Pets and wild funny animals

The fauna of planet Earth is so diverse that almost everywhere there are funny animals. Pygmy marmoset is the smallest among all known species of monkeys. She looks so funny and cute that you can not say about her. The little fox - Fenech, the pygmy dog ​​Chihuahua and the echidna are also amazing animals.

Marmoset dwarfish

Monkeys of this species are very cute and funny animals. Surprisingly, they resemble small gnomes. The smallest members of the family can charm anyone. The species range covers the territory of several countries (Brazil, Peru, Ecuador) and the banks of the river. Amazons.

In size, it resembles a squirrel or mouse. These funny animals in adulthood have a height of 10 to 12 cm. Dwarf marmosets have a long (compared to the body) tail, which reaches a length of 20 cm. This cute monkey is perfect as a pet.

If this wonderful creature is properly looked after, then it will live next to a person for several years. Such funny pets feed on insects and fruits of trees. The diet of the pet should be diversified due to the crushed carrots and pumpkins, bananas and berries. But the most important thing is to devote all your free time to her, because without this a dwarf marmoset would be hard.

Funny animals


Very small foxes are funny animals. Their habitat is the desert regions of the northern part of the African continent. Their sizes are so tiny that even domestic cats look large against their background. The height at the withers is a maximum of 20 cm, and the length is 30-40 cm. The tail is almost the same size.

The weight of a mature individual is about one and a half kilograms. The muzzle is short and tapers to the nose. The eyes are black. It has the largest ears among all types of predatory animals, if you look at their size in relation to the size of the head. Fenech lives in deserts (Sahara, etc.), therefore it uses huge ears, reaching 15 cm, for thermoregulation. Their role is especially great during the heat.

This funny creature feels good at home. At first, he needs a lot of attention, right up to hand feeding. Over time, the fox will settle in the living room and will be less dependent on the presence of a person.

funny pets


Dogs of this breed are the smallest among canids. Owners can tell more than one funny incident with animals that occurred due to their dwarfism. The breed was bred in Mexico in the middle of the XIX century. The name was given by the state in which they appeared.

The appearance of the Chihuahua breed seriously affected the breeding of other dwarf dogs. The little dog is characterized by frisky behavior and modest size. She always trembles and makes screeching sounds, which makes her even more attractive. The creature weighs 0.5-3 kg, and its height is 10-23 cm.

It is interesting that the representative of the described breed is the smallest among the dogs living now. This is a doggie with a height of 101.6 mm and a weight of 675 g.

funny animal case


This creature belongs to the class of mammals. Echidnas are funny animals, vaguely reminiscent of porcupines. The Australian representative of the species has a length of about 0.5 m. The nose of the animal has the shape of an elongated cone, resembling a proboscis. The mouth is very small, so it is difficult to open.

The lower jaw almost does not move, teeth are missing. The echidna cannot chew food. How does she eat? This is a complicated process. There are small spikes in the sky with which the animal is able to grind pieces of food.

Powerful limbs play the role of a compensator for the shortcomings of the oral apparatus. They are not adapted for fast movement, but are great for digging the earth. When digging, Echidna can work immediately with all its paws. Claws help in this difficult matter. In nature, the animal’s diet consists of larvae and insects found in the ground. Prefers ants and termites.

cute and funny animals

Echidna's hearing and vision are much better than they seem. The faint rustle or the smallest movement of the animal notices from afar. It is able to swim. Echidhins live alone, reverently referring to the borders of their territory. The mating season is the only time when they are paired. After this, the echidna again live on their own. These animals belong to the ovipositor. Lay eggs in a bag located on the body.


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