Connecting a double outlet: instruction

Double sockets are gaining more and more popularity, the connection of which improves the quality of life in modern apartments. This article also provides descriptions of computer and telephone outlets, their connection and installation methods.

Double outlet

The number of household electrical appliances in the house is increasing, therefore, more nests are required where you can include them. There is nothing complicated in the installation, you just need to know the elementary rules of electrical safety and the sequence of work. Before any work with electricity, it is necessary to turn off the voltage in the shield (turning off the power switch) and check its absence by the voltage indicator.

Types of Double Outlets

According to the connection method, there are two types of double sockets:

  1. With terminals for one phase and zero, with distribution strips (the most common case), when the current value is divided by the number of outlets. Not very good if there are many consumers of high power.
    Dual socket connection
  2. With terminals for one phase and zero on each outlet, without distribution strips. Used to connect two sockets in parallel . To do this, connect the cable only to the first outlet and make parallel jumpers to the second. In simple words, wire the phase of the first terminal to the phase of the second, zero of the first to zero of the second.

Cable selection

The choice of jumper cable is very important. The material of the internal connection wire must match the material of the input cable. If a copper cable is suitable for the outlet, then the jumper should be made of copper. If aluminum, then, accordingly, use an aluminum wire to avoid oxidation of the contacts. The cross-section of the wire for the jumpers must also coincide with the cross-section of the input cable for even distribution of loads.

Wall preparation

Installation of a double outlet is a bit more complicated than a single one and depends on the type of equipment:

  1. To fasten a double socket of an unheated (open) type, you only need to screw the case to the wall with screws.
  2. To fasten the case of a double socket of a recessed or internal type with distributing strips (described above as the first type of socket), drill one hole in the wall with a hammer drill with a special nozzle (slightly larger than the socket box). If the wall is concrete, you need to use the hammer drilling mode. If the wall is made of brick or drywall, then only drilling. Fastens in the same way as a single in one socket.
  3. To mount a double socket with a parallel connection (described above as the second type), you must first drill one hole for the first socket. Then attach the device to the wall and mark the drilling location for the second socket, using the level. Make a second hole. Next, you need to take a drill with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the corrugation for the jumper wires, and drill a hole between the two socket boxes.


It is considered on the example of connecting a double socket with a parallel connection. First you need to determine where the phase, and where zero is on the failed wire. To do this, briefly turn on the power switch and check for voltage with an indicator screwdriver. Turn off the electricity again. Lead each wire into the socket through different holes. Connecting a double outlet is made in the case itself. It is necessary to lay a piece of cable for the jumper, cut to the desired length, in the groove between the two socket boxes. It is best to strip the wires with a stripper (hand tool for accurate stripping) 1.5 cm from the edge and crimp the ends with a crimper (hand tool for processing cable ends), fasten to the socket terminals. If there is no special equipment, you can strip the wire from insulation with a sharp knife, trying not to damage the wires, twist the ends of the wires with your fingers and irradiate with a soldering iron.

After the cable is ready for connection, a double outlet is brought to the socket and the incoming wires are screwed to the first socket. It is important to fasten the phase to one contact, and zero to the other. Then, from the first outlet, the jumper wires are pulled through the groove in the wall (previously drilled) to the second outlet and connected to the terminals. Accordingly, phase - to phase, zero - to zero. Connecting a double outlet with grounding is characterized by the presence of another yellow-green wiring. He comes to the socket and connects to the ground plate on the outlet, claws the paws of the plug from the outside.

connecting a double outlet with ground

Connecting a double outlet without grounding is possible, but undesirable, as there is a risk of burnout of electrical appliances during a short circuit and electric shock. Nevertheless, in old houses, grounding is not provided for in the wiring, and most residents do without it.

connecting a double outlet without grounding

There are times when you need to connect two double sockets. Then all of them are connected in parallel, or a surge protector for four or more sockets is bought.

Wall mount

It is important to securely fasten the socket to the wall opening so that the outlet is not pulled out during operation. For this, it is best to use alabaster, which can be bought at the store. Dilute it with water until a thick paste is obtained, then spread the mixture in the hole for the undersocket. After that, insert the socket into the wall on the alabaster and be sure to level it. For the mixture to dry, you need to wait an hour and a half and only then install the outlet. It is attached to the socket with paws with screws - a socket is inserted, fastening bolts are tightened. The final stage is the installation of a decorative panel.


Sometimes it is required to combine a double switch with a socket, the connection of such a device is often necessary in the corridor near the sanitary room. What is the difference between its installation and the connection of a conventional outlet? Firstly, by the need to drill an oval hole in the wall for the sock (by the way, the latter should also be oval), and secondly, by connecting more wires.

connection of a double switch with a socket

Conductors with phase and zero are suitable for the socket, and two wires from lighting equipment (for example, from the corridor and bathroom) are connected to each switch. The sequence of operation is the same as in the case of connecting a double outlet. Only the connection scheme differs.

Internet outlet

Modern computer outlets are designated by the abbreviation 8P8C: from English - 8 positions, 8 contacts, have a latch, are used to connect various objects to the network. A four-pair cable is connected - twisted pair. We are considering connecting a dual computer outlet T 568 B, since it is most often used in Russia.

connecting a double computer outlet

The cable is cut to the required length, the outer insulation is removed by about 5 cm. Twisted pairs are unwound to the distance necessary for plugging into the socket. Cutting contactors are located on the back of the connector into which wires are clamped. When pressed, the insulation is cut with two sharp knives and reliable contact of the core with the terminal is ensured. It is necessary to observe the pinout of the connector according to the colors of the cores. Colors are drawn in the socket - which wires should be inserted into which contacts. Choose option B (for T 568 B socket). Contact closure is done with the back of a clerical knife or a thin flat screwdriver, but it is best to use a special device to seal and trim the twisted pair. This device greatly improves the quality of work and saves the installer time. You just need to push it from above until it clicks, and the job is done. After clamping the wires, unnecessary ends are cut off.

Before mounting the outlet to the wall, you can play it safe and ring the contacts with a multimeter, so as not to disassemble the structure later. Depending on the version of the connector, internal or external, the case is mounted either in a conventional socket box (with plastic spacers with teeth) or on the wall surface (with bolts or double-sided tape). Top closes with a lid. Connecting a dual Internet outlet differs in that two cables are connected: each to its own jack, also correspondingly to the color markers on the connector.

connecting two double sockets

Telephone socket

A telephone socket is easier to connect than an electric one, and the voltage in the telephone line is not life threatening (in standby mode - 60 V). It is often not possible to disconnect the telephone line, therefore, the electrical safety requirements must be observed during operation. It must be remembered that at the time of an incoming call, the voltage in the circuit is 120 V.

Sockets are of various types, it is proposed to consider the most common option - 6P2C (RJ11), presented in the photo.

Connecting a dual telephone wall jack
In order to connect a telephone jack, you need to perform several points:

  1. Open the cover of the socket housing by unscrewing the fixing bolt.
  2. For the case of internal design, you must first install the mounting capsule, before drilling a hole in the wall for it with a special nozzle on the drill. A cable is passed to this hole, preferably a four-wire cable, and a tail of 15 cm is left. To keep the socket body firmly, you need to put it on the alabaster, but when mounting in drywall, the body fasteners are used. It is best to lay the wire under a layer of plaster, away from the power cable.
  3. Before connecting the wire to the outlet, it is ideal to put on special ends on the stripped (5 mm) ends of the cores and crimp them with a crimper (crimping pliers). And it is better to strip with a stripper (a manual tool for stripping the cable). If such a tool is not at hand, a sharp knife can be used for stripping.
  4. The telephone cable connects to the terminals of the socket with red and green wires. The minus leads to the red conductor, and the plus to the green conductor. The most common multimeter will help determine where the minus is, and where is the plus of the network. In most modern telephones, polarity is unimportant, but if the polarity was reversed and the phone did not work, there is nothing to worry about. Swap the wires of the network and check the functionality again.
  5. Screw the housing cover onto the bolt.
  6. Check for connectivity.

Connecting a dual telephone jack is no different from a single, because the circuit differences are already present in the case itself.


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