Highly mobile landing troops (Airborne Forces) of Ukraine

The highly mobile landing troops (Airborne Forces) of Ukraine are a separate branch of the armed forces. His tasks include vertical coverage of enemy units and the organization of sabotage and combat operations in the rear.

Airborne Forces of Ukraine


The Ukrainian Airborne Forces are mobile units capable of quickly deploying to designated areas and conducting targeted combat operations, including in the rear of the alleged enemy. It differs from the regular units of the airborne forces by its autonomy, maneuverability, ability to carry out airborne landing, and higher individual training of fighters.

The flag of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine is a blue-green flag, in the central part of which there is a stylized image in the yellow color scheme of the coat of arms of Ukraine, parachuted. On the sides there are two aircraft, directed to the sky.

The main parts of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine are based in the following settlements:

  • Zhytomyr: command, air assault brigade (DSB) No. 95, training center No. 199.
  • Guards: DShB No. 25.
  • Nikolaev: DShB No. 79.
  • Lviv: DShB No. 80.
  • Druzhkovka: airborne brigade No. 81.

flag of the airborne forces of Ukraine


The year of the creation of highly mobile troops is 1992, when Ukraine gained independence. The basis was made up of units of the airborne, assault and aviation units of the former USSR. From the time of the Union, developed infrastructure, warehouses, support systems remained, which contributed to the development of this kind of troops. After a series of reorganizations in 2013-2015, 5 brigades were formed, reinforced by tank companies. According to the law, airborne units can be included in contingents for peacekeeping missions authorized by the UN.


The list of operational tasks of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine includes:

  • Sabotage in the rear.
  • Interference in the command and control system.
  • Obstacles to the use of reserves.
  • Fighting leaked enemy airborne groups.
  • Taking and holding bridgeheads, important objects.

In peacetime, units of the Airborne Forces can be used to counter illegal groups in international operations authorized by the UN.

Command staff

Management of highly mobile parts is carried out by:

  • Airborne Forces Commander Lieutenant General M.V. Zabrodsky.
  • Chief of Staff, First Deputy Commander Major General A.T. Kovalchuk.
  • First Deputy Major General Yu.I. Sodol.
  • Deputy Commander for Combat Training, Head of the Combat Training Directorate Colonel V.S. Ivanov.
  • Logistics Commander P.R. Shcherban.
  • Deputy Commander, Head of the Missile Forces and Artillery Directorate, Colonel S.S. Artamoschenko.
  • Colonel S.N., deputy commander for work with personnel, head of the department for work with personnel Pavlushenko.
  • Deputy Commander, Air Force Chief Colonel Yu.A. Galushkin.

The general structure of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine consists of: air, airmobile, air assault brigades, training center, support units and subunits.

parts of the airborne forces of Ukraine

Armament and military equipment

Armed with the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces are armored personnel carriers of the BTR-70, BTR-80, BTR-3E1, BTR-3DA series; combat vehicles of the BMD-1, BMD-2, BMP-1, BMP-2 series; T-80BV tanks, KrAZ Spartan armored vehicles, other weapons.

Armed with artillery units of the airborne forces of the Armed Forces are self-propelled howitzers "Gvozdika" 2C1, "Acacia" 2C3; self-propelled gun "Nona" 2S9; trailed howitzer D-30; multiple launch rocket system BM-21 Grad; 82-mm mortar 2B-14 "Tray", automatic mortar 2B9 "Basil", 120-mm mortar 2B11; anti-tank missile systems "Stugna-P", "Bassoon", "Competition", "Storm-S"; mobile control points and other equipment.

Armed with the air defense units of the airborne forces of the Armed Forces are the Strela-10 air defense systems, Igla portable air defense systems, anti-aircraft artillery systems ZU 23-2, radar stations and mobile control centers.

when is the day of the Airborne Forces in Ukraine

When is the Airborne Forces Day in Ukraine

By Presidential Decree No. 457/2012 of July 27, 2012, the Day of the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces is observed on August 2. The resolution says that highly mobile troops make a significant contribution to the defense of Ukraine. Combat training events ensured the formation (maintenance) of individual personnel skills in landing. The units were coordinated and prepared for joint and coordinated actions with units of the Ground Forces, Marines of the Navy, units of other military units and law enforcement agencies.


In 2015, airborne airborne brigades were reinforced by tank units. Thus, they turned into an air assault. Each of the five brigades should be equipped with a tank company. T-80 tanks were chosen to strengthen the Airborne Forces, because thanks to gas turbine installations they have an advantage in speed and maneuverability compared to the T-64. In May 2017, the Ukroboronprom concern prepared the next batch of T-80 tanks, which underwent a major overhaul, for transfer to the landing troops.

During 2015, 18 battalion tactical exercises, 46 company tactical exercises, 137 platoon live firing and 420 live firing from the armament of tanks and military vehicles were held. For the first time, 5 brigade tactical exercises were held.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2394/

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