Funny kid - Roborovsky hamster

Very often, children ask parents to let them have a pet. Not all adults agree to this, because the animal requires special care. In addition, from them remain in the apartment an unpleasant smell and coat, and sometimes waste products. But Roborovsky’s hamster is so small that it’s not able to contaminate the house, and besides, he will live in a small cage, which can be found anywhere in the apartment. So this animal is quite suitable as a pet. Any baby will cope with his care, especially since communication with him will be safe for the child.

Roborovsky hamster

Where did he come from?

The zoologist Vsevolod Roborovsky first discovered this cute animal in Tien Shan in 1894. From the countries of Western and Eastern Mongolia and Northern China, these animals were distributed around the world. In captivity, they breed poorly, but often serve as pets. Their advantage is their small size. Roborovsky's hamster in length reaches only 4-5 centimeters. Also, people like its appearance: sandy-golden hair on the head and back, white on the tummy, on the muzzle and on top above the black bead eyes.

Preparation of the "house"

Cages for rodents with rods in this case will not work. The fact is that the small size will allow your pet to slip even into the narrow gap, which is the distance between them. Such active and small hamsters will not be able to sit still, but they will certainly try to find a way out. Therefore, for their safety, as well as to save wallpaper and furniture from spoiling them with sharp teeth, you must use a plastic or glass container. With the advent of these containers, rodent cages have become irrelevant for those who are going to keep such babies at home. But you need to choose the right size. Containers with an area of ​​30x40 (50) cm and a side height of about 2 cm are best suited. Roborovsky's hamster will quickly move in an enclosed space. So that he does not get bored, it is necessary to place various toys in his "house". It can be shelters made of cardboard or plastic of various shapes. The more entertainment the owner provides his pet, the better he will feel, will not get bored, he will quickly get used to the new house.

cages for rodents

Heavy loneliness

Roborovsky hamster does not like to live alone. To stay in a comfortable state, he needs comrades. In nature, they prefer to live in groups. The animal gets along well with its relatives. In one container hold 2-3 hamsters of the same sex. If you hold the male and the female together, you can get offspring, which at first must be protected from the father - he is able to fertilize the nursing mother too early, which will lead to her health problems. Although the hamster father treats the cubs with care.

Vsevolod Roborovsky

Relationship with man

Tiny leggy hamsters, which include the Roborovsky hamster, do not bite. Although the female can grip the finger slightly if it is in the stage of pregnancy or feeding. But this does not mean that they can be ironed and held in their hands. They are so quick that they can not sit without moving, and are in constant motion. Therefore, they are more suitable for those who like to watch the life of the animal world. And it will be all the more interesting the more intricately equipped their house.

Life in nature

Under natural conditions, these hamsters prefer sandy deserts. They lead an active life at dusk. They stock up food for the winter, but they don't hibernate. In the sand they dig holes in which they assign a special "room" for the nest. Propagate from May to September. During this time, the female manages to roam 3-4 times and bring 3-9 cubs. In nature, the Roborovsky hamster feeds on the seeds of plants: tulips, sedges, hodgepodge, beets, caragans and others. And how to feed him at home?

bipedal hamsters

Pet care

A man must feed his pet what he is used to. Invertebrates are known to not be interested in this type of hamster as food . But periodically, you can give them worms to replenish the protein supply. Especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The main emphasis should be placed on seeds of cultivated and wild plants. Vegetables and fruits, oatmeal and white bread soaked in milk should also be given. As greenery, dandelion leaves and salad are suitable.


If the owner liked Roborovsky’s hamsters so much that he wants them to be larger, he can put two individuals of different sexes in one container. It should be remembered that the ability to reproduce appears in these animals at 2-3 weeks of their life. After fertilization, one should expect the appearance of newborn hamsters on days 19-22. At first they are naked and with their eyes closed, but they grow in fur for 10 days, and on day 13 they can see the world around them. Three weeks later, the kids are ready to live independently. They need to be seated by gender to avoid conflict and uncontrolled fertility.

little hamsters

The disadvantage of these animals can be called their habit of nocturnal lifestyle. Because of this, they often make noise after sunset and prevent family members from resting. But this problem is solved simply. No need to put the cage where people sleep. You can still take her out to the next room or kitchen for the night.

These little animals do not live long, only 2 years. In a favorable environment, good care and nutrition do not get sick.

Due to their low fecundity, they are not popular among breeders, so it is better to buy them in nurseries, as it is very difficult to find them in pet stores. But those who manage to do this will get a funny, cute and furry friend who, by their presence, will pleasantly brighten up their hours of leisure.


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