The most beautiful Tatars: photos

The most beautiful Tatars have long conquered men around the world. We will talk about the most prominent representatives of this nationality in this article.

Laysan Utyasheva

the most beautiful Tatars

The most beautiful Tatars today have settled in all the most prestigious fields and spheres of life - fashion, television, show business, high achievement sports. A striking example is Laysan Utyasheva.

Today she is the owner of the honorary title of Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. More than once became the winner of competitions in Russia and abroad. She became the world champion in this sport, she won the European championship six times. The total number of her awards and medals is difficult to list.

After completing an official sports career, she became a popular TV presenter. First, she led the Main Road program on the NTV channel, then the Fitness with Stars project on the Live channel.

She has a large number of copyright projects, including the dance show "Infinity Sign", the program "Personal Trainer" on the channel "Sport Plus", and the author's program "Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva." Since 2014, he has been conducting the “Dancing” program on TNT on an ongoing basis.

Fans are well aware of her personal life. In 2012, she became the wife of the famous showman Pavel Volya, a year later gave birth to his son Robert, and then daughter Sofia.

Irina Shayk

the most beautiful Crimean Tatars

Few people know that Irina Shayk also belongs to the most beautiful Tatars. This is a supermodel with worldwide popularity. Many note that she owes her appearance to her mixed origin - her father is Tatar, and her mother is Russian.

A career in the modeling business began for her with success at a beauty contest in Chelyabinsk, the girl herself was born in one of the regional centers of this region. She was noticed by the famous scout Gia Dzhikidze, who opened the world of the modeling business to many other first-class models (Evgenia Volodina, Natalya Vodyanova, Olga Scherer). Since 2005, she began performing on the catwalks of America and Europe.

It is worth recognizing that she still won worldwide fame not as a model, but thanks to articles from the yellow press. From 2010 to 2015, all the world's tabloids closely watched her romance with one of the best football players on the planet Cristiano Ronaldo. The famous Portuguese striker for several years officially met with one of the most beautiful Tatars.

After they broke up, Irina Shayk started an affair with an American actor, four-time Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper. In 2017, they had a daughter.


top of the most beautiful Tatars

The top most beautiful Tatars, of course, includes the famous singer Alsou. Her father is a major entrepreneur, oilman Ralif Safin. At one time, he served as vice president of Lukoil.

Alsou began her career when she was only 15 years old. At the peak of fame and popularity was in 2000, when she won the right to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest. That year, a music festival was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Alsou performed the song "Solo" in English. She took second place, losing only to the duet from Denmark - the Olsen brothers with the song “Fly on the Wings of Love”. At that time, this was the highest achievement of the Russians at the Eurovision Song Contest. Only Dima Bilan could beat him, who became the winner after 8 years.

Alsu immediately after this success was ranked among the most beautiful Tatars in Russia. She continues her solo career to this day. Fans are closely watching her personal life. In 2006, she became the wife of businessman Yan Abramov. At the moment, they have already had two daughters and a son.

Chulpan Khamatova

the most beautiful tatar girls

The most beautiful Tatar actresses have been conquering domestic screens for more than a year. Today, Khamatova (besides the deputy art director of the Sovremennik Theater and a well-known philanthropist in the country) is one of the key founders of the Give Life fund.

Translated from the Tatar her name means "star of dawn." She studied brilliantly at school, was engaged in figure skating, without exams, she was enrolled in Kazan University at the Faculty of Finance and Economics, but did not study at the university for a day. Instead, she took the documents and became a student at a theater school in the capital of Tatarstan.

In the first years, teachers appreciated her talent and prospects, advising her to transfer to GITIS. She studied in the creative workshop of the People's Artist of the RSFSR Alexei Borodin. She made her debut on the stage of the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

Already in the third year she made her debut on the screen. Her first role is Katya in the drama of Vadim Abdrashitov "Time of the dancer". In 1998, 23-year-old Chulpan Khamatova starred in the cult drama by Valery Todorovsky, “The Country of the Deaf,” along with Dina Korzun. The film was a resounding success, participated in dozens of festivals. After him, Khamatova really felt famous. Entered one of the most beautiful Tatars in the world.

Among her key roles is also worth noting the drama of Alexei German Jr. "Garpastum", a multi-part adaptation of the novel by Boris Pasternak "Yuri Zhivago", another drama of Alexei German Jr. "Paper Soldier".

Alina Kabaeva

the most beautiful Tatars of the world

The most beautiful Tatar girls are often found in rhythmic gymnastics. In addition to Laysan Utyasheva, this is also the Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva. One of the most famous representatives of the national school of this sport.

At the Olympics, she made her debut in 2000, when she was only 17 years old. In personal all-around, Kabaeva lost to the Belarusian Yulia Raskina and compatriot Yulia Barsukova, having won a bronze medal.

The 2004 Olympics in Athens became a triumph for her. This time she had no equal, Kabaeva became the Olympic champion. In 2007, she officially completed her sports career. After that, she took up social and political activities. From 2007 to 2014 she was a deputy of the State Duma of two convocations.

The personal life of the athlete is shrouded in secrets. In May 2015, the media reported that Kabaeva had a baby in Switzerland. There was no refutation from her. In 2008, the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication published material about her possible wedding with Putin. The gymnast demanded that the newspaper print a refutation, the president himself at a press conference also said that all this was untrue.

Dina Garipova

The most beautiful Tatars of Russia

Almost no one can understand why Tatars are the most beautiful. Therefore, most simply prefer to admire them, for example, the winner of the show "Voice" Dina Garipova. She is an Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan.

At the peak of fame, the singer was in 2013, when she became a member of the prestigious Eurovision song contest.

At the festival, held in Swedish Malmo, Garipova sang the song "What if ...". She received rather high marks in the voting, but they allowed her to take only fifth place. The winner was the Englishwoman Emmily de Forest.

Garipova is the owner of a classic Tatar appearance. It is known that in 2015 she got married. Her husband has nothing to do with show business. His name was not disclosed.

Rosa Syabitova

why tatar are the most beautiful

Among the beautiful Tatars there are many mature women, for example, TV presenter Roza Syabitova.

She began her career on television in 2007, when she began to lead the show "Looking for Love" on the little-known channel "Stream TV". Periodically took part in the project "Good morning" on the "First".

Fame came to Syabitova in 2008, when she became one of the leading TV shows "Let's Get Married". She performed the role of a professional matchmaker who helped connect loving hearts. The show is still popular, soon will celebrate its 10th anniversary on the air.


the most beautiful tatar actresses

The idol of youth is Zemfira, a Russian rock singer of Tatar origin. Her full name is Zemfira Ramazanova. She comes from Ufa, where she began her musical career. In Russian music, she became the founder of a whole movement called by critics "female rock." In her footsteps were followed by Diana Arbenina, Svetlana Surganova and many others.

In 1999, Zemfira won the epithet "breaking voice of generation" from the magazine "Twinkle". Throughout her career, her songs have repeatedly appeared on the first lines of music charts. The most famous of them are Arivederchi, Traffic, No Chances, Walk, We Crash, and many others.

In the 2000s, Zemfira had a tremendous impact on the younger generation. It is even mentioned in the history textbook for grade 9 in the section "Spiritual Development", as the founder of a unique and unlike anything youth musical culture.

Farida Kurbangaleeva

the most beautiful Crimean Tatars top

Many consider the TV presenter and journalist Farida Kurbangaleeva the most beautiful Tatar . She began her career at the Tatarstan State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. In 2007, she became a special correspondent for the Rossiya TV channel in the Volga region. And soon she became the host of the Vesti program.

She also participated in the creation of documentary television films "Invisible Heroes of the Unknown War", "Close to the Heart", "War of the Unforgiven".

Aidan Shener

the most beautiful Tatars

By the way, not all beautiful Tatars are Russian speakers. Turkish actress and model of Tatar origin Aidan Shener is very popular.

Her finest hour came in 1986, when the popular series, including Ours, appeared on the screen, "The Kinglet is a songbird." In it, she played the main role. The events of the film unfold in Turkey during the First World War, in parallel, viewers witness the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

Aidan Shener plays a girl named Feride. Even in childhood, for the playfulness and playfulness, everyone around her called her king. At her aunt's house, she meets her cousin Kamran. She immediately fell in love with her, but because of the excitement she did not treat him very politely, so it might seem to those around him that young people could not stand each other. This fascinating series is dedicated to the relations between them against the background of historical events important for Turkey and the whole of Europe.

Interestingly, in 2004, the famous Turkish actress arrived in Kazan, the homeland of her ancestors. She was personally invited by the Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In 1981, Aidan Shener won the Miss Turkey national beauty pageant.

Elzara Batalova

the most beautiful Crimean Tatars

The most beautiful Crimean Tatars also receive public attention. First of all, they include the Honored Artist of Ukraine and the Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, singer Elzara Batalova.

She, of course, is one of the top most beautiful Crimean Tatars. She was born in a small town in the southeast of the peninsula. She showed herself as part of the children's ensemble. Over time, she deservedly became one of the most talented artists of the republic.

Instead of a conclusion

The secret to the success of all these women is, of course, not only in the beauty of the outside. Many find them spiritually attractive. It should be noted that all Tatar women are wonderful mothers and pious wives, they are purposeful and very flexible adapt to constantly changing living conditions. Another secret of the popularity of beautiful Tatar women is their impeccable reputation, they were not involved in any high-profile "dirty" scandal. All the above features are inherent in the national Tatar character, which, together with natural beauty, allows these representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to please their fans in one area or another.


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