Ideas for flower beds. Flowerbeds and flower beds

Each owner of a personal plot wants his possessions to bring not only environmentally friendly and healthy products, but also delight with their beauty. For this reason, the owners of private houses are engaged in the arrangement of adjacent territories. Someone paves paths, sets original arbors, someone arranges a real pond.

ideas for flower beds

However, the simplest and most effective way is planting flowers. An equipped flowerbed will look much more attractive than a simple landing. To create an original flower garden you can use old things and improvised materials. The ideas for the flowerbed are varied, you can choose exactly what will turn a small piece of land into a blossoming paradise.

Flowerbed trickle

Such ideas for flower beds can be implemented even in a small area. Looking at a similar flower garden, you will imagine that water flows from the tank. Of course, not real, flowering plants will imitate it. It is worth noting that in this way you can decorate the lawn, as well as filling from decorative chips.

As the main element, you can use a can, a barrel or a tub. But the "creek" is better to create from young or petunias. This is the most ideal option. Of course, you can experiment a little and plant other plants. The main thing is that they bloom beautifully and magnificent.

DIY flowerbed ideas

How to create a flowerbed trickle

To blooming flowerbed turned out beautiful, you need to carefully prepare everything. So, for a start, itโ€™s worth digging a small depression in the exact place where the tank will be installed. After that, it is worth making a shallow trench - the future โ€œchannelโ€. After installation, the container should be slightly buried. This will create the impression that the flow is pouring from it. You can also sprinkle the design with decorative gravel. That's all, it remains only to plant plants. After that, along the "stream" you can pour a little gravel. If this option does not fit, then there are other ideas for flower beds, which itโ€™s very easy to realize with your own hands.

Flower "turtle"

Similar ideas for flower beds are very simple to implement. To begin with, you should take an old trough or a container similar in size and shape, and then pour the earth inside. Around the installed frame, lay out the tortoise shell. This can be done with shell rock and cement mortar. To form the head, paws and tail, you can use stones that are perfect in size and, of course, in shape.

All parts should be fixed with cement. In order for the flower bed to stand out, it is worth pouring decorative gravel around it. Inside the "turtle" you can plant any flowering plants, but it is better to give preference to undersized, for example, petunias.

flower beds and flower beds

Brick flower beds

Brick is not just building material. With it, you can make an original border, isolate the flower garden and create an original flowerbed. You do not need to be a jack of all trades for this. Similar ideas for a flower bed made of bricks can decorate the site, while taking a minimum of space. For many, such a decision seems a little rustic and not particularly noteworthy. However, this is not the case. The main thing is to follow certain rules.

Where is better to place a bed of brick

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹designing flower beds should be implemented first of all from the choice of place. Much depends on it. First you need to consider:

  1. View of the flower garden. The finished flowerbed should be clearly visible from the veranda or from the windows of the house. This will allow you to enjoy the beauty of not only you but also the guests.
  2. Lighting. Flower beds and flower beds should not be placed in the shade of a greenhouse or at home. Indeed, sunlight is very important for a plant.

Shaped Brick Beds

flowerbed ideas

Various ideas for a flower bed, made with your own hands, allow you to decorate a summer cottage without any special costs. From brick you can make original flower beds of any shape, for example:

  1. Island. These are flower beds of a round form.
  2. Ring. In this case, flowers are planted around a pond or trees.
  3. Rabatka are narrow and long flower beds along walls or paths.
  4. Step (multi-level flower beds).
  5. Rectangular

How to create a flower bed

In fact, the entire process of making a flower garden consists of several stages:

  1. Markup. To do this, draw the contours of the future flower garden on the ground, and then select everything with strips of bright fabric.
  2. Pit preparation. This is an important point. The depth of the pit should be about 30 centimeters, but not more. Cobblestones and sand should be laid at the bottom of the created depression. This will provide good drainage.
  3. Walling. To make flower beds made of brick look attractive, special attention should be paid to masonry. To begin with, lay out the first row of bricks. At the edges of the contour, itโ€™s worth installing pegs, and between them pull a rope or fishing line. After that, you can prepare the solution and proceed with the construction of the walls of the future flowerbed. Of course, it is worth making sure that the masonry is strong and even.
  4. The walls of the finished flower garden should be left for 5 days, so that they get stronger. Pour the required amount of soil into the flower bed. In this position, the flower bed should stand for about another day - for shrinkage.
  5. That's all, it remains to plant flowers for the flowerbed. Plant names are easy to remember. Usually used for tall flower beds are short or creeping flowers.

blooming flower bed

How to decorate

Ready flower garden can be decorated. If the walls turned out to be very wide, then in the corners you can arrange flowerpots with flowering plants. Near the flower beds, various sculptures look good. Near the brick flowerbed, you can make a neat path, lay it out with decorative gravel, tiles or other suitable material.

Tire beds

The simplest flower bed for beginners is a flower bed made of tires. Everyone is capable of creating such a thing on their site. It is enough to place the tire on the plot, paint it, pour it into the soil and plant beautiful plants. Of course, this is not an exclusive decoration, but for beginner gardeners suitable. It is best to paint the tires with oil or acrylic paint. Tones should be bright.

You can create a multi-level flowerbed. To do this, just take a few old tires of different sizes, paint them in different colors, and then set on top of each other. It will be a vivid detail of landscape design.

flowers for flower beds names

Tire pyramid

A similar flower garden can be created from tires of different sizes. It is enough to paint them in different tones and lay them on top of each other so that a pyramid is obtained. At the top of this design, you can put a pot. After the construction of the pyramid, it is necessary to fill it with soil. It is best to grow ampelous plants in such a flower bed. Strawberries or petunia are ideal.

Hanging flower bed

From the tire, you can make a hanging flowerbed. To do this, you need to fix a strong chain of metal on the tire and hang it on a tree. The bottom of the tire, of course, needs to be closed. For these purposes, you can use the cache-pot, the diameter of which is larger than that of the tire. If this is not the case, then you can put a dense piece of rubber at the bottom. The composition, painted in snow-white color, will be a real highlight in the garden.

Old tires can be painted in one tone. It will look stylish and neat. In addition, such a composition will be in harmony with other objects of landscape design. And you can make them colorful, with an original pattern. It looks more impressive.

flower bed for beginners


Flower beds and flowerbeds allow you to decorate a personal plot. To create them, you can use old interior items, tires, stones, decorative tiles, gravel, bricks and more. The original decoration can be a bicycle painted in the same tone and decorated with flowerpots with flowers. From tires, you can make not only a pyramid, but also a vase, a swan, a turtle and more. To make the plot beautiful, you can plant flowers with different flowering periods. This will keep the flower beds beautiful throughout the warm months. When arranging the territory adjacent to the house, special attention should be paid to the choice of flowers, as well as their location in the flower garden.


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