Global mods - "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" and other parts

What is a modification of a computer game and why is it needed? This question is asked by many novice gamers who previously limited themselves solely to what developers offer them. However, besides this, there are much more opportunities, because there is also a gaming community in which there are enough experienced professionals who can understand the code of a project. And then they can change it to transform the game itself. However, most developers do not approve of such actions. Therefore, they close the code, excluding the possibility of modification. In most cases, developers seek to meet the needs of users, so they allow access to certain aspects so that experts can experiment with the graphic component and other details. But there are games like "Stalker" that have an open source code that allows you to completely change anything you want in the game. Thus, global mods appear. "Stalker" is replete with them, because everyone can contribute to the creation of a new branch from the plot.

Stalker and Fashion

global fashion stalker

"Stalker" is a stealth action that has become one of the most popular projects developed in the post-Soviet space. As you already understood, all three episodes of the game are open source, which enables people to create their own projects, including full-fledged global mods. Then the modifications are posted on specialized resources where gamers can access them absolutely free. Accordingly, you can download the mod and completely change both the appearance of your game and its content, if you want it. Global mods have already been mentioned more than once. "Stalker" has more than three hundred such modifications. But so far, not a word has been said about what they are and how they differ from others.

Types of mods in "Stalker"

stalker call of pripyat fashion global

If you went through all three parts of “Stalker”, but you still do not have enough, then you have a full-fledged exit that will give you more than a dozen hours of gameplay. Most gamers will advise you on global mods - "Stalker" literally transforms from their impact. But besides them, you can find others. It is them that needs to be considered before proceeding to a detailed discussion of directly global options. So, you can meet a variety of mods on the appropriate resources, and after the global, graphic ones are very popular. From their name it is easy to understand what they can offer you. This is a change in the graphic component. Redrawn textures, replaced models of characters and monsters, updated types of weapons, improved graphics in general, and much more - all this is offered to you graphically by numerous mods. Also very popular are modifications that expand the gameplay. They add new quests and even storylines that will allow you to spend more time in the game and get even more pleasure. Naturally, this is not limited to the variety of mods, but it is worth moving on to considering directly the most important thing - global modifications.

Global fashion

stalker shadow of Chernobyl global fashion

In all episodes of the game, including in the project "Stalker: PM", global mods are predominant. But what do they add in the game? In fact, it’s not so difficult to guess even by name. A feature of these mods is the fact that they completely transform the game, that is, they can affect both the graphic component and the gameplay. They can even add new locations, mobs, characters, and so on, combining this with graphic improvements, new weapon models, and so on. Accordingly, the global modifications are the most profound and elaborate, and from them you will receive maximum pleasure, especially if they are made with high quality.

"Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl"

global fashion stalker clear sky

The first game in the series is called "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" - global mods for it are available in large numbers. The most popular to date is the modification of the "defeat zone", which has already managed to come out in two parts. The most important thing that she adds is a full-fledged story campaign with a new hero, new tasks and problems. Naturally, this is far from all. Redesigned and textures, added story quests, new characters and much more. In general, we can safely say that this is almost a completely different game, a full-fledged add-on created by fans. As you already understood, for the game “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” global mods are not limited to the “Zone of defeat”, but you can explore the rest yourself, choosing what you like.

"Stalker: Clear Sky"

stalker pm global mods

The second part of the game was called "Clear Sky". She tells the continuation of the story that you learned from the first part, but you can also install global mods. "Stalker: Clear Skies" is a game for which no less modifications have been released than for the first part. But you should pay special attention to Nemesis Modern. This modification is not as magnificent as the "Destruction Zone", but it also adds a lot of interesting things, and also fixes some errors as well as not the most beautiful textures.

"S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat"

It remains only to look at what global mods are for the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat". In fact, there are a huge number of them, but you only need to focus on a few. Standing out among all is Sigerous, which adds new quests to the project, the possibility of joining groups, as well as some mini-games that were not in the Stalker: Call of Pripyat project. Global mods, as you can see, can bring you a huge amount of pleasure along with new content.


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