How to translate the game into Russian yourself: programs and tips

How many times have you wondered how crackers are created for games, who makes them and is it profitable to translate the game at all? In this article, we will select the programs and find out how the process of localization of programs occurs and what knowledge you need to have in order to do this.

Who translates the games?

There are 3 options:

  1. Games are translated by enthusiasts working completely free for their audience.
  2. Authors are hired to do the job for the money.
  3. Employees working in the studio as translators, often with such people, games can be obtained with high-quality voice acting.

How to translate games into Russian yourself?

If you already have knowledge of the language the game you are going to translate into, then you are still at the very beginning of the journey.

You can translate games yourself, as many people do, and upload them to the Internet. So get unofficial crackers.

But in this case, you may encounter a lot of problems.

Firstly, not all games can support the Cyrillic alphabet, therefore, having entered the game, instead of Russian letters, we will see many question marks and other obscure characters. Therefore, many pirates, in order not to suffer from compatibility, just redo the fonts or write the English layout "in Russian", which often results in a crooked translation.

Secondly, not all games can be translated in the same way, this means that you will have to look for different solutions for translating the game yourself. You are lucky if in the game directory you find a file with the menu text and dialogs, however this happens very rarely, most often it is deeply sewn into the application. In this case, you will need hacking and data decryption skills, or you can use the program to search for lines with text in a file.

Also decide what you will Russify. You can limit yourself to just text, but you can translate the entire game in full (textures, all text, sound).

As a rule, professional translators know very well the language from which they translate. They know more than one programming language, because you need to clearly understand how one or another program is organized and written. Therefore, you need to spend a huge amount of time learning the language to translate everything instantly, learn programming and spend time in practice, localizing small games and programs, in order to move to the professional level in the future and start translating large projects with a sea of ​​dialogs and text.

Also, as a rule, not one person works on localization, but a team that takes on certain tasks and is responsible for their quality. After all, translating the game into Russian is very difficult for yourself.

Programs that do everything for you. does not exist, this work is painstaking and complicated.

There is one more option. This is to contact the author of the game and offer him his help in translating the game. Then you get rid of the questions: does the game support the Cyrillic alphabet? Will there be a translation of the game into Russian? You can start the translation work.

The author will send you a file with dialogs and menu text, which you need to translate into the language you need, and then you need to send this file back. Therefore, the author is one of the most reliable ways to translate the game.

However, there are nuances because of which you may not have to take up translation work.

  1. The author does not need you to translate the game. In this case, you will have to translate the game into Russian yourself.
  2. The studio has already hired a translator who will soon release a translation of the game, in which case it is completely pointless for you to translate this game if it is already released in Russian.
  3. The author will report that the Cyrillic alphabet is not supported in the game, in which case the translation of the game is unlikely to ever come out.

What is needed for translation?

Make sure that there are no more crackers on the network, and if there is, then you need to test, find the pros and cons and write better than the previous one.

Be able to hack a game or application on your own or using various programs (optional).

To translate the game into Russian yourself, you need to learn how to find fonts and redraw them.

Add pointers or objects if they go beyond or offset other objects.

If this game is for the console, then you will have to look for special emulators for translation.

Programs for Russification

Multilizer is a powerful program for creating localization of programs and documents on an industrial scale. The system has a huge set of tools for high-quality and quick translation.

Program for Russification

OgreGUI is a resource editor for programs, games, documents, the distinguishing feature of which is scanning the application line by line.

How to translate the "Android" game into Russian?

To do this, we need the notepad ++ editor, and we also need to be able to compile and decompile apk files.

We configure notepad ++.

Customize the program

After successfully decompiling the application, you need to go to the RES folder.

There you will see the values ​​folders with prefixes, for example, -en.

Go to the values ​​folder, where we copy 2 files: strings.xml and arrays.xml.

Select files

Create the values-ru folder and paste these documents into it.

Next, we open them with notepad. Now we can translate all the text before the end of the> and </string> tag.

Replace the text

What do you need to know before Russification?

In the end, to translate the game into Russian yourself, you need a lot of time and effort to improve your knowledge on a daily basis. So you can go from a beginner to a professional and become a sought-after translator of games and applications for different devices. Be patient and get more and more new knowledge and you will surely succeed.


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