Can a single woman adopt a child from an orphanage?

Not every family brings up and brings up native children. Some agree to such a difficult process as adoption or adoption. It provides for many restrictions, conditions and features. Today we’ll try to find out if a single woman can adopt a child. And if so, what exactly will she have to do to achieve the corresponding goal. In reality, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to start preparing for the adoption of a family of step-children in advance.

Who is eligible

Can a single woman adopt a child in Russia? As a rule, there is no definite answer. This is due to the fact that even people with complete families are not always able to act as adoptive parents. And there are reasons for that. We will deal with them later.

Adoption by an unmarried woman

Today in Russia they can take a child from a specialized institution:

  • complete families;
  • single parents;
  • people who have no couples or children.

Is it possible to adopt a child to a single woman? Based on the information above, it follows that there is such a chance. Not all single girls are capable of using it in practice.

Conditions for starting the process

Are single women allowed to adopt a child? Yes, if they meet the established requirements. As already mentioned, not always even complete families can take a non-native baby into the family. They have such a chance, but only in theory.

To adopt a child, you need:

  1. The potential adoptive parent has official income. Moreover, simply getting a salary is not enough - it should be enough to provide a child with a decent life.
  2. Passing by the applicant of a special school. It is called the foster parents school.
  3. Availability of housing suitable for living with a minor.
  4. Complete mental health. It is also required that the potential adoptive parent does not have serious illnesses or disabilities.
  5. Legal capacity. If a citizen is partially limited in it, it will not work to bring up someone else's child under any circumstances.
  6. A certain age difference with the adopted. She must be at least sixteen years old.
  7. Lack of open criminal record. Their presence is a huge problem for adoptive parents.

Perhaps this is all. The list does not look too fearsome, but in fact, meeting the established requirements is problematic for people. Most often, failures await due to housing and income.

Can a woman alone take a child from an orphanage

Can a single woman adopt a child from an orphanage? Yes, but you have to try pretty hard for this.

Who is definitely not allowed

Only at first it’s worth deciding who is definitely not allowed to act as a person taking an unborn child into his family. Remembering the limitations is not so difficult.

Cannot adopt children in Russia:

  1. US citizens.
  2. Persons with or without legal capacity.
  3. Those who have a criminal record. It doesn’t matter what exactly.
  4. People who were previously deprived of parental rights. This also includes the adoptive parents, who, in court, were deprived of their right to adopt.
  5. Citizens who previously abandoned the rights of adoptive parents on a voluntary basis.
  6. People with severe illness or disability that interfere with the normal upbringing and care of children.
  7. Persons in same-sex marriage.
  8. Minors. Emancipated teens can compete for the right to adopt.
  9. Applicants with any dependencies. For example, alcohol.

In other cases, as a rule, you can affect the success of the adoption. Is it possible to adopt a child to a single woman? Yes! And a little later, we will find out how to specifically do this.

Civil marriage

Some girls for a long time, if not permanently, live with their soul mates in a civil marriage. So the people commonly called cohabitation.

Can single women adopt children? As already mentioned, yes. Moreover, if a lady cohabits with someone, she will still be considered as a loner. To act as an adoptive parent with a common-law spouse, you will first have to get an official marriage.

Important: the income and housing of a roommate will not be taken into account when solving the task.

Can lonely adopt

Which authorities should I contact?

Next, we will try to consider the adoption process in more detail. If you prepare for it in advance, a conscientious citizen should not have significant problems. Especially if he has his own spacious housing, as well as decent earnings.

Can a single woman adopt a child without a husband? Quite. It is enough to comply with the above conditions. And where to turn for help?

In general, the process under study is carried out in court. But you will have to visit a potential adoptive parent:

  • child protection;
  • a baby’s house or an orphanage (sometimes a maternity hospital);
  • judicial authorities;
  • REGISTRY OFFICE or a multifunctional center.

The very procedure of taking a step-child into the family takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is better to take into account all the existing nuances of it in advance.

Quick guide

Thinking about whether a single woman can adopt a child in Russia, one will also have to remember how to act in this or that case.

Lonely woman's custody

In order to achieve the desired result, you will need:

  1. Take training in a special school. About it was said earlier.
  2. Learn and prepare the documents necessary for the adoption process.
  3. Contact the guardianship authorities, get there a certificate of "suitability" as an adoptive parent. This is the most difficult moment.
  4. Go to an institution where they bring up children without parents. There, the girl will have to fill out a special questionnaire, and then wait for the selection of candidates for adoption.
  5. To study the proposed options, as well as the documents of the relevant minors.
  6. To get acquainted with a child whom you want to take in a family, to establish an emotional connection with him. It certainly will not be superfluous, especially if the candidate for adoption is at least ten years old.
  7. Sue for adoption.
  8. Take part in the meeting on the relevant case, and then get the decision of the established form on hand.

Further, everything will depend on what decision the judge made. If the claim is satisfied, you can go to the registry office and reissue the documents for the child. If the process is refused, you can:

  • forget about adoption;
  • find out the reason for the refusal, eliminate it, and then sue again.

Below we will consider the steps listed in more detail. The only way to protect yourself from the "pitfalls".

First visit to custody

Can a single woman in the Russian Federation adopt a child? As already mentioned, yes. Moreover, this situation is almost no different from the adoption of a child by a complete family. Just one person to ensure a decent family budget and housing will be more difficult.

It is recommended to start the operation under study with a visit to the guardianship authorities. Prior to this, you can also sign up and study at a foster parents' school. The adoptive parent must receive a certificate of the established form before applying to the court. Having one when visiting a guardianship will be a huge plus.

An application for adoption must be submitted to the authorized body at the place of residence of the potential adoptive parent. The applicant must have:

  • certificates of income and availability of housing;
  • extracts from the place of residence;
  • autobiography;
  • certificates from the place of work or study that could characterize the adoptive parent as a person;
  • documents on the state of human health;
  • passport or other identification card;
  • certificate of no criminal record.

These are required documents. If a single girl has children, they will have to bring their passports or birth certificates. Otherwise, achieving the desired result will fail.

Adoption process

Housing inspection

Can a single woman adopt a child? Yes, but this process will have to be prepared in advance. The sooner the better.

After submitting an application for adoption in a “custody”, representatives of the relevant authority must come to the applicant’s house or apartment. They will inspect the home and based on what they saw, as well as using the documents presented by the girl, an act on the suitability of the applicant to be an adoptive parent. Without this document, you can not go to court.

Visit to a special institution

Can single women adopt children? The answer to this question will no longer lead to a dead end. But how to act in one case or another?

As soon as the certificate from the guardianship is in your hands, you can undergo training (if this has not been done before), as well as contact the orphanages, maternity hospitals and baby houses. Here, a citizen fills out a questionnaire, which indicates information about himself, as well as about whom he is ready to adopt.

Based on the questionnaire, special databases will be used to search for candidates. It is better to familiarize yourself with the documents of the selected children in advance. Be sure to pay attention to:

  • documents on how the child was in special. institution;
  • health certificates of a minor;
  • baby's birth certificate.

If any documents are suspicious or missing, it is better to refuse to take the appropriate child. Most likely, something is wrong with him. A patient or a child with poor heredity, few people want to adopt.

What is required for adoption by a woman

Meetings and contact

Meeting several times with a baby is not the best idea. Usually such kids do not quite understand what is happening. And with them you can do without long preliminary meetings.

With older children, things are much more complicated. The adoptive parent must communicate with the child, establish contact with him. Especially if the candidate for adoption is more than ten years old.

It is recommended to take the child "to go out to people", give small gifts, and communicate. So the baby will get used to the adoptive parent - this will be just one more plus.

Court visit

Can a single woman adopt a child in Russia? Yes, only for this you have to go to court. When the above steps are behind, you can contact the judicial authority with a claim for adoption.

It is recommended that you have documents presented before custody, as well as children's documents. They can be supplemented:

  • certificates of the psychologist about the presence of the contact "adoptive parent-child";
  • certificate of training at the "school".

Without fail, an act issued by representatives of guardianship authorities is attached to the statement of claim. Without it, as already mentioned, there is no chance of satisfying the request.

After the trial

If the claim is satisfied, you can contact the registry office to reissue documents for the child. Multifunctional centers also provide related services.

A citizen will have to take his passport, court order with permission to adopt, as well as the documents of the child. In the course of the actions taken, the applicant will be issued a stamp certificate of adoption. This is the main document confirming parental rights in relation to the adopted.


Is it possible to adopt a child to a single unmarried woman? Based on the foregoing, it follows that there is such a chance. Moreover, if you try in advance, you will be able to achieve the desired result as soon as possible.

How to adopt a child in the Russian Federation

Adopting a child is an important and crucial step. The predominant right to it is with the baby's relatives. But they, as a rule, refuse it. Is it possible to adopt a child to a single woman? Of course!

If necessary, a woman can adopt a child from her spouse’s previous marriage. But for this you have to enter into official relations with the baby's father. That is, to sign in the registry office. Also, both parents of the child must agree to the adoption, if they are not deprived of parental rights. But in this case, the adoptive parent will not be considered lonely.

You can always find out more accurate information at your local guardianship service. The employees of this body will definitely tell you what to do at one stage or another of the adoption of the baby. Only in this way can a woman avoid most problems.


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