How to assemble a do-it-yourself pool filter?

The pool no longer seems to us some unattainable exotic, it is quite capable of being built on our site. And what a pleasure it is to splash around in clear cool water on a hot summer day! But to really always keep the water fresh, you need a filter to clean it. It is better to buy equipment for the pool in case of constructing a solid concrete structure in advance, because all the necessary communications are laid already at the stage of preparing the foundation pit.

do-it-yourself pool filter

Those who are sure that it is possible to save on all these expensive "lotions", we recall that swimming in stagnant dirty water is unsafe. And every day changing the contents of an artificial reservoir will cost no less. Therefore, do not neglect your own health, it is better to think over a suitable cleaning option in advance.

The sand filter for the pool is the most popular among other filters for water purification. As the name implies, its main component is sand, but not ordinary, but a certain fraction. In addition to it, layers of gravel and activated carbon can be used.

In principle, for "arm" and "big-headed" it will not be a problem to assemble such devices on their own. If you classify yourself as such individuals, then we hasten to upset you: you won’t be able to create a filter for the pool with your own hands, using only what you found in your garage. In any case, you will have to purchase the necessary mechanisms and devices. Yes, and the intricacies of the cleaning process will have to understand. Otherwise, the result will definitely disappoint.

sand filter for the pool

So how does a regular factory assembled filter function? Pumps with the help of bottom discharges and skimmers suck in dirty water, drive it through the layers with a filter composition and then return it back clean and fresh. Mount these devices either directly next to the pond, or in a separate technical room. It all depends on the scale of the structure.

Before assembling the pool filter with your own hands, consider the schemes of these units or (ideal) disassemble the old failed device.

buy equipment for the pool

To start, prepare the tank for cleaning. A tank or barrel is suitable. The tank is filled with sand. Here the first difficulty arises - it is necessary to get special quartz sand, an ordinary quarry tightly clogs the separators, and the device ceases to function. To increase the efficiency of the device, it is possible to include formations with fine gravel and minerals in the pool filter. With our own hands we form layers and fasten the connecting hoses.

Water is pumped through these sleeves through the bottom of the barrel, is cleaned and returned, freed from silt and dirt. The pump needs a reliable and powerful enough. In addition, take care of the purchase and installation of skimmers. They are responsible for taking water for filtration.

The installed filter for the pool, with your own hands you made it or bought it already ready, needs periodic washing. To do this, the factory mode provides an appropriate mode. But in home-grown constructions, think in advance about the possibility of eliminating the accumulated waste from the filter and discharging it into the sewer.


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