When to plant apple trees and care for them

Oh, thoughts on when to plant apple trees! Sometimes they are akin to Hamlet. The seedlings are so young, thin, with the mere thought that they can be destroyed by negligence, the heart contracts. There are also advisers from all sides. Some say: "No matter when, it is important how!" Others, loudly mocking them, argue among themselves about the advantages of autumn and spring landings. Well, we’ll do smarter - listen to everyone and draw our own conclusions.

When to plant apple trees
Planting apple trees in autumn or spring have no obvious advantages over each other. Both terms have their pros and cons and are directly related to the root system of the tree. If you plant an apple tree in late September or early October, the roots manage to gain a foothold in the soil quite well until spring. When the growing season begins , although they are weak, they will supply the β€œnutrients” necessary for the process. However, if short autumn periods and severe winters are usual in the planting region, the gardener will have to work hard to help start sap flow: often water the plants, shade them, loosen the soil, etc. Only in this case is there hope for the appearance at first of weak and small leaves.

Apple tree planting time
If the planting time of the apple tree is selected in spring, then it must be early spring. Having planted a seedling in a land that has not yet completely thawed, the gardener must be prepared for its active irrigation with water heated by the spring sun. After the leaves appear and properly unfold, you can switch to moderate watering and continue it until the autumn cold weather. To pin hopes on spring moisture means to risk that the weakened root system of the apple tree also dries out noticeably with all the ensuing consequences, such as sluggish development, a slight increase in the aerial part, poor preparation for wintering and, with a high probability, death in the winter.

Now, from when to plant apple trees, let's move on to where and how to plant them.
Choose a place to plant an apple tree
The apple tree grows best where there is enough fertile loamy soil and sunlight, where groundwater is low enough, and moisture does not stagnate in the soil, where there is protection from the wind. Also maintain the distance between the apple tree, on the one hand, and vigorous plants (at least 3.5 m) and dwarf and semi-dwarf plants (at least 2 m), on the other. You have to carefully and meticulously choose a place to plant an apple tree, but it's worth it.

The diameter of the pit for the apple tree is calculated by the diameter outlined at the ends of the lateral roots, plus 5 cm. The depth of the pit is equal to the distance between the end of the longest root of the seedling and the grafting.

When the time comes to plant apple trees, cut the diameter of the turf with a sharp shovel. Then remove the fertile soil from the pit, mixing it with peat and compost (2: 1: 1). When the sand or clay goes, also fold them, but separately. As part of the mixture, cover the bottom of the pit, in the middle place the apple tree seedling, spreading the roots so that the grafting is 2-4 cm higher than the soil level. Fill the pit with the mixture, ram it. After transplanting, the apple tree will drink a whole bucket of water (10 l) with pleasure, do not refuse it. The soil will sag - add some mixture to these places. And top with a layer of peat (about 2 cm).

The last apple tree is a support - a wooden peg, to which it will need to be neatly tied. It needs to be driven in at a distance of 8-10 cm from the trunk of the seedling. Its peg should be flush with the seedling.

As you can see, the answer to the question "when to plant apple trees" does not guarantee that you will succeed. A full-fledged crop on branches in the autumn will give the gardener only everyday work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24045/

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