nuances that affect the life span of a pet

How many years have the Alabai lived? The breed of dogs can be safely ranked as centenarians. But at the same time, the pet must provide good conditions.

How many years have the Alabai lived on the chain

For representatives of the breed, the regime is important. Dogs that move a lot and play actively live much longer. If you want your animal to live long, be sure to pay attention to it. You must regularly train and train the dog. Daily exercise should become a familiar thing. Sometimes people wonder how many years the Alabai live on the chain. Representatives of the breed are generally not recommended to be kept on a leash. Large animals need daily long walks. This must be remembered. If you do not have enough time to train with a dog, it is better to abandon the idea of โ€‹โ€‹having yourself an Alabai. The larger the pet, the more time it will require from you.

Does nutrition play a role in life span?

Diet is very important for any animal. High-quality and proper nutrition is the basis of good care. Health and life expectancy of your pet depend on nutrition in many respects. Food should be balanced. Products should be selected taking into account the characteristics and composition of the breed. It is very important to monitor the weight of the animal. Dogs often begin to grow fat with age. And this leads to problems with paws that are not able to withstand such a weight. Those animals that move little and are kept at chain are at risk of completeness.

Other causes affecting longevity

For animals, the atmosphere in the house is very important. They feel the mood of people. Stressful situations negatively affect health.

Unfortunately, a feature of the breed is an increased risk of injury. It is necessary to carefully monitor the pet. It is worth minimizing the likelihood of injuries that do not have the best effect on health.

The owners should monitor the hygiene of the room. Cleanliness of the habitat is very important for dogs. Their health and life expectancy depends on this. Alabai personal hygiene is equally important. The animal must be well-groomed and clean. Unlike small breeds, alabai are undemanding. Care includes brushing your ears and teeth, as well as combing your hair.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the health of the pet and regularly visit the veterinarian.

Characteristics of the breed and features of the content

Alabai are unpretentious in maintenance. Their coat is very resistant to dirt. Even after resting on earth, the dogs look clean. Animals should not be bathed often. Two water procedures per year are enough for them. During moulting, the hair must be combed regularly. Periodic ear cleaning and nail clipping are also required. According to breeders, the breed is distinguished by excellent health. Usually a visit to the veterinarian is required for vaccinations. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to the well-being of the pet. If you notice something unusual, it is best to contact your veterinarian.

Alabai breed characteristics content features

We have already mentioned that representatives of the breed need regular loads. Long walks are a prerequisite for keeping dogs. It is advisable for this to choose different routes each time. Walking the animal in public places is necessary on a leash and in a muzzle.


Soups and solid foods should be present in the diet of the breed. In winter, bran should be added to the menu, and in summer vegetables and greens. The basis of the diet should be meat. You can use offal or stiff beef. It is important for dogs to maintain dental health, and for this it is necessary to eat hard food. It is very important not to overfeed the pet, as this can lead to digestive problems. Ideally, in a healthy dog, the ribs should not protrude, but they can be easily felt. Alabai - ideal dogs for keeping in private homes. In apartments, such dogs are cramped.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Representatives of the breed have a lot of advantages. Breeders especially appreciate their balanced character, endurance and courage. Dogs bravely fight with predators, which may exceed them in size. It is for this reason that the Alabaevs are considered excellent guards and watchmen.

How long does alabai grow

Among the shortcomings, one can single out an independent and wayward character. Dogs are very difficult to teach, because they always try to show their temper. But at the same time, the Alabai are incredibly loyal to their masters.

Puppy selection

It is very important to choose a good puppy. This is a guarantee that you will get a healthy dog โ€‹โ€‹in the future. If you dream of a good guard, then not only the male, but also the female will cope with the task. Their only difference is that after the birth of the puppies, your dog will not be able to serve you for a couple of months, as before. But this is a temporary phenomenon. Males are much larger, they need more food. It is recommended to acquire a puppy at the age of two months, since at the age of three months it is already necessary to begin active training. Dog handlers recommend giving preference to those puppies that were born in January or December, then in April you can start training. There is also an opinion that preference should be given to babies, of whom there were no more than five in the litter.

How old are Alabai dogs

The puppy should be clean and playful. Be sure to check your eyes and bite.

How long does alabai grow? It is believed that dogs are formed up to 2.5-3 years. In bitches, the process ends after the appearance of the first puppies. In males, growth is completed a little later and is usually associated with the first mating. Up to a year, dogs grow vigorously in height. And up to three or four years, the formation of their figure occurs.

Where is the best place to keep a dog?

The best place for the dog to live is a spacious enclosure. It should be equipped with a place for walking and a warm winter booth. In apartments, a dog can also be kept, but only in spacious ones. Limited space negatively affects the health of dogs. They become sluggish and lazy. And this, in turn, leads to obesity and health problems. If the animal is kept on the street, then it should have a warm shelter.


How many years have the Alabai lived? Breeders are unanimous that the representatives of the breed are excellent guards and companions. Dogs are loyal. According to people, Alabai are centenarians. On average, with good care, pets live 14-16 years. The breed has many advantages. However, the Alabai tend to have their own opinions and make decisions independently. But you simply cannot find the best guard and watchman.


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