Logo Zheleznov - music for the development of intelligence

Many dads and mothers want their baby to be diversified, but do not know where to start. The Zheleznov logotype will turn out to be a wonderful find in this case.

Developing according to this technique, children literally live to the sound of music. Kids not only receive an early musical education, but also have a developed ear, thanks to which speech develops faster.

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The logic for babies Zheleznova is based on the cooperation of the child with parents. Children learn everything in motion, so classes are based on dance, aerobics, games to a variety of tunes. Kids can not only listen, but also create music themselves. Therefore, the hands of children are given noise and musical instruments.

Music must be rhythmic, vibrant and high-quality. Zheleznov’s hilarious logic is based on classics and traditional folk tunes.

Thanks to outdoor games and gymnastics, health is strengthened and motility develops. Finger games to music perfectly train fine motor skills, and this is very important for the development of speech and for the development of writing in the future. In addition, such interesting activities contribute to the development of horizons and improve memory.

logo for babies zheleznova
Zheleznov’s logo is perfect for organizing classes in kindergarten and at home. With their audio recordings you can have fun holidays.

Zheleznov’s discs and books are popular with educators in kindergartens, speech therapists and many parents, and are suitable for kids with developmental disabilities.

For the smallest, the first part of the "Alphabet-nursery rhymes" is useful, it is interesting to carry out massage and gymnastics for a newborn with it. “Mom’s lessons” will make bathing and dressing fun. Listening to “Songs-exclamations”, the kids try to repeat onomatopoeia, and this favorably affects the development of speech.

Children from two years old can quite consciously engage in "Aerobics for Kids" and "Gymnastics." Kids of one and a half years of age will be delighted with voicing of fairy tales and stories with the help of the disc “Tales of the Noise”.

The Zheleznov’s logotype helps to master various sciences: with the help of the discs “Score within ten” and “In the country of the multiplication table”, the kid gets acquainted with mathematics in a playful way, and the disc “The Key of the Kingdom” teaches English.

It is also useful to purchase musical coloring books that are suitable for teaching kids from two years old.

funny logo zheleznova
If you want to deal with the baby yourself, then purchase toys and musical instruments that will be used only for classes. To captivate your child, show yourself how fun and cool it is to learn. Classes with the smallest should not be long. It is better to conduct short lessons in a playful form several times a day.

Great if you have a piano or metallophone at home. Bells and bells, wooden spoons and pipes are also useful. Kids love to make various sounds, especially loud ones. Their sense of rhythm is simply excellent.

Zheleznov’s logo is one of the most fascinating and fun ways to harmoniously develop your child. In a light entertaining form, kids comprehend the complex concepts of emphasis, rhythm, pace and from a young age they feel naturally in the world of music.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24014/

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