Tritsirtis: landing and care. Types of tricirtis. Flower description

This beautiful flower has been known to man since the 9th century, but it became popular only in the middle of the 20th century. He prefers semi-shady moist forests and soils rich in humus.

tritsirtis landing and care

If you are attracted to orchids, but you are concerned about the difficulty of caring for these fastidious plants - grow tritsirtis. Landing and care in this case are not too complicated.

Of course, this is not an orchid, but the plant can be compared only with it in terms of elegance, bizarreness, sophistication of flowers .

Its flowering is long, but it begins only at the end of summer. Early frosts may not allow the flower to appear in all its glory. Therefore, it is often planted in a tub.


Tritsirtis is one of the perennial ornamental plants from a large family of lily. Distributed in the Far East and East Asia. The name translated from Greek means "three tubercles."

Tritsirtis has another name - toad lily. This is due to the fact that the natives of one Philippine island use plant juice to attract edible frogs. They rub their skin on them, which greatly facilitates trapping.

The genus of tricirtis has about twenty species. Thanks to the original shape of the flower, tricirtis was called the garden orchid.

tritsirtis photo

Plant species

The differences between the species of tricirtis are not very striking. A related group includes tricirtis stolonosny, hairy, short-haired, beautiful, long-legged. These plants have oval-lanceolate leaves and pale pink flowers with raspberry-colored spots .

Flowers are collected in leaf axils in bunches. They bloom very beautifully in autumn, but they cannot stand cold winters. There are even more similarities between weakly pubescent and broadleaf species. In the spring they are covered with variegated oval leaves and bunches of yellow flowers.

The most commonly cultivated tritsirtis is short-haired, a stalk that grows up to 80 cm in height, and the broad-lanceled pubescent oval leaves reach a length of 15 cm and a width of 5 cm. White flowers with raspberry spots are very effective. The bushes of this plant grow very much, because underground horizontal shoots are formed in it.

No less popular among gardeners and gardeners is the variety "tritsirtis purpul beauty", although it is considered the most rare. But gardeners have already appreciated the elegance and grace of this plant. What is so attractive tricirtis? Planting and care are not too complicated, and beginner gardeners will cope with them. But the most important thing is its external appeal. Tricirtis, the photo you see in our article, has a stalk up to 80 cm high. Its bell-shaped flowers have a diameter of 4 cm. They are painted white with purple dots, a red pestle and a yellow center. Petals fused to half. Flowering occurs in late summer and autumn.

Hardy species

As already mentioned, quite a few species have tricirtis. Care and landing largely depend on whether you are winter-hardy or not. Most species do not withstand even mild frosts. The most hardy winter-hardy variety is tritsirtis short-haired. Japan is considered his homeland. Its bushes grow more than a meter in length, oval leaves are wide-lanceolate, more than 15 cm long, there is a speck. It blooms in August. The flower is white-pink with spots of purple.

tritsirtis purple beauty

Broadleaf tritsirtis originally from China. It also belongs to winter-hardy varieties. The height of this plant is 60 cm, its leaves are oblong, covered with dark spots. Flowering begins in July, when white-green spotted flowers appear, located on the top of the stem and collected in a bunch.

Flower description

Tritsirtis is a plant that has a well-developed but shallow root system capable of regeneration. The stem is erect and thin, covered with leaves.

Its height ranges from 60 to 100 cm, sometimes higher. Leaves lanceolate-oval or oval;

The flowers are funnel-shaped, rather large, solitary, or collected in bunches or semi-umbrellas at the top of the stem.

The color of the flowers can be cream, yellow, white, spotty or plain. In some species, the outer tepals have a small spur - nectar. The plant has a fruit, which is a box of elongated shape with black or brown seeds.


If you have already decided which type of plant you prefer, consider where your tricirtis will grow. Landing and care are not particularly difficult, but certain rules must be followed.

The plant develops well in a place protected from drafts and without stagnation of water. Particular attention should be paid to the roots - they should not be overdried. The landing site should be well-lit half a day. It does not matter if it is in the morning or in the afternoon. Most of all, black soil is suitable for the plant. The soil should be loose and fertile.

flower description

Growing Tricirtis

These magnificent flowers are very fond of forest, rich in leaf humus and peat loose soil. Despite the fact that the plant has good drought tolerance, the soil should always be moist. In hot and dry weather, monitor its condition.

In spring, it should be mulled so that moisture in the heat does not overheat and does not evaporate. Most tricyrtis love penumbra, so it’s best to plant them in tree trunks. In these places, the soil is rich in plant debris, and foliage that has fallen from trees reliably protects from winter cold.

Late-flowering varieties are best planted in well-lit areas so that they can form buds before the first frost.


Two methods of propagation of this plant are used - petioles and seeds, which are usually sown in open ground in late autumn. Such tritsirtis will delight you with flowering the very next year.

Seeds should be sowed depending on weather conditions. Usually this is done two months before planting in open ground (around the beginning of February).

Seeds are pre-soaked in a growth stimulator and etched against diseases. They are laid to a depth of 3 cm in a universal substrate, preferably in peat cups. They should be placed in a warm, bright room with a temperature of no more than +15 ° . After the appearance of 3 leaves, feed the plant with a weak solution of nitrogenous fertilizer. When the threat of frost has passed, plant tritsirtis in open ground. If necessary, they can be covered with plastic bottles, cut in half.

However, many summer residents believe that it is much more efficient to propagate tricirtis vegetatively. Photos of this beautiful plant can be seen in gardening publications. This method involves dividing the bush in the spring by root cuttings or stem in the summer. Tritsirtis give new shoots even from very small residual roots in the soil.


This is not a capricious plant at all - tricirtis. Landing and care are not difficult. Like any plant, tricirtis needs watering. But you need to know that water should always be warm. It is better to use a drip irrigation system.

growing tricirtis

Avoid stagnation of water. Otherwise, the roots may rot. Tritsirtis can hibernate on a flowerbed, but for this it must be covered with special material. Peat or agrofiber is most suitable for this purpose.

Young shoots do not like high temperatures, so in early spring, as soon as it becomes warm, you should get rid of the insulation. At the same time, fertilize with fertilizers - humus or compost. Then it is necessary to mulch the pine bark - it will not allow overheating of the soil. If you carry out all the work in a timely manner, then in July-August you will admire the flowering of this magnificent plant.

Pests and diseases

Too wet soil can provoke the development of fungal diseases and the appearance of snails and mucus. Therefore, it is so important to observe the watering regime.


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