Machine for a large family from the state

It's no secret that, having become a large family, parents, as a rule, will spend more money on travel. Especially when the kids go to school. In this case, it is easier to purchase a car. A machine for a large family is necessary. But, unfortunately, for many, such a purchase is often delayed. After all, the cost of a vehicle is sometimes unavailable.

It is known that in the Russian Federation there are special programs that help to realize a dream. What is there, need! For this, they came up with state lending on concessional terms. This is the most common program. Also, on other conditions, you can get a car from the state. What kind of documents are needed for this, the procedure and other nuances the reader will learn in this article.

Determination of large families in the Russian Federation and regions

When a third child is born in the family, this will be the reason for establishing large families. Therefore, there are a lot of questions related to this. What benefits are provided for them? And, of course, the most popular question is whether a large family is given a car. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have a clear definition of this concept. By and large, this issue is addressed by regional authorities. It is they who establish the criteria that will meet the requirements.

big family right to a car

The thing is that the regions of the Russian Federation differ in two categories, these are:

  • demographic situation;
  • budget.

Based on these two concepts, the local government has the right to establish certain rules for providing assistance to large families. By the concept of a large family with children, not all families where there are three kids fall. In some cases, this should be a family with at least 4.5 and even 7 children. It does not matter whether they are their own or adopted. The only condition is that all children be minors. Upon reaching 18 years, the family loses the status of large families.

Can a large family count on a car from the state?

If we are talking about the free use of the vehicle for a large family with children, then there are a couple of options. In some regions of the country, it is real to receive a car as a gift from the state. But in each case, certain rules apply. For example, to get a car for such a family in Ulyanovsk, then there must be at least 10 children in care. Families from the Sverdlovsk Region can count on receiving a Gazelle if they have at least five children. The Novosibirsk region took the coefficient slightly higher. It takes at least 7 children in the family to get a car.

This practice does not apply to all regions of Russia. In some cases, it is not possible to receive a car as a gift. For example, in the Arkhangelsk region, families with six or more children, instead of a car, are issued a certificate for one million rubles. Parents have the right to purchase any car at their discretion. In St. Petersburg, parents with many children can count on a gift from the government in the form of a minibus. Subject to a minimum of seven children. It is possible to get a car for large families in Moscow if there are at least five children there. Moreover, there are additional conditions that are similar in many regions. They will be described later.

Conditions for obtaining a preferential car

large family in the car

To provide their family with cars, parents with many children and their children must meet certain requirements. The first of them says that the age of children should not exceed 18 years. A separate case is allowed only during full-time studies, then the benefit is valid for up to 23 years. To get a car for a large family, parents must live in the Russian Federation or its individual region for a certain time.

For example, the conditions in Moscow were as follows: to obtain rights in respect of a gift from the state, you must live in the country for at least 12 years. At the same time, do not have a criminal record, do not be registered with guardianship authorities and a psychiatric hospital. Well, the most important thing is the availability of a driver’s license. Without them, it makes no sense to try to get something. Also, children should not be registered with law enforcement agencies.

Family Car Program

children in car

To improve the demographic situation in the country, the state provides assistance to families with two or more children. This case is suitable for those who in their region do not fall under the concept of a large family. Indeed, in some cases, this requires 4, 5 or more children. So if in a family, for example, there are three kids and they do not fall under this status, then the “Family Car” program is a way out. However, it is worth clarifying the conditions in your region.

As you know, a car for a large family is very necessary. This will allow parents to save time and effort in transporting children to educational institutions, circles and clinics. The presence of a car allows you to expand the boundaries, actively participate in social life and, if necessary, independently seek medical help. After all, an ambulance cannot always be in time in the hinterland, but every minute counts. Plus, for parents, having a car expands job opportunities.

The program helps the family significantly save the budget. For this, a 10% discount on the value of the vehicle is provided. Any (eligible) family with two or more children under the age of majority can exercise the right to participate in the program.

The nuances of the Family Car program


Big family - great opportunities. With a car, life is really easier. To participate in the competition, you must meet the following requirements:

  • spouses must be officially married;
  • the presence of two or more minor children (relatives or adopted);
  • parents should be registered in one area.

The state allocates budgetary funds to help families to buy domestic cars. You should not count on another option. Moreover, the cost may not exceed the amount of 1,450,000 rubles.

When can I fly with the program

paperwork on the car

When wondering if a large family is supposed to have a car, one needs to take into account other situations that may affect the refusal of state bodies to take such pleasure. There are cases in which applicants for participation in the program lose their right. Children in the family should not be emancipated. This can happen in such cases:

  • the minor marries or is officially employed;
  • residence in the municipal territory at the expense of the state (for example, a hostel).

Children with a criminal record also deprive parents of the opportunity to participate in the program. Having received a waiver of benefits once, the family loses the right to once again participate in the competition. This rule applies even if the family moves to another region.

Subsidy Processing

paperwork at the bank

In order to make a purchase of a car for a large family from the state, you should contact the partner banks. You will also need to visit the social protection authorities. There you must fill out a special application (to provide a subsidy) and provide a number of documents:

  • passports of parents with notes on the presence of children;
  • if the children are adopted, then the required documents should be provided;
  • if it is a large family, then it will be necessary to present preferential certificates confirming their status;
  • birth certificates for each child;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • one of the spouses must provide a driver's license;
  • SNILS of each family member;
  • income statement;
  • certificate confirming official employment;
  • certificate that previously the car was not registered in the applicant’s name.

A married couple must be registered in one region and reside in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least three years. Must be the citizenship of the Russian Federation. The application is submitted to the bank at the place of residence or registration (as convenient). Having a good credit history is important. You can expect a response from the state in a month. During this time, all data is checked, and a response is prepared. A decision message may be sent by mail or a personal call is made to the applicant.

What's next

toy car in hands

When approving the application, the rest of the registration will take a little time. You need to choose your favorite car and get ready for a pleasant replenishment in the family. When registering a soft loan, it is worth considering that the bank “lends” no more than 3 years. At the time of receiving the subsidy, you will need to sign an agreement that the applicant will no longer qualify for a discount this year. As for taxation, in Moscow the tax on a car for large families is determined by the tax service. In any case, those who purchased the vehicle with the help of social security agencies will be exempted from paying tax payments when buying a car with a capacity of up to 100 horsepower.

Lending is made out on concessional terms, without additional interest and commissions. The loan rate should not exceed 18% per annum. It should also be noted that in some cases a down payment of 20% of the total cost of the vehicle may be required. However, as it became known, this condition has become no longer mandatory. Therefore, you should first consult with bank employees to be sure.

Taxes and additional "discounts"

calculator and typewriter

After purchasing a car, privileges for a car for a large family are provided. Free parking in designated areas. There are no separate, so to speak “special” parking spaces for this type of beneficiaries, just one of the parents has the right to use this status. The right to free parking is given for a period of one year, after which it is necessary to reaffirm your status.

Holders of the “gift” from the government will have to pay personal income tax in the amount of 13%. Information on this can be found in Federal Law No. 335. However, after amendments are made, most likely, families with many children will not need to pay a car tax. There is also a tax deduction for transport tax. It can be 50, 75 and even 100%. However, in some cases, this practice is not respected. It all depends on the region in which the family lives, as well as on registration.

Car decoration

paperwork for a large family

To issue a vehicle that was purchased on preferential terms in the traffic police is necessary in the prescribed manner. This is usually done within the first 10 days, not later. Additional information when registering is not required, just submit an application for accounting and the following documents:

  • passport of the applicant (owner of the vehicle);
  • contract of sale;
  • insurance policy and TCP.

After receiving a certificate of registration of the car, you should "report" to the social security authorities on the issue of subsidies. To do this, submit a certificate of purchase of a vehicle. Having completed all the work, the family can safely use the car.


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