Who should use baby food for free: sample application, how to draw up and receive it

It is important for all young parents to know who should put baby food for free in order to understand whether they can count on this measure of social support from the state. It is available to families with newborn children and those who belong to preferential categories. In this case, in dairy kitchens, parents can receive feed mixtures for free. In addition, they give out other products for the nutrition of children who are on mixed or fully artificial feeding and for feeding infants. Also for special categories discounts are available for breakfasts and lunches in school canteens or completely free meals. In this article we will tell you how to apply for this benefit, who can count on it.

Features of obtaining

Getting Free Baby Food

The law, which prescribes who should be given baby food for free, has some nuances. They consist in the fact that for each region an individual list of the required products is established. As well as the volumes in which food is issued. In addition, there are different categories of citizens who can receive social assistance at this rate as a benefit. First, let’s talk about those who are entitled to free baby food, regardless of which region you live in.

In addition to the individual determination at the regional level, who falls under this benefit, various adjustments are regularly made to the laws. However, there are still categories of those who are entitled to free baby food. It is issued:

  • low-income lactating and pregnant women until their children reach 6 months of age;
  • low-income families with children under the age of two;
  • to families at the birth of twins, regardless of income (this practice does not exist in all regions);
  • large families in which at least one child is under 7 years old;
  • children with disabilities under the age of 18;
  • children with chronic and severe illnesses up to 15 years.

To understand whether baby food is supposed to be free, as low-income, you need to consider the annual income of the whole family. It should be divided by the number of months in a year and the number of all family members. If the result is below the regional subsistence level, then such people can be considered low-income.

Finally, to establish exactly who is entitled to free baby food in Russia, you should contact the social service of your region. Depending on which category you fall into, you will need to collect the relevant documents.

Free meals. Features

Baby food up to a year free

Among the required documents that are required to receive free baby food, in all cases, a pediatrician’s opinion or prescription is required to obtain a social support measure.

To do this, you need to go to the pediatrician at the place of residence, who will write out the necessary certificate. This document must bear the seal and signature of the head of the clinic.

The recipe must indicate the names of recommended products, the amount and amount of food. To obtain such a prescription without any problems, it is recommended to regularly visit your pediatrician with your child, to undergo all preventive examinations in a timely manner.

The standard set includes fermented milk products and milk mixtures, as well as fruit and vegetable purees, juices and cereals, drinking and baby milk.

The list of meals depends on how old the child is and the recommendations of the doctor. The rate is determined by the regional government. In most cases, babies under two years of age are expected to use kefir, cottage cheese, juices and mashed potatoes.

Free baby food up to a year is given to babies from preferential families, pregnant and lactating women put milk and juices.


Who needs baby food in Russia for free

To get a conclusion that you are entitled to baby food, you will need documents.

If you fall under the preferential category of citizens, you will need relevant certificates that would confirm this status. These include documents on the composition of the family, on chronic diseases or disability of the baby. To register the status of the poor, income documents for each family member will be needed.

Also, a young mother will need to get the appropriate certificate in the antenatal clinic. Bring a copy of your passport with you, as well as a mandatory medical insurance policy

With the recipe, you should go to the dairy kitchen. You will be given the appropriate number and register the application. Here they will tell in detail at what time and how to get baby food for free. For example, sour-milk and perishable dairy products are usually given once a week. Other products (juices, cereals and mashed potatoes) - once a month.

Sample Application

Documents for free baby food

When making the recipe, certain documents for free baby food will be required. First you need to write a statement addressed to the head of the children's clinic.

The application must indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the parent or legal representative of the baby. Ask to include the child in the list of recipients of food products, specifying his surname, name and patronymic, year of birth and address of place of residence.

List of required papers

For registration of free food you need to collect the necessary documents. This list includes:

  • application for food, filled in according to the relevant model;
  • originals and copies of passports of father and mother;
  • original and copy of the baby’s birth certificate;
  • documents confirming the permanent registration of the child;
  • MHI policy with its copy;
  • if necessary, additional documents confirming this or that benefit are additionally submitted.

Large and poor families. How to take advantage of the privilege?

How to get baby food for free

To get free baby food, large families will need a certificate of family composition. For the poor, this is a statement of income. In the case of the presence of a disease - a certificate with the appropriate diagnosis or a document confirming disability.

It is worth noting that the conclusion on the need for food for the baby is issued only for a strictly defined period. It will need to be renewed from time to time.

Children under one year of age are given it for a month, for children aged one to three years - for three months, for preferential categories of citizens - for six months.

Current assortment

Is baby food allowed for free

Currently, in the Russian Federation, parents can rely on the following products from specific manufacturers:

  1. Sour-milk and dairy products of the Agusha brand (adapted liquid and dry mixes for babies up to one year old; cottage cheese, kefir and milk for babies from 7 months to 3 years old).
  2. Fruit juices "Pridonya Gardens" and "FrutoNyanya" (apple, pear, apricot and peach juices for babies from 3 months to 3 years; fortified juices for lactating and pregnant women up to 6 months of age of a newborn).
  3. Fruit puree "Frutonyanya" (mashed pears, apples, berries and apricots for babies from 3 months to 3 years old).
  4. FrutoNanny meat puree (mashed chicken, beef, pork, chicken, veal and turkey from 7 months of age to one year old).
  5. Vegetable puree "Frutonyanya" (mashed cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini and carrots for children from 5 months to one year).
  6. Instant porridge "Nestogen" and "Baby" (instant porridge that does not need to be boiled, but rather diluted in milk - from 5 months to one year).
  7. Drinking milk "MilkBo," Agusha "," Magic Valley "and" Northern Valley "(sterilized drinking and ultra-pasteurized milk for children from three years old with chronic diseases and disabilities; lactating mothers and pregnant women under 6 months of age).

School social support

By the way, children have the right to preferential meals in schools. Such assistance from the state is received by minors from low-income and large families, schoolchildren with chronic diseases and disabilities.

Also included are children whose parents are disabled, the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. The final list of beneficiaries is determined by the regional authorities.

To receive such support, you will need to write a statement addressed to the school principal, enclosing the passports of the father and mother, the student’s birth certificate, as well as papers confirming the right to the benefit.

According to Belarusian laws

Who should get baby food for free

Similar social support measures exist in most of the former republics of the Soviet Union. Each country has its own characteristics.

Among those who are entitled to free baby food in Belarus are low-income families. This category includes those who have a low per capita income. A need criterion is established in the country, which becomes a decisive factor in determining whether a family is poor or not.

The average per capita income in the Union State is analogous to the cost of living in the Russian Federation. It is calculated in the same way.

Moreover, at the birth of two or more children, such targeted social assistance is provided regardless of the size of this average per capita income.

It is noteworthy that among those who are entitled to free baby food in Belarus, there are no families in which the able-bodied father is unemployed at the time of applying for social support. Exceptions are made only for those undergoing training in clinical residency, students, as well as other persons who do not voluntarily work part-time.

The same law applies not only to official fathers, but even to men who are married together, if they live together with their mother and child, they share a common household.

Getting benefits in Belarus

To receive such targeted social assistance in Belarus, you will need to submit an application of the appropriate sample at the place of work of one of the parents or to the social protection service. Nutrition for the child is prescribed during the first two years of life.

In addition to the application, the following documents should be prepared:

  • passport of the parent or official representative of the child;
  • an extract from the child’s medical card containing the recommendations of the local doctor on the diet for the child;
  • birth certificate;
  • marriage registration document;
  • extract from the work book or other documents confirming the workability of the father of the child;
  • information on income received over the past year by each member of the family.

What can you count on?

If the benefits for baby food are approved, parents will be able to receive exclusively Belarusian products that are intended for newborns. You can get only those products that are indicated in the recipe. Recommended food products are recorded in the same document. This is done on the basis of the monthly rate, in accordance with the approximate daily set of products for children in accordance with their age.

Shops that sell food for babies for free are in every city and region of the republic.

Parents receive once or twice a month the rate of adapted dry milk mixtures, dry milk cereals, fruit purees and juices, vegetable purees, canned fish and meat bases. Starting from 4 months of age, dairy products, milk or cottage cheese are given daily or every other day.

Baby ration

According to the calculations of Belarusian specialists, nutritional standards for babies of all ages are established. Children from one to two years are supposed to:

  • 600 g of dairy products and milk;
  • 50 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of canned fish or meat;
  • 200 g of vegetable puree;
  • 100 g of fruit puree;
  • 100 g of fruit juices.

Getting benefits in Kazakhstan

Among those who are entitled to free baby food in Kazakhstan, not all children. Only those who have relative or absolute indications for receiving this benefit fall into this category.

Absolute indications include social factors. This can be a serious state of health of a nursing mother, poor health of the child himself. A similar benefit is also granted to adopted children.

Relative indicators are the birth of twins or triplets. Newborns fall into the same category if the nursing mother is in hospital or both parents are full-time students.

To get a prescription for free food for the baby, you will need to make an appointment with your pediatrician in the children's clinic at the place of residence.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23927/

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