When is it best to plant zinnias in open ground? How to plant zinnia in open ground?

Tsiniya is that flower which can be found practically on any personal plot. Love her for the diversity of the color palette, down to the green petals. In addition, it can be combined with absolutely any other flowers that are already in your flowerbed or you are just planning to plant them. But when it is possible to plant zinnia in open ground, it can become a problematic issue.

when to plant seedlings of zinnia in open ground

Plant benefits

Not only the attractive look of zinnia makes it so popular. In addition to color, it has other advantages:

  1. Different heights. Zinnia is valued for being of different heights. It is thanks to this feature that you can make all kinds of flowerbed compositions.
  2. Simple care. When growing this flower, there will be practically no hassle. With minimal care, the result will be maximum. This flower is famous for its unpretentiousness. And the question of when to plant zinnias in open ground is solved simply.
  3. Bait for winged insects. Even very few flowers will attract many butterflies and bees to your site. This is what hive holders use.
  4. Constant flowering. It is quite easy to achieve flowering throughout the summer, you need to regularly pinch off the flowers. And the more, the better.

when to plant zinnias in open ground

General growing rules

As mentioned earlier, plant care will not take you much time and effort. However, the basic rules are binding. First of all, it is necessary to solve the question of when to plant zinnias in open ground. The answer depends on the breeding methods, which will be discussed later in the article.

During the cultivation of zinnia, you need to ensure that there are no rotting or fading inflorescences. If detected, they must be removed immediately, especially if the period of rains has come. And do not forget to treat each plant with fungicides at the end of summer.

Choosing a place to land

Tsiniya refers to heat-loving plants. This must be considered when choosing a place. Choosing the time when to plant seedlings of zinnia in open ground or its seeds, you need to choose the right site for it. The best place will be a territory that will be sufficiently open and lit. In addition, pay attention to the soil. Zinia is very fond of loose soil, which at the same time will be quite fertilized. Also don't forget about drainage.

when to plant zinnias in open ground in spring

Plant propagation methods

Zinnia propagates in two ways: seeds and seedlings. It depends on the chosen method when to plant zinnias in open ground.

Reproduction using seedlings is usually carried out not earlier than the end of March, but you need to catch it before mid-April. This procedure is carried out as follows. Seeds must be laid out on a pre-moistened cloth. After a while, shoots appear, among which the strongest are selected. It usually takes about 2-3 days; if the seeds are old enough, then about a week. The choice depends on this when to plant zinnia in open ground in spring.

While the seeds are germinating, you can prepare the soil. For this, sand and chernozem are taken in the proportions 1: 2. After the appearance of sprouts, they can be placed in pots to a depth of 1 cm. The temperature in the room must be maintained at 23 degrees, no more. The distance between the seeds should be at least 30 cm. After the appearance of the third leaflet, if necessary, the culture is thinned out. After some time, pinching the top is required to obtain more magnificent flowering in the future.

how to plant zinnia in open ground

When can zinnia be planted in open ground when choosing a method of propagation by seeds? It is better to do this in late April to the end of the first decade of May, depending on climatic conditions. The seeds are buried at the same distance as when planting on seedlings, about 1 cm. There is a distance of at least 30 cm between the bushes.

In order to artificially extend the flowering period, it is recommended to combine both methods, since the plants that are grown from seedlings will begin to please the first.

Rules for planting a plant in open ground

When can zinnia be planted in open ground? A question that makes you think. However, the answer is quite simple: when the danger of frost return is reduced to zero. Usually this time falls in the second half of May. In the case of planting directly with seeds, this can be done a little earlier.

The selected area should be well lit, protected from drafts, soil acidity on it should be neutral. Drainage also needs to be considered.

Before planting, the soil must be prepared. To do this, you need to dig it to a depth of about 45 cm in order to clean the site of weeds. During this process, it is recommended to add organic fertilizer in the form of deciduous humus or manure (about 8 kg per 1 m 2 ). The ideal time for soil preparation is autumn.

Subject to the rules of planting, as well as the right choice when to plant zinnias in open ground, flowering will begin in July.

Features of Zinnia Care

If you have successfully chosen the time, you know how to plant zinnias in the open ground, flowers will definitely please you if you do not forget to take care of them.

This plant requires regular watering, as well as top dressing. Watering should be plentiful, especially during dry summers. However, care must be taken to ensure that moisture does not fall directly onto the flowers.

During flowering, all wilted inflorescences are necessarily removed.

Additional stanchions or other strengthening of the stem is not required, even if you decide to place high subspecies on your plot (when planting zinnias in the ground, you can read at the beginning of the article).

Feeding can begin already at the stage of growing seedlings. Mineral fertilizers are suitable for this, which in their composition have little nitrogen. There should be three such procedures before planting in open ground. After landing on the site, you can use organic fertilizers, such as liquid manure. You need to feed twice a season: after planting and budding.

when you can plant zinnia in open ground

Disease prevention and insect protection must be performed. Often problems are due to aphids, May bugs, snails and slugs. Arranged beakers with beer around the perimeter or ordinary pieces of roofing material, under which these creeping ones hide, can help in this. After that, assemble them manually.

The most common zinnia disease is powdery mildew, upon detection of which even one damaged leaf should be cut off. If the plant is highly infected, you will have to remove it entirely.

Now you know when to plant seedlings of zinnia in open ground.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23931/

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