Toy Museum, St. Petersburg: description, history, expositions, contacts and reviews

St. Petersburg is a city where there is no shortage of attractions and interesting museums. However, many of them are almost unknown to tourists, although their visit can bring great pleasure not only to adults, but also to children. Such cultural sites include the St. Petersburg Toy Museum. Although he is much younger and less advertised than the famous "brothers," unique exhibits found in his collection, looking at them will bring joy to the kids and cause nostalgia for their parents and grandparents.

Toy Museum St. Petersburg

Who should go there

Toy Museum (St. Petersburg) - a place where you can go on the weekend with the whole family. Moreover, it is the best suited for the first visit with a child whom you want to instill in your childhood a love of exhibitions and other cultural objects. After all, do not immediately lead the child to the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg)! Toys for him are much more understandable, and within these walls he will learn the basic rules of behavior in institutions of this kind: he will learn how to behave among exhibition stands with display cases and listen to the guide.

Kids will see exhibits that are sure to delight them, and hear interesting stories about the origin of a particular toy or doll.

By the way, a visit to the museum can also be used as a kind of therapy. According to experts, it will be much easier for parents to find a common language with their child if he sees what toys adults played in childhood and hears their sincere stories about their favorite doll, teddy bear or plastic car.

Toy Museum in St. Petersburg reviews


The Toy Museum in St. Petersburg, reviews of which are presented below, at one time became one of the first private-sponsored individuals in the Northern capital and the second institution dedicated to dolls in Russia. Since its founding in 2001, it has been active in exhibition activities, and various interesting events are often organized in its halls. Initially, the museum was created not only to acquaint residents and visitors of St. Petersburg with toys that have been entertained by children for many centuries, but also to study them as a cultural phenomenon.


Whatever you see when you go to the Toy Museum. St. Petersburg is a city whose inhabitants cannot be surprised by a collection of rarities. However, many visitors leave the "puppet museum" very pleased that they visited there. After all, they are introduced to unique collections:

  • Africa's games and toys that date back to the second half of the 20th century;
  • copyright Christmas-tree decorations made by the artist E. Topornina;
  • games and toys from China, from the fifth century to the present;
  • figures and equipment of the Shadow Theater of Indonesia (beginning of the last century).

Russian Museum St. Petersburg Toys


Toy Museum (St. Petersburg) occupies a relatively small area. Three of its halls are reserved for expositions dedicated to:

  • factory-made toys;
  • products of folk craftsmen (starting from the 16th century);
  • toys of the Soviet period.

Most visitors are delighted with the puppet house from Germany (20th century), which houses 13 porcelain items and many different household items. The Soviet toy has been attracting special attention for many years. For example, you will see designers reminiscent of Lego, clockwork Doctor Aibolit and plastic dolls super popular in the middle of the last century with a β€œtweeter” on the back.


Among other things, with the help of toys, museum visitors study the history of mankind and the development of its material and intangible culture. For this purpose, the museum holds exhibitions, for example, in 2013, a presentation of pastries in the form of figures was held, and in 2012, a miniature of building models and paper crafts was shown.

Especially often organized events for children. These include interactive programs, art lessons, theater classes and mini-performances.

By the way, if you liked certain toys, similar to them you can always get in the shop, which is located inside the museum.

Russian Toy Museum in St. Petersburg

Contacts and how to get there

Museum address: city of St. Petersburg, Karpovka embankment, 32 (Petrogradsky district). You can get inside from the side of Vsevolod Vishnevsky street.

Getting to the museum is quite simple, especially if you use the services of the subway. To do this, you need to get to the stations "Chkalovskaya" or "Petrogradskaya".

Phone: +7 (812) 234 43 12.

Email address:


If you are not sure whether to visit the Russian Toy Museum in St. Petersburg, check out the reviews. It turns out that most of those who have already been there express a desire to return to this institution again and recommend it to friends and acquaintances. And all this thanks to the unique atmosphere, which stands out from the museum on the street. Vsevolod Vishnevsky among other similar cultural institutions. not the last role in this is played by the emotions that dolls give even to those who have long forgotten the times when they were a child!

Judging by the reviews, there are many such visitors who advise you to get acquainted with this unique collection of toys in order to broaden your horizons. After all, the history of the invention and development of the art of making dolls can help you learn a lot about life, beliefs and technologies that our ancestors have owned for millennia.

St. Petersburg Museum of Toys

In addition, some visitors note that you can visit the Toy Museum (St. Petersburg) quite often, since the content of the exhibitions is constantly changing, and the collection is replenished with new exhibits. And one more thing: most of those who have been there are advised not to be stingy and take a guide. After all, only in this case, you and your children will learn many interesting stories, not only about the origin of this or that type of toy, but also about the specific doll and the people to whom it belonged for decades, and maybe centuries.


A trip to the Toy Museum (St. Petersburg) will not be a heavy blow to the family budget. There are more than affordable prices: for tickets you have to pay from 65 (for preschool children) to 180 rubles (for adults). As for representatives of privileged categories of citizens (pensioners, schoolchildren and students), they will require 90 rubles for visiting them.

The museum offers additional services. In particular, you can order a guide. For a children's group with two accompanying people, such an excursion will cost 1880 rubles, and for an adult - 2750 rubles. For a separate amount, you can also get the right to take photos and videos of individual exhibits and entire halls.

Toy Museum in St. Petersburg exposure address

Now you know why the Toy Museum in St. Petersburg is interesting. Expositions, address and some facts from his story - we also told you about all this, so you probably want to go there and plunge headlong into the world of childhood, which every adult yearns for.


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