How to make a monkey with your own hands: the choice of materials, schemes, instructions

Monkeys are very cute and funny animals. They are able to always cheer up and contribute to unbridled fun. It is a symbol of happiness and good mood. You can make a monkey with your own hands in different techniques. The choice depends on your preferences and what is at hand. Such a gift will always please.

Salty dough

Children are very fond of modeling clay. However, you can have some fun and amusement in adulthood. Wonderful crafts come out of salt dough. They are perfectly stored and do not spoil for a long time. Their shelf life is much more than a plasticine figure that will flow, it is worth accidentally leaving it in the sun or near a battery.

The ingredients for plastic dough are in the house of every hostess:

  • salt;
  • flour;
  • water.

For 100 grams of flour we take the same amount of salt and 50-60 ml of water. It should be a plastic mass. Salt must be selected very fine. If only large is at hand, you can grind it in a coffee grinder. To improve the plastic properties, some prefer to add a little vegetable oil or glycerin. Such a dough will stick less to your hands and will additionally provide skin care.

make a monkey do it yourself

How are dough monkeys performed? You can divide the mass into several parts and mix with the dye. Most often, the finished product is painted.

Remember childhood

Modeling is a very enjoyable activity that children love very much. Some tips for modeling a dough monkey:

  • So that the mass does not get windy in the process, it needs to be covered with cling film and take exactly as much as needed to create a specific element.
  • The figure will be baked, so you can sculpt it immediately on foil or special paper.
  • To make thin elements, you can use the usual rolling pin.
  • Large parts are easy to fashion. To create an eye or fingers, use a small penknife, and to draw softer lines, use the back of a thin brush. Ideally, work is done using a special stack.
  • For example, take any picture of the animal you like, print it out and lay it in front of you.
  • Place the remaining dough in the refrigerator until next time. There it can be stored for several days.

The finished product is baked in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 100 ° C. Then it remains only to paint the product and cover it with varnish.

Wool souvenir

You can make a monkey with your own hands from wool using the technique of dry felting. This is done using special needles, which can now be bought at any needlework store. To work, prepare:

  • Wool for felting - 2 shades of brown, as well as a little white and blue for the eyes.
  • Special needles - take several sizes for large parts and for small parts.

little monkey

  • Foam sponge is needed as a stand, so as not to end the table.
  • Wire for the frame - try to find copper, it is very flexible and can withstand several twists.
  • Dry pastel to tint the finished work to highlight the cheeks and nose.
  • Transparent superglue.

Felting technique

So, our task is a funny monkey. MK (master class) for manufacturing recommends starting work from the head. This is the main detail of the future product. We take a ball of brown wool, preferably of a light tone. When working, the size of the workpiece will be reduced by 2 times, so do not forget to take this into account. With our hands we form an even ball, rolling it like a snowball.

We proceed directly to felting. To do this, just pierce the ball with a needle, putting it on a sponge. If a dense layer is obtained on the outside, and an emptiness is felt inside, then you need to take a thinner needle and continue working.

With the help of a crowned needle, you can bring out small details on the face. If you want to insert ready-made plastic eyes, make recesses with an awl and glue the parts on the glue. In order to lay eyes, we put on the head blank first white, and then blue wool. Always do small work with the thinnest needle.

The body is made on the same principle. Handles and legs are made on a wire frame. To do this, twist the metal base. We roll a flagellum from light wool, fix the tip with glue on the wire and gradually wrap all the elements.

Soft felt

The naughty little felt monkey looks beautiful and very cute. This is a very malleable material, so working with it is easy. There are different types of felt: natural wool, synthetic and mixed. Each has its own characteristics and characteristics. Natural softer, but deteriorates faster, and it needs special care. Synthetic fibers are often rejected by lovers of all natural.

monkey mk

You can choose any image of the monkey you like. Circle all the details and pick the colors. Patterns are easy to transfer to the canvas using a marker or a conventional pen. The animal can be made voluminous or flat. For the latter option, it’s enough to just stitch all the details together. Some people prefer to use a glue gun or transparent superglue.

In order for the figure to become voluminous, use the same patterns. The finished toy needs to be filled with any filler. Such a monkey can be part of a wall panel or used as an independent toy.

Fabric Selection

To make a monkey with your own hands, the first thing you need to choose a fabric. The right material will serve for a long time, and a finished doll can forever remain a true friend of your child. Previously, toys were sewn from old things, but now stores offer a huge assortment of special fabrics.

  • Plush is traditionally used for sewing toys. This fleecy fabric creates a special feeling of comfort, familiar to everyone since childhood.
  • Cotton is a durable universal material, but it must be taken into account that after washing it sits down.
  • Flax is characterized by high wear resistance and good elasticity.
  • Fleece consists of synthetic fibers, is protected from all troubles with natural tissues, does not cause allergic reactions.

Now in the assortment there are fabrics of various colors. But not all options are suitable for making toys. The only rule is to avoid large ornaments and prints. A soft monkey in a dress with large flowers will look inharmonious.

Sweet couple

Sewing a monkey on a pattern is simple. For work, you need 2 shades of brown to create the animals themselves. For clothes, the fabric can be matched to your taste.

First of all, the whole pattern needs to be transferred to thick cardboard - it will be easier to cut the material. We cut everything and circle on the fabric of the desired color. Needlewoman now often use a self-disappearing marker. You can use a bar of soap or chalk in the old fashioned way.

sew a monkey

First, large parts are sewn together, then small ones. It is important not to forget to leave a hole for stuffing. Hands and feet must be sharpened and holes must be closed on the front side. At first, this may not work out, but with experience you will get a great hidden stitch.

In the finale of work, clothes are sewn. Immediately check whether it will be possible to remove it. If not, then the final seams will have to be done directly on the doll. So the charming soft monkey is ready.

Bind Gift

Before the soft monkey is knitted, you need to choose the right yarn. Decide how you are going to knit. How will your monkey be created - with knitting needles or crochet? For this or that method, you need to select the appropriate threads.

Let's figure out the staining process. Synthetic compounds are cheaper, and natural ones are safer. Eco-style is now in fashion, and there is a large selection of natural threads dyed with natural dyes on sale.

Fiber selection also matters. Yarn can be of various types, from cotton and wool to bamboo. Allergy sufferers are better off using synthetic threads.

When buying a ball of yarn, be sure to keep the label. So you can easily find the right color if there is not enough material to work. In addition, there are always written recommendations for caring for the finished product.

Knit on the needles

To get a little monkey, you need to dial only 20 loops for the body. The legs are made of the same fabric so that there are no unnecessary joints and seams. You can knit with five knitting needles in a circle. Beginner needlewomen will be a little difficult to work with such a small number of loops. A good option is knitting on 2 knitting needles with a single fabric. In this case, you will have to perform only one seam at the back.

knitting monkey

A volumetric muzzle will turn out when hauling in the area of ​​the eye. This is done with a needle. It is preferable to use plastic needles for stitching knitwear. They are very flexible and do not damage fiber fibers.

Funny monkey knitting is obtained from shaggy yarn. The effect of real wool is created. But for knitting the muzzle and paws, it is better to take the usual thread. This will help enhance the effect.


Small figures of amigurumi rightfully won the love of all needlewomen and not only. The monkey circuit in this technique is very simple. For work, you will need 2 skeins of yarn: brown and pale yellow, as well as a hook of a suitable number. The face, paws and ear trim will be yellow.

The work is carried out in stages. It is necessary to separately perform the ball head, while part of a little less than half is created using the yellow thread - this is the future face. The pear-shaped body and arms with legs knit in a circle. You can also assemble all the parts together using a crochet or a needle for stitching manually knitted products.

monkey circuit

At the end of the work, glue the eyes. Their size is small, so it is better to take small beads. We distinguish the fingers and toes. From the remnants of threads fluffy hair is easily made. Choose who you have - a cute girl with a ponytail or a gentleman in a hat.

What to do with socks

Sewing a monkey from an old sock now does not occur to anyone. For work, you need a whole pair of such products. In the store we choose the most beautiful socks, they will make an excellent monkey. MK describes manufacturing in detail.

Before work, carefully iron the socks - one along, the other across. The first will be the torso. The toe area is the future head, the heel is the ass. Everything below the heel is cut into 2 halves and stitched separately. The result is legs. From the second sock we cut the tail along the entire length. We divide the rest to the heel so that we get handles. The heel itself will be the protruding part of the muzzle. Still need 4 semicircles on the ears.

We sew all the details with a sewing machine. If it is not, you can manually. Gently stuff the product. In order for the filler to disperse evenly, it is enough to roll it in your hands, like a sausage from dough. Next, we sew all the details together. The description of the monkey is over.

monkey description

Any gift of own production brings more impressions and gives your warmth. Making a monkey with your own hands is simple - just select the method and design you like. Everyone can make a toy in their favorite technique and their own style. You can choose what is familiar for a long time, or try yourself in a new direction of creativity. Funny, mischievous monkeys will not leave anyone indifferent. They are loved by adults, and their children are crazy. Making a souvenir will give a lot of emotions to the needlewoman herself.


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