How to make a bush rose from beads: a master class

Flowers have long inspired most needlewomen. Needless to say, bead floristry is a special kind of hand-made that deserves special attention. Roses occupy an honorable place in the list of inspirers.

Bright, delicate, delicate, bushy - in any form and color allows the beads to create eternal, beautiful flowers. With it you can realize the idea of ​​any bouquet.

In this article, you can get acquainted with a master class of spray roses from beads. A beautiful, lush composition will be a wonderful decoration for the home, you can complement it with other crafts created by your own hands. A bush rose made of beads can be a nice handmade gift.

Needlewoman inspiration

Material needed

Even a beginner to master beadwork will cope with this master class, but it will take more than an hour to create this bewitching composition. Be prepared to sacrifice your free time to get a really beautiful, lush rose bush as a result. To weave a bush rose from beads you will need:

  • red beads;
  • green beads;
  • green satin ribbon;
  • 0.4 mm wire;
  • thick wire for stems;
  • scissors;
  • lighter or candle;
  • gypsum;
  • flower pot;
  • drainage.

To decorate the composition, you can use not only drainage. Gypsum can be painted, it can accommodate the whole animal world, settling inhabitants under the bush from beads. A satin ribbon will be needed to decorate the wire, it can be replaced with several skeins of green floss threads.

Prepare also the glue gun, it will come in handy during the assembly process.

Red beads

rose flower

How to weave a bush rose from beads? Let's start with the most difficult - with weaving roses, namely with petals. Cut a piece of wire and collect 13 red beads on it. Fold the two ends of the segment together, place the beads exactly in the center of the weave, put one bead on two ends and tighten. Make sure that the resulting loop is located in the center of the segment. On one of the free ends of the wire, dial 14 beads, then return through the first dialed bead. So you get the second loop. Make such on the segment exactly 5 pieces.

Next, on the long end of the wire, dial 10 beads, pass through the central bead of the adjacent loop, tighten. Next, dial 5-6, tightening them into the same loop, passing the end of the wire through the central neighboring one. Then dial 10 beads again to form a loop. Twist the two ends of the wire, completing one leaf.

Roll the resulting rings from beads into a tube, wrapping around the same second and third petal.

Twist the ends of the wire together. Thus, you get one flower for a bush rose from beads.

You will need 15 such buds for a small composition. To make the bush even more magnificent, you can add even more flowers, if you have the time and patience.

Beaded roses


Each flower should have a sepal to make the composition look as realistic and complete as possible. Cut a piece of wire, put one bead on it. Fold the wire in half and put on two beads at the two ends. Extend the ends of the wire to the sides, tightly tightening the two beads closer to the first. Put 7 beads on each end. Reconnect the ends together by threading on the same bead. Tighten, so you get a pointed loop of green beads. To weave the next loop on one end, dial 13 beads, passing the end in the opposite direction through 10, 11, 12. Add 7 beads to the end and pass through the two dialed. Tighten to get a loop.

To make a sepal, weave from 3 to 5 such pointed loops. Wrap the rose with weaving, twist the ends together, and then with a stem of wire. Spread the green loops.

Sepals for roses


The unopened buds will add realism to the bush rose from beads. They also need to be woven for composition. They are woven very simply, and only 6-7 unopened are enough for 15 flowers. They will add composition and splendor, and naturalness.

Cut a piece of wire. Stepping back from the edge of 6-7 cm, fold it in half and twist it by about 1 cm. A small loop will be obtained, the remaining segment will become the axis for weaving. Type 5 beads on one side, 7-8 on the other. Bend the axis over a long length by wrapping the wire several times around the axis. Pick up more beads, add several beads for each turn so that they tightly wrap the axis and the previous rows. Do this 4 circles, fasten the wire with a loop, twisting them together.

This method of weaving is called "French" or weaving around the axis. Very simple, fast and cute - what you need to weave a bush rose from beads.

Make several such petals of different sizes, varying the number of circles around the axis and the beads on it.

Do not forget about the sepals for buds. To make them seem small, make the sepal loops longer by adding 3-5 beads after the first bead. For larger buds, select larger sepals. And vice versa, for the little ones they are small.

What a beauty!

Foliage weaving

Bush needs green foliage. Weave it in several ways. A nice and quick way is weaving along the axis, just like weaving and buds. In total, for the bush you will need 45 leaves with 5 beads on the axis and 90 with 7. Each leaf should consist of 3 full circles.

Weave all the leaves, tighten the wire and go to the assembly step. Our master class on bush rose from beads for beginners went to the finish line.

Yellow roses

Bush assembly

When all the elements for the composition are ready, you can do the assembly of bushes. Let's start with the leaves. Take one green leaf, the one with 5 beads on the axis. Put a little glue at the beginning of weaving and attach the edge of the satin ribbon. Wrap the wire with a tape about 1-2 centimeters, then attach the next leaf (with 7 beads) to the weave, backing off about a centimeter from the beginning of weaving. A little lower, another 0.5-1 cm, attach another one of the same size. Twist the tails from the wire together, wrapping them one after another, and then decorate with a ribbon, twisting it with a twig to the very end. Cut off the excess tape, and fix its edge on the wire with a drop of glue.

Do the same with unopened buds of bush roses from beads.

For one branch for a bush, take one bud, three leaves and one rose. Take a rose for weaving twigs as a basis. Start twisting the stem into a satin ribbon, gradually attaching the bud and foliage to it at different levels.

Collect all the elements of the craft, you should get 15 pieces of spray roses from beads.

The master class is ending. All that remains is to collect the branches in a heap and "plant" them in a pot. Collect all 15 branches together by arranging the branches in the shape of a round bush. Twist the ends of the branches together, secure with several turns of wire or clamps. Spread the branches, make sure that the position of the flowers, buds and foliage suits you, and do the placement and decor.

Great composition

"Planting" roses

It remains only to "plant" a bush rose in a pot. Take an unnecessary container in which you can mix gypsum, dilute it with water according to the instructions on the package.

Various debris can be put in the flower pot to spend less gypsum. Pour the solution into the pot and carefully place the bush in it. Fix the weaving with improvised means so that it does not drown in a cast, does not go sideways. At the bottom of the pot, you can also put a few stones. They not only make the product heavier, but also give them durability. Between them, you can fix the "roots" of roses.

When the gypsum has hardened, it will be possible to decorate it at will. You can cover it with paint or fill it with drainage.

Photo of bush roses from beads

The beadwork is ready. Here you can get such a composition if you follow this master class. Spray rose from beads will fit into any interior, will be a wonderful decoration and addition, in addition, a nice gift. Choose a good place in the room for a pot with a bush and enjoy the ever-flowering flower.

Rose bush

The article gave a step-by-step master class. Shrub rose from beads is a great idea to decorate the interior.


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