Cold hands in the baby: look for the cause and deal with it

The true gift of God can be considered the birth in the family of a healthy peanut. From the very conception, each mother begins to take care of her little one, despite the fact that he is still very tiny, and if possible it is better to protect him. These include the daily routine, diet, ensuring a healthy and full sleep, physical and mental development.

But what should mom do if she suddenly finds cold hands in her baby? How can she deal with this? What kind of problem is this and is it worth it to worry about? In this article you can find answers to similar questions that concern young mothers.

To wrap or not to wrap? That's the question...

As soon as a baby is born in the family, parents, in spite of the literature they have read and the programs watched, related to raising and caring for children, have a lot of questions that concern the health of the baby. And one of the most frequently asked questions is the following: "Why does the baby have cold hands?"

cold hands in the baby

The first thing mothers do in this case is to try to warm it as soon as possible by wrapping it in a blanket. This is what many young parents do. And the older generation is firmly convinced that the best and most effective means is to put the baby in woolen mittens and socks, even if his legs and arms are just cool.

As a rule, doctors try to assure new parents that there is nothing to worry about if you have a good appetite and calm child behavior. Modern pediatricians recommend paying attention to the general condition of the caparuzik, because its cold arms and legs can be both evidence of a normal condition, and a signal that the baby has some kind of disease.

Improving, growing ...

The thing is that the cold hands and feet of the baby are absolutely not an indicator that he is sick. In the vast majority of cases, this only indicates that the baby's vegetative system has not yet fully managed to adapt to the conditions of the world around him. From day to day, heat transfer processes in the body of the young will be improved, and after only a few months its thermoregulation is normalized.

We carefully check ...

If, nevertheless, mother’s excitement does not decrease, it is difficult for her due to inexperience to understand the well-being of her baby, you can use the recommendation of pediatricians: touch the baby’s breast with the back of her mother’s palm. If this part of the little body is warm, then everything is fine, the baby is not frozen. But if on the contrary, then the child is really uncomfortable, he will feel cold. Therefore, in this case, if the baby has cold hands, he froze. Mittens from natural fabrics and a warm blanket neatly thrown over the baby will help out.

What determines the temperature of the handles and legs?

There are many factors on which the temperature state of the upper and lower extremities of infants depends: this is the ambient temperature, the condition of the baby’s autonomic nervous system, and even whether the baby is full or hungry. In the first months of their little life, the little ones still do not know how to “keep” the temperature of their bodies, therefore, advice on warming a small family member should be paid special attention if the room where the newborn is located is not protected from drafts, and if the temperature in it is below the required 22 -25 degrees.

cold hands and feet in the baby

But why a baby has cold hands and feet, when he is already at least a month old, he should understand it immediately. And it’s better not to do it yourself, but to connect a pediatrician to this.

Why are the arms and legs cold?

So, it is already clear that there may be cold hands in the baby. The reasons for this can be very different. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Physiological reasons. The child’s autonomic nervous system, through which heat transfer is regulated, fully ripens only by 1-1.5 years. Therefore, before this age, you should not particularly worry, but it is important to monitor the general condition of the baby. It is necessary to observe the appetite and behavior of the baby: if he eats well and is active enough, has no other signs of pathology, then his health is in perfect order.
    why the baby has cold hands
  2. Cold and other inflammatory diseases. Cold hands in the baby can signal the first signs of a cold or other diseases. If, in addition to cold extremities, tearfulness, refusal to eat, cough, fever, rashes on the skin are observed, then this shows that the baby is sick.
  3. Being in the body of the baby in an insufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients. If the pean is sluggish, poorly recovering, lagging behind in development, then you should definitely take control of how he eats and how much he consumes the necessary nutrients. It may happen that in the milk of a nursing mother there are not enough substances for him.
  4. Thyroid disease. If the baby has constant chronic constipation, violations of thermoregulation, thickening of the tongue, then this indicates a violation in the functioning of the thyroid gland. A visit to the endocrinologist is urgently needed.
    why the baby has cold hands and feet
  5. Anemia. Iron deficiency can be not only in adults, but also in infants. The reason may be prematurity, dysbiosis, unsustainable feeding of the baby and some other diseases.

How to rid your baby of cold pens?

In order to try to solve such an important problem as the cold hands of the baby (and his legs, too), a number of preventive measures must be taken. If it is all about blood circulation, then a massage course is needed at home or in the hospital. Such a massage, concentrated on the body and limbs of the toddler, will strengthen its muscles, activate blood circulation and give the baby a charge of vivacity. Blood will circulate better throughout the body, better flow to the limbs and supply tissue with oxygen. A certain massage gymnastics will give the baby's body flexibility.

Thanks to the contrasting soul, the blood vessels expand, which also improves the circulatory system. Such hardening, in addition, strengthens the immunity of crumbs since childhood. After the shower, you need to intensively rub the kitten with a soft towel, which will provide a rush to the legs and blood handles and, accordingly, they will become warm.

cold hands in a baby cause

Important to remember! The baby should always be warm, so you need to ensure that his clothes are of high quality. It should not be overly wrapped up in order not to cause him a sweat and increase his temperature. But be sure to wear it in more than one layer of clothing, which will be one size larger.

In many ways, the temperature regime also depends on the food consumed by the baby. Mom must make sure that the food is a little higher in degrees than room temperature.

Be sure to protect the peanut from stress, because the nervous system of children is too sensitive to any shocks. If her work goes wrong, this will cause not only the cold hands and legs of the little one, but also many other serious pathologies.


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