Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin (Tolstoy, "The Prisoner of the Caucasus")

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a story sometimes called a story. It was written by Leo Tolstoy. The work tells us about a Russian officer who was held captive by the highlanders. The story was first published in the magazine "Dawn" in 1872. He is one of the most popular works of the great Russian writer, withstood many reprints. The title of the story is a reference to the poem of the same name by Pushkin. In this article we will make comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin. These are the two main characters, the juxtaposition of personalities which forms the basis of the work. Description of Zhilin and Kostylin see below.

The plot of history

Description of housing and kostylina

The narrative is based in part on a real event that occurred during Tolstoy’s service in the Caucasus (the 50s of the 19th century). He wrote in his diary in June 1853 that he almost got captured, but behaved well in this case, although and overly sensitive. Lev Nikolaevich, along with his friend, once miraculously left the chase. Lieutenant Tolstoy also had to rescue his comrades from captivity.

Ransom letters drawn up by two officers

The story takes place during the Caucasian War. Zhilin, an officer, serves in the Navy. His mother sends his son a letter asking him to visit her, and he leaves with the convoy from the fortress. On the way, he overtakes him along with Kostylin and stumbles on horseback "Tatars" (that is, Muslim highlanders).

Caucasian captive zhilin and kostylin

They shoot down the horse, and the officer himself is taken prisoner (his friend is running). Zhilin is taken to a mountain village, after which they are sold to Abdul-Murat. "How did Zhilin and Kostylin meet after that?" - you ask. It turned out that by that time Kostilin, a colleague of Zhilin, who had also been captured by the Tatars, was already held captive by Abdul-Murat. Abdul-Murat forces the Russian officers to write letters home to get a ransom for them. Zhilin indicates the wrong address on the envelope, realizing that the mother in any case will not be able to collect the necessary amount.

Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity

comparative characteristics of housing and kostylina

Kostylin and Zhilin live in a barn, they put on their feet during the day pads. Zhilin fell in love with local children, especially Dinah, the 13-year-old daughter of Abdul-Murat, who made dolls. While walking around the surroundings and the aul, this officer wonders how to escape to the Russian fortress. He does digging in the barn at night. Dina sometimes brings him pieces of lamb or tortillas.

Escape of two officers

When Zhilin finds out that the inhabitants of this village are alarmed by the death of a fellow villager who died in battle with the Russians, he finally decides to escape. Together with Kostylin, an officer crawls into a dig at night. They want to get to the forest, and then to the fortress. But due to the fact that the fat Kostylin was slow, they do not have time to implement the plan, the Tatars notice young people and deliver them back. They are now planted in a pit and are no longer removed pads for the night. Dina sometimes continues to carry food to the officer.

The second escape of Zilina

Realizing that their enslavers are afraid that the Russians may soon come, and therefore may kill their captives, Zhilin once nightfall asks Dina to get a long stick. With her help, he crawls out of the pit. Kostylin, which has become sour and painful, remains inside. He is trying, including with the help of a girl, to knock down the castle from the blocks, but he does not succeed. At dawn, making his way through the forest, Zhilin goes to the Russian troops. Kostylin subsequently, with health undermined to the extreme, is bought out of captivity by comrades.

Characteristics of the main characters ("Prisoner of the Caucasus", Tolstoy)

Zhilin and Kostylin are Russian officers. They both participate in the war for the annexation of the Caucasus to Russia. A letter from mother comes to Zhilin, in which she asks her son to visit her before death to say goodbye. Without thinking twice, he sets off. But traveling alone was dangerous, because at any time the Tatars could capture him and kill him. We went in a group, and therefore very slowly. Then Zhilin and Kostylin decide alone to go forward. Zhilin was prudent and cautious. After making sure that Kostylin’s rifle was loaded, and that he had a checker in his scabbard, Zhilin decided to see if the Tatars were visible, climbing the mountain. Climbing higher, he noticed his enemies. The Tatars were very close, and therefore saw Zhilin.

This brave officer thought that if he manages to run to the gun (which Kostylin had), the officers will be saved. He screamed to his comrade. But the cowardly Kostylin ran away, frightened for his own skin. He committed a vile act. In how Zhilin and Kostylin met, one can see a mockery of fate over the latter. After all, both were eventually captured, and here they met again. The chief of the highland Muslims said that it was necessary to pay a ransom of 5000 rubles, and then they would be released. Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home asking for money. And Zhilin answered the highlanders that if they killed him, they would not get anything at all, and ordered them to wait. He sent his letter intentionally to a different address, because the officer felt sorry for his mother, who was seriously ill, and there was no such money in the family. In addition to his mother, Zhilin did not have any other relatives.

zhilin and kostylin in captivity

The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin can be supplemented by indicating how these heroes spent their time in captivity. Zhilin decided that he could and should run away. He dug a digging at night, and during the day he made dolls for Dina, who brought food in return.

fate zhilina and kostylina

Kostylin lounged all day, and slept at night. And now the time has come when preparations for the escape were completed. The officers fled together. They severely worn the foot stones, and Zhilin had to bear the weakened Kostylin. Because of this, they were captured. This time, the officers were put in a hole, but Dina took out a stick and helped her friend escape. Kostylin was afraid to flee a second time and stayed with the highlanders. Zhilin managed to get to his own. Kostylin was bought back only a month later.

As you can see, Leo Tolstoy shows in his story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” Zhilin’s courage and courage and his friend’s weakness, cowardice and laziness. The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin are opposite, and these images are built on contrast. To better convey his thoughts, the author uses a number of techniques. Read about them further.

Analysis of the title of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

how zhilin and kostylin met

It is interesting to analyze the name of the story itself - "Prisoner of the Caucasus." Zhilin and Kostylin are two heroes, but the name is given in the singular. Tolstoy, perhaps, wanted to show by this that a true hero can only be a person who does not surrender to the difficulties that have arisen, but actively acts. Passive people, however, become a burden for others in life, not striving for anything and not developing at all. The author shows, therefore, that not everything in our life directly depends on the circumstances, and each person is the creator of his own destiny.

The names of the main characters

Pay attention also to the names of the heroes, which were taken by the author not by chance, which should also be noted when compiling the comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin. Starting to read this work, we do not yet know the characters of the main characters, but only find out their names. But immediately we get the feeling that Lev Nikolaevich is more sympathetic to Zhilin than Kostylin. The latter, as we think, has a "lame character", and Zhilin is a strong, "sinewy" man with a strong character. Kostylin also needs the help of outsiders, he is indecisive, dependent. Further events confirm our guesses. The meaning of these rhyming surnames is completely different. So, Zhilin is described as a man of small stature, agile and strong. On the contrary, Kostylin is heavy, heavy, passive. Throughout the entire work, he only does what prevents a friend from realizing his plan.


Caucasian captive thick

Thus, these two characters are opposite, as evidenced by the description of Zhilin and Kostylin by the author. The main difference between these two officers is that one is a working man, active, believing that you can find a way out of any situation, and the second is a coward, a lazy person, and laziness. Zhilin also managed to take root in a hostile environment, which helped this officer get out of captivity. Such a case would have unsettled another person, but this officer is not like that. He did not go home after the end of the story, but remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostylin, barely alive, was released from captivity for a ransom. Tolstoy did not say what happened to him next. Probably, he did not consider it necessary to even mention the further fate of such a worthless person in his work “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. Zhilin and Kostylin are different people, and therefore their fates are different, despite the same life circumstances. This is the thought Leo Tolstoy wanted to convey to us.

Samuel Marshak noted that the work "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (Tolstoy) is the crown of all books for reading and said that in all world literature one cannot find a more perfect example of a story, a small story for children's reading. The description of Zhilin and Kostylin, a comparative analysis of their characters helps the upbringing of the young generation, the development of personality, since it shows how to behave in difficult situations. The fate of Zhilin and Kostylin is very instructive.


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