Choose a name: names on "C"

Today you will not surprise anyone with an unusual name; parents strive to distinguish their child from the crowd with the help of a memorable, beautiful name. Lucas, Roberta, Angelica are already growing up, leaving behind the names more familiar to the Russian soul, for example, Svetlana. And what names on "C" do you know? This article contains all the Russian names in "C", including Slavic, which are distinguished by their harmony and beauty.

Name for girl

The names on "C" for the girl are very beautiful and gentle:

  1. Svetlana is “bright”.
  2. Svetoslav - “bright glory”.
  3. Severina - "northern".
  4. Seraphim is "fiery."
  5. Sofia is "wise."
  6. Stephanie is a very old name, means "crown".

Names on "C"

Name for boy

Some names on "C" for the boy are now almost never found, but there are those that are still popular:

  1. Saveliy - “asked of God”.
  2. Semen - "heard by God in prayer."
  3. Seraphim - means "fiery", "fiery", "burning."
  4. Sergey - "clear", "revered."
  5. Stepan is a rare and beautiful masculine name. Translated from Greek means "wreath".

Slavic names

The ancient Slavs paid great importance to the name and tried to name the children so that they had not only an easy fate and a decent life, but also that they grew up and glorify their land. This is especially true for names for boys.

Russian names on "C"

Slavic names on "C" carry power and glory:

  1. Svetozara - a very beautiful ancient Slavic name, means "light dawn."
  2. Svyatoslav - "holy glory".
  3. Slav - means "Slav."
  4. Stanislava - "became glorious."
  5. Stanimir - from ancient Slavic means "giving peace", "peacemaker".
  6. Stanislav - "the most glorious," "glorious."
  7. Svyatoslav - "holy" - the light, that is, the "glorifying light." A later version of the interpretation of the name means "holy glory."

New names

Over time, the language develops and improves, the national culture and lifestyle is updated. What new names appeared on the "C"? So, modern names:

  1. Svetoslav - a new version of the Old Slavonic name, means "bright glory."
  2. Snezhanna is “cold.”
  3. Susanna is the new version of Susanna's old name, meaning "stubborn."

Famous people with names on the "C"

Speaking of the names on "C", it would be unfair to completely ignore foreign ones. Some celebrities are represented on this list, including foreign ones whose names begin with "C":

  1. Svetlana Svetlichnaya.
  2. Sergey Yesenin.
  3. Salma Hayek.
  4. Sylvester Stallone.
  5. Sandra Bullock.
  6. Stanislav Duzhnikov.
  7. Stephen King
  8. Sophia Loren.
  9. Stephen Fry
  10. Semen Strugachev.
  11. Stefan Russo.

Name your children as you like, let the child bear the chosen name with pride and joy!


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