The drug "Cat Bayun": instructions for use for cats, reviews

Owners of domestic cats and cats are constantly faced with the problem of estrus in females and gulki and males. At this time, the animal becomes uncontrollable, and even an affectionate cat can start throwing itself at its owners. This circumstance becomes a big problem for pets who never go outside. The veterinarian can offer two ways to solve the situation. One of them is quite dramatic and consists in sterilization or castration. However, it is not suitable for all pets. In addition, offspring from such an animal can no longer be obtained. Therefore, the doctor can advise a sedative that solves the problem with a gentle method. One of the most designated is the "Cat Bayun." Instructions for the drug show that it effectively calms the cat and regulates the aggression of cats.

Aggressive cat

Features of the tool

"Cat Bayun" for cats is a multi-purpose preparation based on extracts of various herbs. Its use involves not only a sedative effect during estrus, but also a regulatory action with excessive aggressiveness of cats and constant stress. It is sometimes used as a light pain reliever in the treatment of nervous diseases.

The composition of the drug

It is worth noting that the drug consists entirely of extracts of medicinal herbs. Available in the form of tablets or infusions. Therefore, for any moody animal, you can choose your own "Cat Bayun". The instruction describes in detail the reception methods and the detailed composition:

  1. Valerian root.
  2. Oregano.
  3. Melilot.
  4. Hawthorn.
  5. Mint.
  6. Catman.
  7. Melissa.
  8. Hop.
  9. St. John's wort
  10. Motherwort.
  11. The budra is ivy.
  12. St. John's wort
  13. Thyme.
  14. Pion.
  15. Meadowsweet.
  16. Marshmallow caterpillar.
  17. Nettle.
  18. Solyanka.

As the name of the drug shows, it has a soothing effect and calms the animal during stressful situations.

Different forms of release. Infusion

For the convenience of using the drug "Cat Bayun", its release form implies diversity. The infusion comes in a small dark vial containing 10 ml of herbal extract. It has a good sedative effect, helps to calm the cat during estrus and relieve stress in the cat.

However, drops of “Cat Bayun” have a characteristic odor, therefore, according to the reviews of breeders, problems with their intake may occur. Often, veterinarians recommend mixing the product with food. But especially sensitive individuals can refuse food. A fairly common way, which brings good results, is to add “Cat Bayun” drops to drinking water.

Infusion "Cat Bayun"

Tablet form release

If a more potent remedy is required, then Cat Bayun tablets will be a good choice. The concentration of grass collection is the highest, therefore, the effect is manifested faster. Often tablets are given to cats in the period of mature estrus and cats experiencing severe stress. It can be used to relieve arousal in pets.

Often, the drug is recommended for animals who have a long trip or temporary extension. The drug has a sedative effect and is comparable in action to valerian.

Testimonials from breeders indicate that usually cats do not resist and take pills. To do this, put the pill on the root of the tongue, close the animal’s mouth and lightly stroke the neck area to provoke swallowing movement.

However, there are obstinate cats that do not put anything in their mouths. In this case, the tablet can be crushed and mixed into the usual food. In this case, there is no particular smell, so the animal eats the proposed treat without problems.

Tablets "Cat Bayun"

Pharmacological properties

In medical veterinary medicine, the drug is indicated to relieve stress in an animal associated with a period of estrus, prolonged abstinence, relocation, or severe conditions. It is important that the "Cat Bayun", the instruction confirms this, can be prescribed to pregnant cats during lactation. In this case, the herbal collection does not cause an allergic reaction, addiction and is well tolerated by animals. If a mild sedative is needed, it is recommended to use the Cat Bayun infusion. If you need a stronger effect, pills are prescribed.

The infusion has a characteristic herbal aroma. Color can be from light yellow to dark brown. The extract precipitates during long-term storage, therefore it is recommended to shake the bottle vigorously before use.

Sedation for a cat

Need for admission

The veterinarian can recommend the use of sedative "Cat Bayun" in the following cases:

  • When the cat begins to constantly mark the territory, constantly meow and ask to go outside.
  • If the animal has hyperactivity and aggressive behavior.
  • Before a long trip, moving or overexposure.
  • During a period of constant stress associated with a disease or other factors.

The drug has a mild effect, therefore, it can be prescribed to pregnant cats, young individuals and weakened after the disease.

Soothing effect - "Cat Bayun"

How to use

If it has been decided that the animal needs a "Cat Bayun", the reading instruction is required. A note on the doses and methods of administration is attached to each package. It is important to consider the form of release, because the methods of administration are different.

Release form in the form of infusion

The drug "Cat Bayun" in liquid form involves the following scheme and dosage:

  1. The bottle must be shaken well.
  2. Before use, it is necessary to wear a special nozzle in the form of a dropper.
  3. If you use a spoon for admission, then you need half a teaspoon. When instilled directly into the mouth, 2 ml should be counted.
  4. The course is designed for a week.

An unfinished vial should be stored in the refrigerator. This is due to the naturalness of the components and their decomposition in heat.

It is recommended to give infusion a few days before the alleged stressful event. However, there is no data on how long the active action of the drug begins. But it is believed that herbs have a cumulative effect, so immediate results should not be expected.

"Cat Bayun" - reception

Drug in the form of tablets

The Cat Bayun product for cats in the form of tablets has a stronger effect due to the higher concentration of active substances. To correct the aggressive behavior of cats and anxiety of cats during estrus, the following regimen is recommended:

  1. During meals, the tablet is crumbled and offered 4 times a day. In this case, two pills are used.
  2. If you need to prepare your cat for a calm passage of a stressful situation, then you can limit yourself to one pill 3-4 times a day.

The course is also designed for 7 days.

Precautionary measures

The drug is non-toxic and safe when taken as directed. However, to protect people and animals from possible overdose, it is worth adhering to standard precautions. There is also a danger that the cat will scratch the hands of the owner during the reception.

  1. Be sure to wash your hands after handling the animal.
  2. Avoid contact of the drug with foods that a person will consume.
  3. Store in the refrigerator and provide a guarantee of protection against children.
  4. If the drug is given directly to the pet’s mouth, then hands and face should be protected. It is advisable to wrap the paws of the animal with a rag, and carry out the procedure with a partner.

With accidental use by a person, there is no danger. But in the case of a sufficiently large dosage, it is necessary to consult a specialist, taking the packaging of the product with you.

Side effects and contraindications

If you carefully follow the instructions attached to each package, then side effects do not occur. However, it is always worth remembering that a cat can produce an allergic reaction to any component from a fairly large list of composition. Therefore, if you suspect an intolerance to the drug, you should stop taking it and consult your veterinarian for an examination.

Due to the fact that “Cat Bayun” has a completely natural composition, it has no contraindications. Perhaps the use of pregnant cats, young animals and pets weakened after the disease. The exception is especially sensitive cats, which give a reaction to the use of herbal extracts. However, judging by the reviews, such a phenomenon is extremely rare.

It is also not recommended to use the product if the kitten is not yet 10 months old. But in each case, the last word will remain with the veterinarian.

"Cat Bayun" for cats

Reviews about the drug

Breeders buy the drug not only to calm the animal during estrus. There are reviews that herbs help after castration surgery. If the animal begins to actively run around the apartment, meow plaintively and show aggression, then we can offer him "Cat Bayun". Reviews often indicate that animals swallow the tablets on their own. They do not have a special smell. A convenient dropper helps to infuse the infusion. If the pet stubbornly refuses, then you can drip it into drinking water. There are reviews that the drug has a weak analgesic effect. This is based on the presence of herbs that contribute to this effect.

Often a remedy is offered to a cat that has recently given birth. When the time comes to pick up the kittens, many females begin to get nervous. In this case, the infusion is salvation.

There are reviews of how the drug helped to accustom a walking cat to the house. Often, if the owners take a kitten from the street, at first he simply cannot get used to the enclosed space. In this case, the calming effect will provide "Cat Bayun." Reviews show that the kitten quickly gets used to the apartment, does not rush around, but calmly examines the new home.

The main problem of many breeders in transporting animals. Often this is necessary in the summer, when the whole family moves to the country. In this case, a sedative is also recommended. Pets, who, prior to moving for a week, took the Cot Bayun tincture, usually calmly lie on their owners' knees or sleep in a carry.


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