Best Quotes About Lies

It is unlikely that any of the mere mortals throughout the course of their lives tells the truth. Perhaps it can be argued that for this it is necessary at least to be a saint - for example, such as Buddha, Christ or Mohammed. On the other hand, some philosophical schools completely deny the possibility of truth. Indeed, the truth is so perfect that it is impossible to express.

a lie in human life

The phenomena of truth and lies

“A thought uttered is a lie,” the famous quotation of lies says. And a person can either bring himself closer to the truth, or move away from it. However, most often it happens that the truth is a lie that suits the person at the moment. Of course, people do not like to be called liars. But everyone at some point in life is dishonest. However, philosophers and thinkers of all time have emphasized that the lie of lies is discord - untruth is different both in meaning and in depth.

Chekhov's words

That is why an overabundance of lies is very harmful to the spiritual world of man. For example, in the following quote about a lie belonging to the immortal pen of A.P. Chekhov, it is said:

Lying is the same alcoholism. Liars lie and die.

One cannot disagree with these words. After all, the person who is used to constantly lying, becomes like an avid alcoholic. He is so used to telling lies that for him it becomes as easy as breathing. And in this case it is already possible to condemn such a habit.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Even on his deathbed, a liar will tell a lie. However, can such a life be called happy? Perhaps such a liar can feel short-term pleasure in his soul from his lies and from the realization that he managed to fool his environment. But speaking in general, such a pathological lie has not made anyone happy.

Words by Publius Syrah

Unlike the previous one, the following quotation about lies represents another aspect of it:

The pain makes even the innocent lie.

It cannot be said here that one hundred Publius Syr refers to forced lies with condemnation. Indeed, often a person is forced to lie. If circumstances around develop in such a way that one cannot do without distorting the truth, then even an innocent person begins to resort to lies. As a rule, unlike those people who are accustomed to lying throughout their lives, such individuals deep down hate themselves for having to tell lies. However, they cannot do anything. After all, other people by their own behavior force them to resort to lies so hated by them. Shota Rustaveli also has a quote about this type of untruth:

Lies bring endless torment to soul and body.

It is about this case that the Georgian statesman and poet speaks. When a person does not tell a lie not of his own free will, not only his soul suffers - it can result in somatic diseases. Often headaches arise out of the blue, the stomach is upset. This is because, internally, a person does not agree with his own behavior. There is a psychological conflict within him that he cannot deal with.

The attitude of women to lies

The following quotation about lies belongs to Denis Didro, and it perfectly illustrates the relationship of the fair sex to deception:

Women drink a flattering lie in one gulp, and the bitter truth in drops.

This feature of female perception is well known to men. And they use it successfully. Ladies love to hear good things about themselves, gladly accept compliments. In this regard, they can even lie to themselves, without realizing that the words of their gentleman are just an empty ring.

false quotes

With the same success, an eloquent suitor can lie to three other women from three baskets. Meanwhile, as not one of his deeds will prove love or favor. As for the bitter truth, here the fair sex also make a big mistake. They often practically do not allow the thought that their chosen one may not be at all as good as it seemed to them at first glance.

Sarcastic quote about lies

And these words belong to B. Disraeli:

There are three kinds of lies: lies, blatant lies and statistics.

They have a sarcastic look at statistics that you never want to believe. And Disraeli puts this "type of lie" in the very last place - even after the "impudent" lies, thus emphasizing that it is the worst kind of untruth. Yes, merciless statistics often cause little joy - whether it concerns monetary issues, politics or efficient production. In any field, there may be a temptation to take statistics for a lie - it can be so ugly.

Quotes about truth and falsehood

Truth and falsehood are two opposites. The life path of an individual develops depending on what it prefers to be guided by. The following quotes about truth and lies shed light on how these two phenomena can interact, how to recognize and distinguish them from each other.

A liar must have a good memory.

Every lie seeks to imitate the truth. (Fustel de Coulange)

From the lies in which we believe, the truths that we live in sprout. (Oliver Hassenkamp)

Strong is not one who deftly lies, but one who is courageous and can live in truth. (K. Antarova)

The surest sign of truth is simplicity and clarity. Lying is always complex, fanciful and verbose. (L.N. Tolstoy)

cartoon lies

About lies in relationships

A lot of statements are devoted to such a phenomenon as deception in personal relationships. Is it good or bad to lie to the one you love? There is no single answer to this question. On the one hand, when a person constantly lies to his beloved, this sooner or later leads to the breakdown of relationships. On the other hand, sometimes a lie is needed in therapeutic doses. The following quotes about lying in relationships reveal the characteristics of this phenomenon:

To love is to agree to be deceived. (Pierre Reverdy)

True love lives by desire and feeds on deception. Truly love only that which they do not know. (Anatole France)

If a man never lies to a woman, then he does not give a damn about her feelings. (Olin Miller)

a lie in a relationship

In relationships, as in any other sphere of life, systematic lies always become known sooner or later. And the result of this is sad - usually the relationship breaks up.

Not a single person can be considered completely honest. However, one must remember that constant lying is harmful to the soul. It leads to spiritual decline, destroys the good that exists between people.


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