Red Book of animals. The rarest animals of Russia

Currently, nature is in danger for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is always the possibility of another pollution. Environmental disasters of various kinds are increasingly hanging over the inhabitants of the Earth. Secondly, a constantly changing climate creates negative environmental conditions. Many more reasons can be listed, due to which the quality of life of not only humans, but also animals is deteriorating. Because of this, they can reduce their numbers or even disappear as a species.

Causes of extinction

Why are so many species now at risk? Why was the Red Book of animals created? There are several options. This may be due to biotic factors. These include acts committed by the animals themselves. For example, an uncontrolled increase in the level of reproduction of a species, or, conversely, a hefty influence of predators on it, can change lives and affect the number of individuals. Another important factor is the abiotic. This is, first of all, a change in climate and habitat conditions of animals. And, of course, one cannot but pay attention to the most important factor of our time - anthropogenic. This, of course, is the actions of man himself. After all, the impact that we have on nature is immeasurable and not always positive.

Red Book of animals

Red Book Creation

Recognizing the importance of preserving nature and animal species, the International Association for Conservation of Nature has taken the initiative. In early 1949, she created the Commission responsible for rare species. And already in the 60s the first Red Book of animals was released. What is she like? First of all, its main task was to make a list of especially rare species that are on the verge of extinction. Each animal is accompanied by an illustration and annotation that briefly describes the lifestyle, habitat, nutrition, and cause of extinction. Moreover, animals are divided into groups. What animals are in the Red Book? This, of course, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects, etc. The division of mammals is the largest. They, in turn, are divided into artiodactyls, artiodactyls, rodents, predators, bats, and many others.

Animals from the Red Book of Russia

Animals from the Red Book of Russia

Russia is a huge country, rich not only in its natural resources, but also in the variety of animal species living in its vast territories. It would be strange if they were not subjected to natural and unnatural extermination. Therefore, animals from the Red Book of Russia are striking in their quantity and variety.

If it were possible to create a "troika of leaders", speaking of the most famous endangered species in Russia, this would not have been a big deal.

Red Book. Animals list

The Amur tiger would surely be on the leading position in the book of Russia . This predator living in the Far East, was on the verge of death in the 1930s. Then the tigers were only 20-30 individuals. Active actions began to change the situation. Banned the hunt for the beast. Therefore, by the 1950s , there were as many as 100 tigers . Now, according to recent estimates, there are about 400 left. Most of these animals are in those places where human activity is minimized, and the number of sika deer and wild boars, which are the main food of the predator on the contrary, is large enough. The Red Book, animals, the list of which is huge, is becoming wider. Of course, the activity of poachers most of all reduces the standard of living of a tiger. They continue to hunt them, despite injunctions and the threat of imprisonment. These people are not afraid of chasing money. They sell skins to China and other Asian countries.

Red book, animals, list

Polar bear

Another animal, the number of which is constantly decreasing, is a polar bear. The few Red Book animals, whose description is constantly updated, are so valuable to our country. Polar bears live in several places. So, they are in Greenland, on the coast of the Barents Sea, in Chukotka. Accordingly, with the area they are divided into populations belonging to a particular habitat zone. For the most part, their number remains stably low in all places. What is the reason for this? The natural factor of low fertility and high mortality of cubs leads to a reduction in the number of bears. In addition, changes in the Arctic climate are affecting the food supply. And of course, a person can not only change the last condition by killing seals, but also exterminate the bears themselves for known poaching purposes.

Red Book Animals, Description

Steppe eagle

One of the most valuable birds for Russia is the steppe eagle. No wonder songs and fairy tales are dedicated to him, they glorify his beauty and freedom. The latter is limited by the anthropogenic factor. Since the plowing of virgin lands began, the number of birds has declined sharply. It is difficult for them to adapt to life in agrocenoses. Young eagles die from power lines. Stocks of food (ground squirrels) are also constantly changing. Nests that birds make (usually in old haystacks) are often accidentally burned. All this does not contribute to the fact that the number of eagles has become normal. The Red Book of animals indicates that in the European part of Russia there are no more than 19,000 pairs left. This is a very low rate. There is also poaching. Although hunting and illegal export of birds have long been banned, this does not stop criminals.

What animals are in the Red Book?

For our age, animals have faced a difficult test. They have to survive in the new conditions created by man. The Red Book of Animals helps to detect and capture species that are in danger in order to make a difference.


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