Silicate brick house: projects, construction, advantages and disadvantages

Construction has always been an integral part of human life. We all want to have a beautiful and reliable home. But without certain knowledge and skills, we will never be able to comprehend the art of construction. It is known that skills without knowledge are nothing. Therefore, in this article we will talk about houses made of silicate brick. An important point in the article is a description of the advantages and disadvantages of brick.

silicate brick house

General information

A house made of silicate brick is one of the most practical and economical construction options. Practical, because silicate brick has good technical characteristics, namely: soundproofing qualities, long service life, a wide selection of colors. And this at its low cost, since it costs about 25% cheaper than ordinary brick.

Silicate brick has been used in construction for decades. Its range is constantly expanding - new brands of brick and masonry appear. When building houses of silicate brick, certain technical conditions and technologies must be observed, but the reliability and durability of such a house more than compensates for all the efforts. Next, let's talk in detail about silicate brick.

Description of silicate brick

Silicate brick consists of 90% quartz sand, and the remaining 10% is accounted for by lime and other additives. In order for the mixture to take the form of a brick, it must be compressed and exposed to steam at an average temperature of 185 Β°. Brick made in accordance with all requirements should be free of chips at the edges. The size of white silicate brick, like standard red, is 250 x 120 x 65 mm. Full-bodied, it weighs about 4.9 kg, and hollow - 4 kg. Hollow bricks are called bricks with voids (through and through).

photo of silicate bricks

Scope of application

The scope of silicate brick is extensive. It is used for the construction of various buildings. Soundproofing properties allow its use in the construction of partitions. Often used in facade cladding. It is forbidden to use it in the construction of the basement of the building and when pouring the foundation. It is also strictly forbidden to use silicate brick in the construction of baths, fireplaces and laundries. Silicate brick is not intended for buildings with high temperature conditions, as it can explode and burst under such conditions. It also strongly absorbs moisture, which is why it is not recommended to erect silicate brick house walls in rooms with high humidity (for example, in bathrooms).

Production Features

For the manufacture of silicate brick, special equipment is necessary, so it is almost impossible to fake such material. Nowadays, various plasticizers and other elements can be added to its composition, which will increase the moisture resistance of the brick, as well as increase its strength.

Production technology includes such processes:

  • Preparation of a mixture of sand, limestone, water and various additives.
  • Pressing and molding. The blanks keep the proportions, as they are left in the forms until the final stage.
  • Autoclaving This process involves the so-called "steaming". Its temperature reaches 100 Β°.
  • Billets are ready for sale.
photo of a pallet of silicate bricks

The advantages of silicate brick

Before talking about the shortcomings of the house of silicate brick, it is necessary to describe its advantages:

  1. Strength and Density. This is the material whose strength only grows over the years. Full-bodied silicate brick will perfectly cope with heavy loads.
  2. Soundproofing. Due to the good sound insulation, many experts recommend laying silicate brick on the walls of the house so that the noise of the outside world does not reach the living quarters. And this advantage is important in the construction of residential buildings, as the comfort of residents is a priority factor.
  3. Appearance and a wide selection of colors. Silicate brick will help to create a bright and beautiful facade. It has a smooth surface, as well as smooth edges.
  4. Price. The cost is lower compared to ordinary brick. Cheap raw materials and low cost - these factors make silicate brick a profitable material.
  5. Protection against mold and mildew. As you know, lime is a part of white silicate brick, and lime is the best material for protection against various types of mold.
  6. Construction technology. The standard size of white silicate brick provides the convenience of working with this building material.


  1. Low water resistance. Silicate brick is forbidden to use in the construction of rooms with high humidity (for example, in bathrooms or baths). This type of brick absorbs moisture well, and this is a significant drawback in the construction of a house of silicate brick. Therefore, it is not suitable for the foundation and base.
  2. Low heat resistance. And you should not think about the construction of chimneys, stoves and other structures of the house from silicate brick, which during operation will be exposed to high temperatures.
  3. Low frost resistance. Moisture accumulation entails the destruction of the brick structure during thawing.

Silicate brick for building a house is gaining popularity every year. Knowing its advantages and disadvantages, it is possible to use silicate brick with advantage in construction.

silicate bricks


In construction, mistakes are unacceptable, so you need to know exactly how much silicate brick is needed per house. This will help us marking. Average density, brand and frost resistance - these parameters determine the key physical properties of the brick. The cost per unit of silicate brick is determined precisely by these parameters. We will describe each of them in more detail:

  • Brand (M). A parameter with which you can determine the compressive strength of a brick. For example, for the construction of buildings with two floors, silicate brick of the M100 brand is used, and M175 - for industrial buildings.
  • The average density. This parameter affects the mass of the brick and the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Hollow will be better at conducting heat. Hollow (light) silicate bricks, which contain expanded clay sand, have a density of 1450 kg / m3 to 1650 kg / m3, and the density of corpulent reaches 1650 kg / m3 and higher.
  • Frost resistance (F). A parameter that characterizes the number of freezing and thawing. This figure should not be lower than F25, when it comes to facing brick.
silicate white brick size

Stages and construction technology

Creating a project of a house of silicate brick is the first step to start construction. The construction plan, the amount of materials, the design, the location of the object, project documentation - all these nuances the customer negotiates with the construction company. The requirements for the foundation of a house made of silicate brick are low. After its construction, they begin to build silicate brick walls. It is about this that we should talk in more detail.

Technologically, wall masonry is easy even for beginners in the construction industry. Patience, attentiveness and zeal - that is what is needed in any work. For the construction of walls you will need a cement-sand mortar (cement, water and sand). You can apply the clay composition. Due to the increased mass of the blocks, it is necessary to make the solution thick. The necessary tools in this craft are a trowel, a plumb line with a horizontal level, and a hammer. Check the evenness on the horizontal and vertical should be carried out each row. Features of the technology for building walls of silicate brick are as follows:

  1. You can combine the use of silicate and ceramic bricks. Silicate brick is used for the construction of wall bearing panels and partitions indoors, and ceramic - for cladding the building. The combination will significantly reduce the cost of construction, and also increase the strength of the building. You can’t save on construction, so the materials must be of the highest quality.
  2. It is necessary to moisten silicate brick before masonry, because otherwise it can draw water from the solution. Durability is guaranteed by the clamping method. Apply the mixture to the brick with a layer of 10 mm.
  3. The thickness of the wall is determined by the number of storeys of the constructed object and the requirements of insulation. One and a half bricks - standard masonry for low-rise buildings. A double layer is necessary in the case of the construction of multi-story buildings. Laying can be done in two and a half bricks. In this case, it is better to apply better insulation.
  4. The strength of the building being constructed will provide additional reinforcement. To do this, in every third row you can lay the wire.
silicate brick house

Insulation of the house outside

It is also important to qualitatively insulate a house of silicate brick. In modern construction there are many materials that can cope with this task. The external method used for cladding has many advantages:

  1. Finishing the building outside will not reduce the usable area inside the building.
  2. In silicate brick, vapor permeability is reduced, so the insulation can be chosen from various materials, which can not be said about other building materials.

If the construction object is located in a zone of warm climate, then you can apply a light version of insulation. For cold climates, the low thermal conductivity of silicate brick can be blocked by a good insulation. For reference: if the appearance of the house is bored, and there is no time and money to build a new one, then you can overlay the house with silicate brick.

silicate brick house reviews

Opinion of residents

Different reviews for houses made of silicate brick leave people. They note that the advantages include low cost, excellent sound insulation and beautiful appearance of the home. And among the shortcomings, residents of such houses distinguish that increased moisture and silicate brick are enemies. People also say that such a brick is greatly destroyed by high temperatures.

Basically, people say that for indoor partitions, this material will be the perfect choice. But for underground wells and bathrooms it is better not to use it.


Summing up, we can say that with proper use, silicate brick will be a worthy choice for a construction project. Mostly professionals use it for the erection of walls at home. Also often the partitions inside the building are made of silicate brick. However, it is not recommended to use it in the construction of rooms in which there is an increased level of humidity. With proper operation, a house made of silicate brick will last more than one decade.


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