Coco Chanel's little black dress: history, description, style

The world of fashion, like everything around us, is changeable. New trends, styles, discoveries or a return to the past - without this it is difficult to imagine his life. However, there are among the fashionable phenomena that are called upon, having appeared once, to remain in it forever. This is how you can describe Coco Chanel's little black dress. There is hardly a woman who has not heard of him. But those who always dreamed of having it in their wardrobe, no less.

Color revolution

Today, black is one of the main colors in any wardrobe. With its help, business images are created that are distinguished by restraint and severity, as well as bold evening dresses, captivating with their beauty and seduction.

But this was far from always. Previously, black was treated exclusively as an element of mourning. Women put on him, only having suffered a loss, observing the rules according to which they could not wear other clothes for a certain time.

Coco Chanel's little black dress is the new life of this beautiful, noble color, which after a short time won even the most conservative women of fashion of her time.

Legendary figure in fashion history

Her real name is Gabriel Boner Chanel. From eleven years she lived in an orphan monastery and did not expect much from life. However, the desire for something beautiful and sublime did not leave her. The name known to the world of fashion - Coco - the girl received, trying herself as a dancer and singer.

Coco Chanel

She had to spend years to figure out exactly what she wants to do. Coco decided to become a milliner. Her lover played a role in the development of Chanel as a world famous designer. The businessman Arthur Capel, who was called β€œFight,” not only shared Coco’s aspirations, but also helped the girl open the first hat store.

This first step in the fashion world opened in her a wonderful designer who became a real phenomenon. Glory, environment, influence - all this Coco achieved herself.

Appearance story

The story of Coco Chanel's little black dress is unusual, as is its creator. There are two versions of what caused it to appear. According to the first, Coco Chanel considered that the ladies' evening toilets at the balls were too bright and colorful. She perceived the secular ladies surrounding her as overly discharged and vulgar. Then the designer boldly declared that she would dress all these "fashionistas" in black. Despite the impudence of such a statement, a few years later the ladies really lined up for Coco Chanel's salon to purchase such a dress. The confidence and adherence of the designer made even the most skeptical fashionistas doubt.

The second version of the appearance of the little black dress Coco Chanel is associated with a personal drama in the life of the designer. Arthur Kapel or Boy Kapel, as he was more often called, played a huge role in the fate of the trendsetter. He not only stood at the origins of the career of a young modist with great ambitions, but also won her heart.

black dress story

His life was interesting, but ended abruptly. In 1919, the Battle gets into a car accident and dies. The tragedy of Coco Chanel was complicated by the fact that she was not married to Kapel, therefore, had no legal right to mourn. It was grief over lost love that prompted the designer to create an elegant, most restrained dress for publication. And although this was a kind of revolution in the fashion world, the creation of the great Chanel instantly gains universal recognition.

First instance

It is generally accepted that Chanel saw the basis of the future creation in the uniform of French saleswomen. The result was modest and elegant - a small black dress with a long sleeve, a shallow round neckline and an average length slightly below the knees. It was supposed to serve as a basis for creating a unique image that would reflect the individuality of a woman. The right combination with accessories made it possible to wear it almost anywhere.

Perfect Chanel Formula

The lush hem of a black dress

The simplicity of Coco Chanel's little black dress is both room for experimentation and the opportunity to make many mistakes. To create an interesting, but at the same time elegant look in the Chanel style, just follow her own rules:

  • As shoes for combination with a small black dress, you should choose high heel shoes. However, remember that its height also plays a role. Chanel - the embodiment of femininity, she knew the measure in everything. The height of the heel should be appropriate for the occasion: a business meeting, a cocktail party or a date. Each of the reasons dictates its own rules. Thin spider web stockings can complement the image.
  • The description of a small black dress would not be complete without yet another unchanging detail of the image of Coco Chanel - a string of pearls around the neck. Such decoration, due to its luxury and contrast of colors, is the best option. However, if desired, a neat necklace can completely replace it.
  • Wherever a woman goes, she must be fully armed. To fix makeup, refresh her hair or create a thin train of good perfume, she needs to carry all this with her. Here, a small handbag on a chain, which Coco Chanel also created, will come to the rescue.

Style basis

It is no coincidence that the outfits of the great designer went into fashion classics. Among others, they emphasized conciseness, restraint, functionality and practicality. They could easily satisfy the needs of women who wanted to look stunning, as well as those who were looking for the perfect combination of beauty and convenience. What can we say about the power of influence of Coco Chanel, if she was able to turn the world of fashion in the days of corsets and quilling.

It was not difficult to get a dress from a famous designer thanks to the distinguishing features:

  • Two variations of the silhouette - straight and tight.
  • Small volume, avoiding excessive fluffiness created by ruffles.
  • Length slightly below the knees.
  • Long sleeves or medium, not constraining movement.
  • In choosing fabrics, the designer preferred tweed and jersey.
  • A small collar or pockets with flaps could complement the dress.
  • As decoration was used braid, large buttons or cord.

Almost a hundred year history

Black cocktail dress, as well as other models changed after the fashion. In each of them, the features of that outfit that once changed everything, are guessed, but over the years it has transformed, reflecting the tastes and preferences of its time.

Black dress 20s

Already in the second half of the 20s, the restraint of the dress has changed significantly. All kinds of decor appeared on the dresses: placers of beads, pearls and other jewelry. Charleston came into vogue, which forced to shift the waist down, and make the skirt layered. Sleeves have also been eliminated.

The 30s still impress with their beauty. There was luxury in everything: straightforwardness and baggy gave way to a seductive, fitted silhouette, the round neckline became deeper.

After the war ended, the fashion world was drowned in the style of New Look. So, the style of a small black dress Coco Chanel acquired a narrow fitted bodice and a voluminous skirt to the knees. It would seem that it is a complete contradiction to the original alongside the designer, but fashion adamantly dictated its own laws.

The golden age of Hollywood breathed new life in a black dress. A variety of styles appeared: fitted bustier dresses, captivating tight-fitting cases. Kinodivy loved outfits without decor, and his absence was complemented by chic expensive decorations.

The volume, which Coco Chanel did not like, was returned again by the famous actress Audrey Hepburn. It was she who became the embodiment of the rules that the great designer herself followed. A simple cut, no decor and a string of pearls. The main difference is the lack of long sleeves.

Audrey Hepburn

In the 60s, changes affected the length of the dress, it reached only the middle of the thigh. The next decade is characterized by a wide variety of styles of black cocktail dresses. Fashionistas shone both in seductive and feminine outfits, and in dresses of daring styles. The 80s became years of experiments, but the classics did not give up their positions.

The 90s became one of the most revealing periods for a black dress. Interesting cutouts, playing with materials and finishes. Even Princess Diana chose an outfit of this color for one of the outings.

Princess Diana

The so-called β€œzero” have absorbed the legacy of all previous years. Today at social events, as well as in everyday life, you can meet women in black dresses of a wide variety of styles. The maxi length outfit is becoming especially popular, which is confirmed by photos from the red carpet.

Special forms

Girls, whose figure does not have any flaws, practically do not have to think about the style of their outfit. It is enough to rely on personal taste or fashion trends.

Women, who are dissatisfied with their forms, on the contrary, with the help of certain models of clothing strive to emphasize virtues, while hiding problem areas.

Black dress for fat

A little black dress for overweight women is a real find. Everyone knows that its main advantage is the ability to visually make the silhouette slimmer. For such a figure fit styles such as a tunic, a dress with a high waist.

If the legs are not a problem part of the body, then you can choose the closest option to the classic version - the case. If desired, the dress is complemented with gates, asymmetric cutouts.


A dress in the style of Coco Chanel is a small dream of every woman. Sometimes it seems that she appears at the subconscious level. Feel free to do it, because such an outfit is simply irreplaceable in the wardrobe!


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