Space Technology: Overview and Applications

Designers almost daily realize their seemingly fantastic ideas. Space technology is developing rapidly. Some of them take root on Earth. If earlier a rocket or a spaceship was just fantastic, then what will surprise designers in the future? New robots or the creation of a lunar city, the use of space weapons or a spaceship crossing the galaxy?

General information

Space technology has firmly established itself in many sectors of the national economy during the years of scientific and technological progress (NTP). The higher the achievements in research and exploitation of this sphere, the more developed the country seems.

Although the industry is still young enough, its formation and improvement is happening rapidly. Therefore, to explore outer space, states need to unite and make every effort.

space technology on earth

The development of infinite space has allowed the use of space technology on Earth. For example, television and broadcasting satellites are used for educational purposes. Earthlings have the opportunity to get a huge baggage of knowledge by simply turning on the TV or radio. Therefore, space and education are two interconnected processes: it is impossible to conquer dimensionless space without the necessary knowledge, but it has incredibly effective means for improving and developing science.

Space weapon

Many developed states have long been working to create weapons that can hit ground targets from orbit. The budget of each country provides for the allocation of funds for space technology: their creation, research and operation.

space weapon

American media say that a satellite that launches from the ground can become such a weapon. It is based on the rocket needed to deliver such a strike. US designers are already working on the drawings of the object. After fulfilling the goal, the spacecraft returns to base from near-Earth orbit. Such weapons, according to the designers, are recharged. After preventive measures, it is again sent to space to perform the next task.

orbital plane

Orbital Aircraft Development

Scientists of many states abandoned the idea of ​​its creation, choosing more promising, in their opinion, options. There are projects that provide for the development of a reusable spacecraft launched into orbit by a launch vehicle. The orbital aircraft will return without the use of wings, although the appearance of the transport will remain more traditional.

The most promising project is the project from SpaceX called Dragon. The idea is to create a spaceship capable of repeatedly ascending into orbit and returning to Earth. It turns out that Dragon first docked with the ISS in 2012. The second launch after the repair took place in 2017. According to statistics, Dragon devices have already visited space 15 times.

Lunar city: fiction or reality?

Back in the Soviet Union, studies of the Earth's satellite were underway. 42 years later, the authorities developed a federal space program, thanks to which it is planned to create and launch 5 spacecraft for the deep exploration of the moon. Experiments and observations will be conducted from the surface of the satellite and its orbit. It is planned to deliver to the Earth soil samples and records of scientists.

The plans of Russian scientists include the creation of a lunar base. There is no atmosphere on the Earth’s satellite, the surface is exposed to meteor attacks, solar flares are radioactive and will lead to the death of astronauts. Therefore, it was decided to equip the lunar city under the ground.

It turns out that Germany planned to create a similar base back in the late 30s of the 20th century to monitor the launch of ballistic missiles. In 1937, on the site of the modern Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the foundation of the military town "Kiev-17". It was assumed that its infrastructure will be a launch site with launching tables. However, the war changed the plans of many states.

moon city

Already in 1969 there was a development of the lunar base. The module had to be fixed by means of various devices, for example, a self-expanding frame fixed with a mounting foam.

Modern scientists have taken as a basis the project of the 70s of the XX century. The lunar settlement included the following elements:

  • network of stationary scientific stations;
  • artificial satellites;
  • mobile stations;
  • vehicles combined in a road train;
  • cosmodrome;
  • units for producing oxygen and water from the lunar soil.

The day is not far off when the plans of some states for arranging a settlement on the Earth’s satellite will be implemented.

Varieties of robots

In general, space robots are divided into 4 categories:

  • Satellites. Designed to collect information in one hemisphere and transfer it to another.
  • Rovers. They are able to land on the surface of a celestial body and explore it. Cases of such a "journey" are recorded on the Moon, Mars and Venus.
  • Probes, measuring instruments. Devices are needed to study the solar system without the need to land on the surface. They have cameras and tools for measuring conditions on celestial bodies.
  • Devices to provide assistance to astronauts during space flights.
space robots

Technology Prospects

Cosmonautics is developing by leaps and bounds. According to one American project, Mars will be mastered by volunteer astronauts who agree not to return home. It is assumed that they will develop the settlement and begin the colonization of the red planet. The governments of the countries will provide volunteers with everything necessary: ​​a nuclear reactor and units created using innovative technologies. Every 2 years, when the Earth will be at a minimum distance from Mars, new volunteers will be sent to the colonialists with a supply of everything necessary.

This project is invaluable in nature. If a person can step on the surface of the red planet and settle down there, this will advance earth civilization to a new level. Mankind will have a hope for salvation if cataclysms befall the planet. In the modern world this seems fantastic, but in the future space technologies will be so developed that plans for the exploration of Mars and the entire solar system may well become a reality.


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