Features of the work of women and adolescents. The official employment of a teenager. Women's labor protection

Today, the characteristics of the labor activity of women and adolescents occupy an important place in the system of labor organization. And this is completely normal, because in the process of applying female and teenage efforts in production, the anatomical and physiological characteristics of their body should be taken into account. How does the Russian state ensure the comfort of their activities? What does occupational safety for women and adolescents mean? How can you characterize the current situation in this area? You can find answers to these and other questions in the process of reading the article.

features of the work of women and adolescents

Important Nuances

As it turned out, the characteristics of the labor activity of women and adolescents are primarily related to the anatomy and physiology of the body. What is important for teenagers? The fact is that at the appropriate age, bones of the skeleton and muscles grow at an accelerated rate, especially in relation to the limbs. So, the ligamentous apparatus of a teenager is characterized by some weakness, which entails quite fast muscle fatigue, possible deviations in the development of the respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, inferiority of excitatory processes and inhibition in the central nervous system are often noted.

That is why work in adolescence involves exceptional selection through professional efforts, which is based primarily on medical indicators. It is necessary to accurately determine the actual requirements for the implementation of labor activity and correlate them with the degree of stress of different systems of physiology of a teenager in a functional sense.

What else is important for teens?

Considering the peculiarities of the labor activity of women and adolescents, it should be noted that for people aged sixteen to eighteen years today, as a rule, a shortened labor week is established, which includes only 36 hours of relevant activity. In addition, some restrictions have been imposed on the use of adolescent efforts in the process of weight transfer. If, for example, work for schoolchildren still consists in this, then the mass of the load should in no case be more than 4.1 kg.

work for schoolchildren

Thus, pronounced differences in the sexual plan in relation to the stress of certain physiological functions, a lesser degree of working capacity and, as a result, labor productivity, a rather early development of the periods of fatigue of an uncompensated orientation, as well as a significant frequency of shortcomings in terms of the implementation of functions of a specific nature, serve as good reasons for making in a kind of tension and severity of labor activity of gradations by gender and age indicator. It is important to add that such gradations are set in accordance with the influence of the microclimate, substances of chemical origin, as well as vibration and noise.

Features of the work of women and adolescents

In addition to adolescents, special attention is paid to women, due to the fact that the anatomical and physiological characteristics of their body are arranged differently than in men. So, in the case of an unsatisfactory situation in the production aspect, they may develop some gynecological diseases, in addition, the “uncomfortable” workplace has an adverse effect on reproductive functions.

requirements for working conditions for women

It is important to add that working conditions for women impose significant restrictions on the movement and transportation of goods. As a rule, they are introduced the optimal mode of work and rest, as well as restrictions on the use of female labor at night. In addition, the most attentive employers are trying to form part-time work for women so that their working conditions are extremely comfortable. The requirements for the working conditions of women in terms of the maximum mass of transported and lifted cargo are correlated with a weight of ten kilograms in the case of alternating this activity with other varieties of work up to two times per hour. If we are talking about constant efforts over weights, then the corresponding border is reduced to seven kilograms.

By the way, the features of the labor of women during pregnancy, which is not at all surprising, undergo some changes. The reason for this is the increased vulnerability of the body during the period of bearing the child. So, pregnant women are transferred to a specific work schedule, which is in no way associated with exposure to harmful or difficult working conditions.

The issue of employment of adolescents

After a detailed examination of the specifics of the labor of certain social categories, it would be advisable to develop the topic of whether formal employment of a teenager is possible and what is behind it.

teenager working hours

No one can argue that today's teens are not the same. They are developed beyond their years, which means that their desire for an independent life begins much earlier. Pupils today strive to acquire new iPhones for themselves. But is it possible to protect children's rights in the event that this provision is not ensured at the legal level? But the law, after all, implements such a practice solely through the prohibition of employment until the age of fourteen.

In addition, not every work for students is relevant. So, under the age of 14, a teenager is allowed to work in circuses, theaters or film studios in accordance with legislative acts. From fourteen, a child can be employed officially, subject to the registration of a work book.

Illegal activity

Today, children often work illegally (for example, summer work for adolescents). The reason is the rather big costs of the employer if the teenager was legally employed. The fact is that the obligations and, of course, the employer's responsibility to the child in comparison with an adult employee literally increase significantly.

Naturally, with illegal employment there is a risk of non-receipt of wages. To minimize this, adolescents often attract adults (for example, parents) at the interview stage directly with the employer. Thus, the children prove to the employer the seriousness of their own intentions, and the guardians determine the degree of decency of the employer and say between the lines that they will not give offense to their child.

Labor protection for adolescents

If a teenager is hired, the employer must know some of the nuances of the prohibition nature, in accordance with which:

  • It is forbidden to take a teenager to dangerous or harmful work.
  • Attraction of a teenager to underground activities is not permitted.
  • It is strictly forbidden to employ a teenager if the corresponding work is capable of causing some harm in relation to moral development. This should include activities in nightclubs, places selling alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, as well as in publications of an erotic theme.
  • It is not allowed to give the teenager intellectual, sensory, emotional and monotonous work, which causes neuropsychic stress.
  • You can not send a teenager on business trips.
  • It is forbidden to take a teenager to work on a shift method.
  • It is forbidden to employ a teenager in combination.

official employment of a teenager

Additional Prohibitions

In addition to the prohibitions listed above, the following points do not lose their relevance today:

  • It is forbidden to give a teenager work with weights. So, a young man can lift a load up to four kilograms, and a girl - up to three.
  • You can not set a trial period for a teenager.
  • Prior to adulthood, the teenager is prohibited from employing him as a cashier or in other positions related to cash. The reason for this is the impossibility of concluding an agreement regarding absolute liability.
  • You can’t hire a teenager without a medical examination. As a rule, the employer provides this event at his own expense. If in the personal file of the child there is no medical opinion on the absence of contraindications to a specific type of activity, the employer faces a fine.

Overtime work is not the best option

It is important to add that the teenager’s working day is normalized in one way or another, in accordance with which it is strictly forbidden to endow the child with overtime work. So, in any case, a teenager should rest on weekends and holidays, as well as at night (from 22:00 to 06:00).

In addition, the work of a student should in no case interfere with the process of his education. This provision indicates that minors have the right to work only on condition of a shortened day. The corresponding clause is mandatory in the employment contract. Thus, the duration of daily activities (one shift) should not exceed five hours for children 15 and 16 years of age and seven hours - for adolescents from 16 to 18 years. If the child works during the school year for the benefit of the school or technical school (in accordance with the period of seasonal holidays), then the working day should not exceed two and a half hours for children under 16 years and four hours for adolescents from 16 to 18 years.

summer work for teens

Related Documentation

In the event of a decision on employment, the teenager should provide the employer with the following documents:

  • Personal passport.
  • A work book (during the initial employment, the obligations for its execution fall on the shoulders of the employer).
  • Pension Insurance Certificate.
  • A certificate that a citizen is subject to draft for military service (applies to young men over seventeen years old).

In addition to the above, a teenager under the age of fifteen must provide the employer with the following additional papers:

  • Permissive document drawn up by the guardianship authorities.
  • Consent for the employment of the child from the parents. This document can serve as a consent notarized by a notary, as well as a line specified in the contract in the contract, confirmed by the signature of one of the parents. In addition, a visa-consent, located directly on the application for the employment of a teenager, is also suitable.

Women's Labor Protection

women's labor protection

Today, the labor protection of women in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is directly related to the presentation of special requirements in relation to this issue (the reasons for this are discussed in detail above). Thus, some types of work are limited, and some are even prohibited by law for women. A vivid example of this can serve as certain restrictions for the fair sex on the condition of hard work or hard work with dangerous and often harmful circumstances, which is regulated by article 253 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Surprisingly, the list, which was approved in Decree of the Government of Russia of February 25, 2000 No. 162, includes 456 posts, the admission of women to which is strictly prohibited. So, in accordance with the law, a woman is prohibited from being:

  • Smelter of metals and alloys.
  • The boilerman.
  • A pneumatic drill driver who operates through the use of special tools that transmit vibrational waves directly to the hands of an employee.
  • Uprooter stumps.
  • Roofer on steel roofs.
  • The bulldozer driver.
  • Carpenter.
  • Feller of forest plantations.
  • Electric locomotive driver or his assistant.
  • A painter who operates inside containers and uses paints containing lead.
  • Plumber.
  • Fuse.
  • Pressure testing of pipes.
  • Steelworker and so on.

labor protection for women and adolescents

If a woman is hired, in accordance with which certain restrictions are established, the employer, one way or another, agrees to provide her with a medical examination. In the future (already in the process of employment), medical examinations by specialists should be carried out annually. To create appropriate working conditions for women, it would be advisable to turn to SanPiN This document includes a perfect list with regard to the requirements for a woman’s place of work, relevant working conditions, physical activity, temperature conditions during work, and so on.

For example, sanitary standards determine that during one shift of work a woman should never move more than 1750 kg of cargo located on a surface equipped for work (in other words, in this case slopes are excluded in order to lift the weight) . If the load must be lifted directly from the floor, then its weight should never exceed 875 kg. It is important to add that the movement of gravity under constant conditions is allowed only when the weight of the load lifted is equal to seven kilograms. If the weights rise no more than two times in an hour, then it is appropriate to achieve ten kilograms in terms of weight.

working conditions for women

In addition, the female workplace is subject to this kind of equipment so that the employee can freely change her position during the whole shift, because for any woman, carrying out activities in one position (sitting or standing) is undesirable. An important factor is the temperature regime, according to which the corresponding indicator should in no case exceed specific values ​​determined by the necessary criteria. So, the air temperature needed for a woman to fulfill her duties in a full-fledged manner depends on the time spent at the workplace, as well as on the intensity of the process itself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24090/

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