How to write poetry. To help the budding poet

Today, being a creative person is fashionable. To be able to play a musical instrument, draw pictures or write long stories - these are the talents that many people dream of. But what if this is not given by nature? You can try to figure out how to compose poetry, and start creating original "masterpieces".

how to write poetry
Where is the beginning

The most important thing in the desire to learn to rhyme beautifully words is ordinary desire. You just need to really want to achieve your goal, only in this case everything should work out. Well, you still need a little patience and diligence for regular training in this skill.


The main misconception in the idea of ​​how to write poetry is the idea that you need to write only from the heart, not paying attention to certain rules. This statement is erroneous, because In this way, you can master the technique of rhyming words, but learning to write beautiful verses without knowing the basic rules will definitely fail. One should always want to achieve more and learn new things in full, and not in part.

compose poems

Wanting to figure out how to compose poetry, it is worth starting the work by reading the works of great poets, both domestic and foreign. Pushkin, Yesenin, Tsvetaeva, Baudelaire ... Each of them had their own specific style, the manner of combining words and phrases, the way of conveying the desired information. Do not disdain modern poetry. Despite the huge number of rhymes, today there are excellent poets, whose work deserves attention. Some poetry teachers advise every day for several hours to immerse themselves in reading the works of classics, and thus gain great intelligence among great people.

poems about poets

Writing poetry will be successful only when inspiration comes to a person. Few people succeed in creating on the command “everyone, sat down and compose poetry”, for this you need to be a professional. And for students, the muse is very important. Only when the soul has something to say, and the words are torn to freedom, can you get an excellent creation with a deep meaning and beautiful phrases.

Avoid simplicity

Wanting to know how to compose poetry, it is important to remember that the worst thing for any thing is everyday life. Not simplicity, this is a slightly different concept. The meaning of the future poem should be well thought out. When presenting material, it is worth avoiding hackneyed phrases, cliches and vernacular. Simple rhymes - la-la, na-na - also spoil the masterpiece, making it invisible and “tasteless”. For any work, its completion is important; it is on it that all work is remembered. It is worth avoiding banal finals in their masterpieces, such works are unlikely to please the public.


If you want to write poems about poets, nature or animals, you need to remember that everything starts with quantity and gradually turns into quality. Every day, scuffing paper and not getting the desired result, over time you can still get on good lines and understand that finally quantity has been replaced by quality. And do not be afraid to experiment. Only in this way can you find your unique style of writing and attract a huge number of readers.


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