Russian writer Daniil Granin: biography, creativity, photo

Today we will talk about such a famous writer as Daniil Granin. His biography, presented in this article, describes the main events of his life and work.

Granin Daniil Aleksandrovich was born on January 1, 1919. The parents of the writer are forester German Alexander Danilovich and his wife Anna Bakirovna. The birthplace of Daniel is the Kursk region, the village of Volyn. However, there is conflicting information about where the Russian writer Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin was born. Some sources call the village located in the Kursk region, while others indicate that he was born in Saratov. His real name is German. At the beginning of his literary career, the writer took the pseudonym Daniil Granin.

writer Daniel Granin

The biography of his young years will continue our story.

Moving to Leningrad, studying at the Polytechnic Institute

Daniel was the oldest child in the family. Shortly after he went to school, his mother moved with him to Leningrad. Daniil German graduated from one of the best schools at that time, located on Mokhovaya Street, and then entered the Polytechnic Institute. It was at the Polytechnic that he began to try his hand as a writer. In the magazine "Cutter" in 1937 appeared 2 of his debut work. In 1941, Daniil Alexandrovich graduated from the Kalinov Polytechnic Institute in Leningrad.

Military service

After completing his studies, the writer Daniil Granin worked at the Kirov Plant as an engineer of a design bureau. When the Great Patriotic War began, Daniil Aleksandrovich went to the army with the people's militia. In order to defend Leningrad, he served as a volunteer soldier. Granin fought on the Baltic front. He met victory in East Prussia, already being the commander of a company of heavy tanks.

Read more about the front line of Granin

The writer Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin fought in the territory that is today part of the Kaliningrad region. After the war began, he went to the people's militia, and then to the army. Granin fought in tank troops and infantry until the end of 1944.

The writer, talking about his front-line journey, notes that in his biography there were no military marches in Europe. He participated in the liquidation of the Courland group, fought in Koenigsberg, in the Baltic states. There were fierce battles with heavy losses. At the end of the war, he unsuccessfully tried to find comrades from his company. Granin even went to meetings of tank army veterans, but there was almost no one to gather in his own regiment. In one of the conversations, the writer noted that it was an “incredible accident” for him to survive, especially in the people's militia in 1941. Huge losses were then suffered by Russian soldiers. Daniil Aleksandrovich for a long time did not touch on the military theme in his works - it was difficult to remember.

Daniil Granin has worked at the research institute, as well as at Lenenergo, since 1945.

The beginning of the literary path and the most famous works

daniil granin biography

His literary journey began in 1937. It was then that Granin’s first stories were published - “Fatherland” and “The Return of the Rudyak”. In 1951, on the basis of these works, the novel General of the Commune was created, dedicated to Yaroslav Dombrovsky, the hero of the Paris Commune. Among the most famous works of the writer are such novels as “Seekers” (1954), “Going to a Thunderstorm” (1962), as well as “Painting” (1980). The Bison, a documentary and biographical novel written in 1987, is also known. Its plot is based on facts that took place in reality. The first circulation of the work amounted to 4 thousand copies, and a little later it was printed in Roman-Gazeta already in 4 million copies. The story created in 1974 entitled "This Strange Life" is also popular. Other interesting stories are “Victory of engineer Korsakov”, “Our battalion commander”, “Own opinion”, “Rain in a strange city”, etc. The main direction of his work is realism. Technical education was reflected in the fact that almost all of Granin’s works are devoted to search, scientific research, the struggle between principled scientists, seekers and low-minded people, bureaucrats, and careerists.

"Blockade book"

daniel granin personal life

Between 1977 and 1981, the Blockade Book was created (co-authored with A. Adamovich). After several chapters of the work were printed in the New World, the entire book was delayed. Only in 1984 did she see the light of day. The appearance of this work was a real event in Russian public life. The Siege Book is a documentary work that describes the torment that besieged Leningrad went through, as well as the heroism of its inhabitants, who were forced to exist in inhuman conditions. The work is based on oral and written testimonies of city residents.

Russian writer Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin

Relief Society

Daniil Granin at the end of 1980 created the Relief Society, the first in the country. He contributed to its development throughout the state. In Germany and Russia in 1993, the book Destroyed Mercy was born.

Granin's social activities

Daniil Aleksandrovich was repeatedly elected to the board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR and the USSR. In 1989, he was the head of the Soviet PEN Center. In 2000, Granin was awarded the Officer Resto - Order of Germany for his merits in the matter of mutual understanding and reconciliation between Russia and Germany. Dmitry Medvedev on December 30, 2008 presented him with the Order of St. Andrew the First - Called - the highest Russian award.

Daniil Granin, as an eyewitness to the siege of Leningrad and a participant in the war, often appears today in various media. He declares that it is necessary to preserve the memory of human suffering and of the Victory, which was so difficult. In the winter of 2014, Daniil Granin was invited to the Bundestag in order to read a report on the blockade of Leningrad. Granin, speaking in Russia, connects the memory of the war with the realities of modernity: with the abyss between the government and the people, with corruption and others.

Powerful message

Daniil Aleksandrovich’s report on Roma women who were made in the winter of 1941–42 for the highest party nomenclature of the city of Leningrad caused a particularly powerful resonance. It appeared in the press in January 2014. All sections of society were outraged by this fact. Some - the selfishness of the party apparatus, which he opened. Others accused Daniil Aleksandrovich of juggling the facts. Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, was among such accusers. He called Granin a lie, but was later forced to apologize to the writer.

Continuation of literary work

daniel granin

In 2014, Daniil Aleksandrovich celebrated the 95th anniversary. He is already a recognized classic of literature. The novel "I am going to a thunderstorm", as well as the "Blockade book" are already included in textbooks and anthologies on Russian literature of the 20th century. However, having crossed the ninety-year milestone, Daniil Granin is still an acting writer who is not inferior to the new generations of writers in the energy and power of creativity. In 2012, he was awarded the Big Book Prize in two categories - for the novel "My Lieutenant", as well as for the honor and dignity shown in literature.

Daniel granin biography nationality

Great popularity is enjoyed today by Daniel Granin. Biography, nationality, creativity - all this is interesting to many of our contemporaries. We talked about what we know about Daniil Alexandrovich. A lot has been done for our country by Daniel Granin. His personal life is inextricably linked with the fate of his homeland.


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