Decoupage soil: types, properties, application features

Decorative and applied art is that area of ​​activity in which an important role is given to materials: varnishes, paint and a primer. One of the most interesting popular areas where the use of these compounds is required is decoupage. Using this technique, various household items are made out, from utensils to furniture. How the decorated product will look in the end and how much time will be spent on this painstaking process will depend on the quality of the work surface. For this purpose, shops for creativity offer special primers for decoupage from different manufacturers. We will review the most popular, and also consider how you can cook such yourself.

Briefly about decoupage

Decoupage is a variety of applied art that uses the technique of gluing carved illustrations, patterns, compositions and other elements. At the last stage, such work is varnished. The name of this type of art translated from French means "cut". The process of decorating itself is to give fragmentary images a natural look. A thin layer is removed from paper clipping, which is glued to the object, due to which a certain depth is created and the picture looks like it was drawn.

As with any do-it-yourself job, a well-prepared foundation is needed to create a truly aesthetic product. To properly process the surface, you can not do without quality primer for decoupage.

DIY decoupage soil

Soil role

Soil greatly simplifies the work process and performs a number of necessary functions. First of all, it has high adhesive properties, due to which it adheres well to the surface. It also provides reliable bonding during subsequent application of the paint. If the base is non-absorbing, then this ability of the composition is simply necessary (for example, ceramics, metal, glass, plastic).

For what purpose is the primer still used? We highlight its main advantages:

  • the composition aligns the work surface;
  • significantly saves the amount of paint;
  • whitens the base intended for decoration.
Acrylic Decoupage Primer

Types of compounds

When it comes to decoupage, not only artistic compositions, but also construction paints, in particular acrylic, act as a primer. Of course, special primers are convenient to use. But sometimes needlewomen themselves prefer to choose just the usual construction tools. For example, paint forms a porous layer that perfectly skins. In the process of grinding, it is cleaned in the form of fine dust, the surface becomes perfectly flat.

It is believed that professional products are characterized by better adhesion. How to beginner to understand the types of compositions? Paints and primers for decoupage are distinguished by several criteria.

Firstly, they are divided according to their production purpose: art and construction. Secondly, by the type of surfaces used for decoupage. They are permeable and non-absorbing.

Characteristics and properties of a quality product

Not always lovers of creativity acquire primers for decoupage in art stores. Often, acrylic paints are used for such purposes, which are at any construction point. After all, it’s important not what will be taken as a basis, but what will be the final result. Decoupage soil must meet the following criteria:

  • The qualitative composition is characterized by a homogeneous consistency; lumps and clots should not be present in it. Otherwise, you will have to spend a significant part of the time sanding the product. This is a process in which drips, gaps and all the characteristic features of an object that serves as the basis for decoupage are eliminated. For example, if you want to create an imitation of stone or porcelain on a wooden surface, you must completely change its texture.
  • The following properties that you should pay attention to are ductility and density. The choice of soil according to these criteria depends on the master himself. Some of them like to work with thick formulations, as they allow you to better convey the hiding power. If necessary, they can be diluted with water.
  • Of no less importance is how strong the smell is. After all, it will take a long time to work with him, and caustic and aggressive compounds adversely affect health. If you focus on this factor, it is better to choose acrylic primer for decoupage.

To decorate coarse foundations, you can use building compounds. If you need to work with a more elastic surface, it is better to use an artistic tool, it will protect things from cracking in the area of ​​bends. But this applies more to objects with utilitarian functions.

Glass primer, decoupage

Features of the use of compositions depending on surface types

All materials used as the basis for finishing can be divided according to the degree of permeability. This is a determining factor, therefore, what soil for decoupage will be better, it’s difficult to say right away. On absorbent materials, the composition lies evenly, penetrates inside. For such, conventional universal remedies are suitable. To work with smooth foundations is rather problematic, therefore it is better to choose compositions from the assortment of artistic primers. In this case, you need a more professional approach.

In fact, any surfaces are subject to decoration. Experienced needlewomen manage to make decoupage even with wax candles. First you need to choose an item for the decor and determine its affiliation, that is, what type of material it belongs to. Available for penetration of the primer surfaces include:

  • natural skin;
  • MDF;
  • tree;
  • unglazed ceramics;
  • textile:
  • cardboard.

The non-absorbent materials include:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • polymer clay;
  • shells, stone;
  • glazed ceramics.

Incompatibility of the substrate with the ground often leads to deformation of the scenery. Sometimes beginners in this type of creativity try to create products from improvised materials. Initially, such items may look good. But in the future, under the influence of external factors, the decoupage napkin can form folds, and, it would seem, a well-dried composition will begin to exfoliate.

Let us consider what compositions correspond to which type of material used.

Soil "Levkas"

Compositions for permeable surfaces

In this case, the main task of the composition is to create a more even surface, fill all kinds of pores and indentations with the help of the first application for convenient and economical work with subsequent layers. For the preparation of absorbent substrates, both special compounds and construction ones are suitable.

Of the first, you can use the soil "Levkas". It is designed for cardboard and wood, copes well with porosity and irregularities, eliminates small defects. Its advantage is that it does not saturate the surface with moisture and cardboard products retain their original appearance.

The composition “Sonnet” or the paint “Snowball Eco” is also suitable. The first is a budget option, has an elastic texture and has high adhesion.

Soil from the Russian company Nevskaya Palitra is suitable for decorating cardboard and canvas before applying gouache, acrylic and oil paints. It forms a matte elastic film with a high degree of adhesion. To work with this composition, it is recommended to use rollers, spatulas and synthetic brushes. The only negative is that it is problematic to grind, it overwrites for a very long time.

Soil "Sonnet"

In contrast to this composition, "Snowball Eco" skins quite easily. The paint is hypoallergenic and does not curl when applied, the layer is more even.

For the design of textiles, leather and ceramics, you need to choose more elastic soils. The layers must be applied thin and wait until the product completely dries. Textiles and leather cannot be decorated with acrylics; it is better to use water-based options.

Soil "Snowball Eco"

Compositions for smooth materials

For such reasons, most often use artistic means, less often building. In this case, a high-quality adhesion of the treated base to acrylic paint is expected from the primer. These funds include:

  • aerosol soils:
  • artistic compositions;
  • building enamels and primers;
  • paints.

To decorate metal and glass, exclusively special soil is used for decoupage. For the first, you can use the tool GF-021. This is a universal composition, it has proved to be good in working with metal due to its high binding properties. It is best to use anti-corrosion agents for this material. Building structures designed for metal processing can be purchased at a special store.

Primer "Tex"

Special compositions for glass surfaces are not on sale. How to replace the soil for decoupage? Instead, they usually use glue-based varnishes. These funds are best chosen from German manufacturers.

High-quality adhesion is provided by artistic liquid compositions on an acrylic basis. At needlewomen they are very popular.

How to make a product with your own hands

It is quite simple to make the soil for decoupage with your own hands. To produce the composition, you need PVA glue and acrylic paint. However, there is one caveat in the preparation of the soil, but it is also a plus: you will need to prepare two compositions with different proportionality of the components. For the first, two agents are taken in equal amounts, mixed thoroughly. This composition is used for applying the first layer. For the manufacture of the second type of soil, you need to take three parts of paint and one glue. They then cover the surface a few more times.

Primer for decoupage bottles

Bottle decoration

Glass jars or bottles with ordinary paints and primers should not be processed. Over time, the layer will begin to crack and will move away from the surface. Most often, an integrated approach is used to finish such products.

First, the base is degreased with alcohol or a solvent. Then spray paint is applied. It can be transparent or color. The last layer for saturation of the tone is already covered with acrylic paint - so you can save varnish.

A transparent composition intended for car repair can also become a basis for decoupage of bottles. If varnish-glue is used, then two layers must be applied - this is the best way the paint lays.


If you use primers for decoupage in accordance with the recommendations of knowledgeable craftsmen, then any decorated items will have an aesthetic appearance and will become a real decoration of your interior. Do not forget that the durability and quality of such things directly depends on the proper preparation of the foundation.


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