Dironet for dogs: instructions for use and reviews

Worms sometimes become a serious threat to the health and even life of pets. They not only affect the metabolism of dogs, but also significantly worsen their general physical condition, and sometimes become an indirect cause of other diseases. Excess parasites in the body can cause intoxication, which threatens the life of a pet. Therefore, it is important to choose an effective and at the same time safe anthelmintic. Many consider it appropriate to use Dironet for dogs. The instruction for the drug allows you to understand how effective it is. This will be discussed in this article.

Dironet for dogs instruction

Description of the drug

"Dironet" for dogs instructions for use refers to a group of anthelmintic agents with a wide spectrum of action. Effective against all groups of helminths, as well as ticks and other skin parasites. The action is made possible thanks to the active active components of the drug "Dironet" for dogs. The instruction includes the following substances in this group: praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate, and also ivermectin.

The product is made in the form of tablets, drops on the withers and suspensions (the release form is selected in accordance with the puppy's age and individual characteristics).

Dironet spot he for dogs instruction

Indications for use

"Dironet spot-on" for dogs, the instruction recommends that it be used to combat the following diseases: nematodosis, cestosis, dirofilariasis. The drug helps to get rid of most types of parasites, including skin.

Dironet for dogs Pills instruction

Pharmaceutical action

The drug in question is characterized in that its components are very easily absorbed by the body, and already after a period of two to nine hours after ingestion, absolutely all active substances reach the maximum possible concentration in the blood plasma of the animal. The active components that make up Dironet affect the nerve cells of the parasite, as well as its muscle cells, disrupting neuromuscular transmission. This, in turn, provokes complete paralysis and subsequent death of the helminth. The drug is not dangerous if, when using it, all the manufacturer's recommendations are carefully observed.

Dironet for dogs instructions for use

Mode of application

It is important to strictly adhere to the required dosages in the case of the use of the drug "Dironet" for dogs. The instruction recommends giving your pet one dose of the described medication once before morning feeding. If it is not possible to feed the drug to the animal in this way, it is necessary to introduce the drug forcibly, using a specialized dispenser for this. The dosage should be determined based on the following calculation: one tablet of the drug for every ten kilograms of the mass of the pet.

Before using this medication, there is no need to give the dog laxatives or follow a special diet.

As a prophylaxis, taking Dironet is recommended every three months.

In order to treat microfilariaemia, the dog should take the drug once every thirty days.

In the event that the region of residence is unsuccessful in the issue of the incidence of animal dyrovilariasis, it is necessary to use the following regimen for the use of the drug Dironet for dogs (instructions): suspension or tablets should be taken once in March or April, monthly during the period from April and until October and the last time a year - once in November.


There are some contraindications to the use of the drug "Dironet" for dogs. The instruction drops, suspension and tablets against parasites does not recommend giving pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as representatives of the Sheltie, Bobtail and Collie breeds. In addition, Dironet is incompatible with any derivatives of a substance such as piperazine.

Dironet for dogs instruction drops

Side effects

In the event that the drug is used in full accordance with the instructions, the occurrence of any side effects is practically excluded.

However, sometimes there are some undesirable side reactions, such as allergies, which can be caused by individual intolerance to animals of the individual components of Dironet for dogs. The instruction (tablets should be discontinued) informs that alternative treatment options should be agreed with a specialist.

Features of application and analogues

It is important to strictly observe hygiene and safety measures for handling chemicals during the use of Dironet for dogs. Instructions for use and dosage must also be followed properly.

It is important to consider that this drug has no analogues in the free market.

Dironet for dogs suspension instruction


Dog owners prefer to regularly give Dironet to their pets as a preventative measure. It is important to remember that absolutely all animals have helminths, regardless of their lifestyle. Therefore, not only those dogs that live in courtyard conditions in private homes need prevention, because there are a variety of ways to spread parasites, including airborne droplets.

The effectiveness of the drug "Dironet" confirms the practice. Some owners report vomiting and diarrhea after taking the medicine. Similar symptoms can occur due to severe intoxication with helminths. This is not worth fearing, the signs will disappear on their own, as parasites are removed from the body of the pet. If adverse reactions become too intense, you should consult an experienced veterinarian who can recommend the necessary accompanying therapy.

As a rule, dogs eat the drug as a treat, but sometimes there are problems with its introduction. If a puppy or an older dog who flatly refuses to take medicine is treated, it is convenient to use a suspension instead of tablets. The packaging of the drug contains a special syringe dispenser, which helps to administer the suspension orally as safely and painlessly as possible for the puppy.

Owners should pay considerable attention to the health of their pets. After all, the responsibility for the life and well-being of the animal lies entirely with its owner. Diseases of pets, including intoxication with helminths, cause concern for caring dog breeders. However, choosing a poor-quality drug is just as dangerous as complete inaction. That is why it is important to responsibly choose an anthelmintic. Good reviews of the drug "Dironet" allow you to safely use it for dogs. Regular preventive use of the product and strict adherence to the instructions guarantee a good physical condition for pets.

A clean body and excellent well-being will allow the dog to maintain a joyful mood and bring a lot of pleasant emotions to its owners. Take care of those who love you more than life!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24046/

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