Moscow Museums 2015 (free): list, addresses, opening hours, reviews

Arriving in the capital, tourists seek to visit the main attractions of the city. Few people know that you can visit the museums of Moscow (2015) for free. A list of the most popular places is presented in this article.

Museum of one district

The specificity of the Lefortovo History Museum (1991) is that it introduces the history of only one metropolitan area. The visitor is given the opportunity to visit the famous German settlement of the early 18th century. The expositions - a collection of weapons, paintings and engravings - will introduce the great Russian emperor Peter I and like-minded Europeans who helped in the implementation of his innovations. A costumed excursion contributes to a better perception of that era. Lefortovo Museum will appeal to adults and children.

Moscow museums 2015 free list

Many important events of the Russian state are connected with the Lefortovo district, which influenced the course of historical and economic development. The emergence of the German settlement near the Yauza River dates back to the reign of Ivan the Terrible. However, in the Time of Troubles, it was all destroyed by fire. Restore the German settlement took Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of the future Russian reformer. The construction was completed in 1652. In the German settlement, fate sent young Peter one of his associates, Franz Lefort. A number of reforms in the social sphere and public life are associated with the name of this person. It was through his efforts that one of the best European shipbuilders and gunsmiths arrived in Russia, who helped to realize Peter's dream - to create a navy.

Personalities to Know

Subsequently, on the territory adjacent to the Yauza River, by order of the tsar, a kind of center was formed where the best representatives of high society worked on the embodiment of the emperor's ideas for reform. For the sake of this good deed, Peter the Great put a lot of effort into creating here a “Russian Versailles” with palaces and a European-style park. The new residence of the emperor - Lefortovo settlement - now has become the residence of like-minded and comrades-in-arms of the tsar, prominent statesmen, such as, for example, Franz Lefort:

  • Jacob Bruce (originally from Scotland) - the creator of the Russian army, which met all the requirements of military art of that time.
  • Fedor Golovin, the boyar who headed the Ambassadorial order (prototype of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

In addition, there was even a place for a military camp with three regiments - Lefortovo, Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky, as well as medical and church institutions.

Museum Tours and Visiting Times

You can learn a lot of interesting things from the expositions presented in the hall. For example, how the military-industrial complex developed. In the Soviet era, the well-established production of the famous Katyusha rocket artillery was of great importance in the fight against the German invaders. Instruments were made to adjust the artillery. From here ambulance trains left for the front. Specialists of the Military Academy of Chemical Protection invented the “Molotov cocktail” - a Molotov cocktail for incapacitating armored vehicles.

Lefortovo Museum

You can find out about the events of the period of the 19-20th centuries by looking at the corresponding photographs, maps and documents of different years. The Lefortovo Museum is located on Kryukovskaya Street near the Semenovskaya metro station. The doors are open for visitors from Tuesday to Sunday (Monday - day off), the museum’s opening hours are from 10 to 18. Be sure to visit this place, it is saturated with the history of Russia and Moscow. Especially this exhibition should be seen by students of historical faculties. If you are impressed by this place, then you should also visit the Gulag History Museum, opened in 2001.

Schoolchildren, students and people who accidentally came here leave reviews about this museum. Many people like the atmosphere and familiarization stories of the exposition workers.

Museum of Russian harmonics A. Mirek

In the whole world, except for the Moscow Museum, there are three more similar institutions. Two of them - in Europe (in German Klingtal, in Italian Castelfidardo), one - in the USA (Super Ior Delus). It is convenient that you can visit such museums in Moscow (2015) for free. The list of such establishments is quite large, enough for a week.

The first harmonica was made back in 1783, but the Russian masters managed to recreate it. Now the reconstruction as an exhibit is in the museum. The visitor is given the opportunity to visit the workshop where the production and repair of harmonics were performed, plunge into the atmosphere of the Moscow tavern of the pre-Soviet era, enjoy the lively sound of the accordion, button accordion and harmonica.

gulag history museum

Breaking Museum Silence

In addition to the traditional boring walking in the halls, the program of excursions is dynamic: a cheerful village melody sounds, the guide offers to start dancing with dances. When will it ever be an opportunity to become a direct participant in the festivities in the Moscow Park almost 100 years ago? Well, how then, without refreshments with primordially Russian hospitality, as they say, under a samovar? Museum of Russian harmonics A. Mirek must be seen by every tourist and resident of the capital.

The special exposition contains fascinating information about how wind instruments evolved in Russia, from simple harmonics with five valves (mid-19th century) to advanced accordions and accordions of the last century.

Museum of Russian harmonic A.Mireka

To the founder of the Museum of Russian Harmonica - Professor Mirek A.M. - The final section of the institution is dedicated. The institution is located near Mayakovsky metro station on 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, house 18. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can visit the museum, in the morning it opens at 10.00, closes in the evening at 20.00. On Thursdays it is open from 11.00 to 21.00.

I would like Moscow museums (2015) to open their doors more often for free. The list will continue with other exhibits. Each institution will introduce visitors to the history of their country. There is knowledge that is available to everyone, you need to use such opportunities and attend exhibitions with the whole family.

Reviews about the museum are more positive. It will be interesting to everyone who loves music and folk instruments. Many pensioners are happy to attend events organized by exhibition holders.

Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia

This object complements the famous panorama of the Battle of Borodino. The museum found a place for exhibits that tell not only about the feats of arms of soldiers in 1941-1945, but also about ordinary Soviet people, without hard work which it would be hard to imagine successes on the fronts. The highest title for services to the socialist Fatherland - Hero of the Soviet Union - was awarded to 11 thousand 600 citizens.

The idea of ​​establishing an honorary award arose in 1934. This was prompted by an event of almost 80 years ago, associated with the unsuccessful attempt of the icebreaker Chelyuskin to break through the Arctic ice. Then seven experienced pilots rushed to the aid of the bold Chelyuskin polar explorers, who were soon the first to be awarded - they were awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union” (one of them posthumously).

Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union

What can be seen in the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union

Here, visitors can see paintings that were drawn directly at battlefields, photographs, documents, as well as personal items (including military equipment) that were carefully kept by relatives, close friends and acquaintances before they entered the museum. . All these things could tell many instructive stories of heroic-patriotic content.

In 2001, it was 10 years since the moment when the title of a hero was awarded to 1,500 Russian citizens, including not only representatives of military professions, but also rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, polar explorers and even athletes. A special exposition is dedicated to AS Astapov, under whose command the submarine raided Murmansk-Alaska under the ice of the ocean. The Gulag History Museum will also appeal to everyone who is interested in the Second World War. There you can make an excursion by phone.

museum opening hours

A year later, part of the museum settled on Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya, 24. A conference hall, library and exhibition hall were located in separate rooms of the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. The museum is open six days a week, except Friday, from 10.00 to 18.00, with the exception of Thursday - from 10.00 to 21.00.

In the book of reviews you can see many written thanks for an interesting exhibition. Students in a whole class express their appreciation to the employees of the institution and promise to return to the museum with their parents. "The history of the war should not be forgotten, the memory forces us not to commit such acts in the future," - wrote one of the visitors to the exhibition, who is only 13 years old.

Other free museums in Moscow

These are not all cultural places of the capital. It is worth visiting other working museums in Moscow (2015) for free. The list is small, but enough to spend a week interesting and informative:

  • Water Museum, Sariinsky passage, 13.
  • Horse breeding museum, 44 Timiryazevskaya street.
  • Prospect Mira 111, Museum of Cosmonautics.
  • Museum of Unique Puppets, Pokrovka, 15.

Prospect Mira 111 Cosmonautics Museum

Be sure to visit these institutions, the rest will be interesting, and most importantly - free.


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