How to make holes on jeans at home: features and recommendations

Do you want to be fashionable and stand out from the crowd, add extravagance to your image, bring something crazy to your life? Pay attention to ripped jeans. The only advice: do not forget that this is still a youth style ... For people of the old formation, the fashion for jeans with holes is incomprehensible. Other education. Young people have their own opinion on this and wears such jeans with pleasure. Moreover, almost every girl knows how to make holes in jeans. A few practical tips on this topic can be found in this article.

How did ripped jeans come about?

The issue of ripped jeans is not rhetorical. He has an exhaustive answer why these jeans became fashionable and after 1-2 seasons of popularity did not give way to something new, but rather, took root for a long time. Fashionistas love them, designers perfect them.

How ripped jeans appeared

And the story began with these jeans from the middle of the 20th century, when hippies, punks, metalworkers and other representatives of subcultures began to appear everywhere, demonstrating their disregard for the values ​​of the dominant culture. The rebels expressed their protest, including neglect of the cult of clothing. They wore torn and shabby things.

This style of clothing was brought to Russia by rock performers and hippies of the 80s. The people worn jeans were picked up for less intricate reasons - old worn jeans could not be thrown away, and even look stylish.

Your own fashion designer

It is no longer surprising that they do not go out of fashion and occupy a strong place in the wardrobes of glamorous young ladies and strict business women jeans with holes. How to make these holes with your own hands, fashionistas know from school. Ripped jeans are expensive, but you don't have to buy them. You can do customization (from the English. Customize - this is redrawn), that is, turning the old jeans into an original and popular outfit with fashionable scuffs and holes. The main thing is not to overdo it, the thing should look beautiful. Measure and harmony are welcome in everything, even in negligence and sloppiness.

Your own fashion designer

Where to begin?

To make holes on jeans at home, you need to prepare everything you need for this:

  • Old denim pants. For skinny jeans too narrow will not fit. Holes made on them during movement will increase, and pinch ugly legs. The best option is old models of medium width.
  • Marking tool - chalk or felt-tip pen.
  • Stationery knife with a sharp blade, tailor and manicure scissors.
  • Knitting needle and tweezers. Suitable for pulling threads and fringes.
  • Sandpaper or pumice stone to give scuffs and scruffy look.
  • Cardboard or board for the substrate under the slot.
How to make holes on jeans with your own hands

Creative occupation, requiring patience, time and a little effort in order to make holes on jeans with your own hands.

How to prepare for work?

Any business needs consistency. Haste can lead to a negative result. Those who have already transformed their old jeans into a thing that meets fashion trends recommend:

  • Do not make holes on the thin jeans of the summer version, as they do not hold their shape and after washing they will look like a rag.
  • Fashionable holes on jeans with a high stretch content after two or three washes will look dull, since the holes will turn out to be untidy.
  • Too wide jeans with holes will look like work pants.
  • Before making holes, it is necessary to create a type of natural scuffs in these places.
  • Do not make holes close to the seams and to each other, as it is possible in the sock to the appearance of slots that were not planned.

Having learned these recommendations, you can begin the process of turning jeans. To finally make a decision on how many slots to make, you need to mark with chalk or felt-tip pen the places where you want to make holes on jeans. Alternatively, holes below the knees look spectacular, from the hip to the knee on the upper side of the leg and under the back pockets. It's nice to find a photo of ripped jeans of your dreams and make the same markings on your own.

How to make beautiful holes in jeans

How are scuffs made on jeans?

Having drawn places on jeans where holes are supposed to appear, it is necessary to put cardboard or plywood under this place. Jeans need to be slightly moistened so that dust does not rise during friction. To rub the place for the alleged hole you need a pumice or sandpaper. Good scuffs look when using a kitchen grater and razor blade.

To learn how to make scuffs, and then holes, it is best to practice on scraps of denim. You can watch the video on how to make holes in jeans.

Jeans holes

On prepared shabby places, you can begin to form holes, for which cuts are made with sharp scissors. Tearing is not recommended, as you can just ruin the jeans. After the cuts, you need to peel off the edges of all holes using pumice.

To understand how to make beautiful holes in jeans with the fashionable effect of sticking out white threads, you also need training. Denim is made up of white and blue threads. White go parallel to the bottom edge of the leg, and blue - vertically. To make this hole, two parallel cuts are made, cutting the blue threads. The distance between them depends on the desire of the hostess of jeans. Next comes the neat work of pulling out the blue threads, leaving them light.

If you like big holes, they are best done in the knee area. The rules for making holes on your knees in jeans are as follows:

  • draw in chalk the size of the hole,
  • put plywood or cardboard and cuts parallel to the white threads,
  • pull out the black threads, getting a hole with white,
  • tear white threads in the right places.
Lace Insert Jeans

Many fashionistas decorate their jeans with holes in lace, which gives them femininity and sophistication. They look spectacular in a casual casual style that places emphasis on convenience and practicality.

Having gained experience, you can try to make holes on jeans - both stretch and black. On streychevy do not make more than two or three holes in places that do not stretch when walking. Black jeans have black threads, both vertical and horizontal. They make the necessary horizontal cut, excess threads are pulled out with tweezers. The edges of the hole itself can be rubbed with sandpaper.


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