Books about virtual reality: the best authors

The theme of virtual reality was raised in their works by writers from different countries and eras. About it writes Victor Pelevin, it was shown to its readers by Philip Dick. So that you can immerse yourself in amazing worlds, we have collected for you the best books about virtual reality!

"The first player to get ready"

This work, released from the pen of Ernest Klein, tells about what the world will be like in 2045. Frankly speaking, the real world is not a very pleasant place. Here hunger and poverty reign, crisis. The only joy is the gaming virtual reality called OASIS, which was created by a genius in love with the culture of the eighties. The creator of the virtual universe dies, but first leaves three quests in the game world. Anyone who manages to go through them and find the "Easter egg" will receive all the acquired billions and a stake in genius.

"The first player to get ready"

The main character of the story, Wade Watts, managed to find the first clue and suddenly appeared at the sight of his rivals. Yes, they are ready to go on the kill for the sake of owning the most important prize. What is this book about? About virtual reality, about the contrast between real game worlds, about how these worlds affect each other, about love and friendship. The author generously seasoned the work with humor, and the translators also tried - the book has a lively style, it is very pleasant to read it. In it you can find many references to games and films. Readers say: the writer got a kaleidoscope of adventure, irony, unexpected twists and descriptions of the protagonist’s inner world


Among the best books about virtual reality and the work of Philip Dick called "Ubik." The universe unfolding in front of the reader is a truly outlandish world. 1993 is on the calendar. In addition to ordinary people, the world is inhabited by various telepaths and predictions and many other people with parapsychic talents. Almost all of them work in corporations that provide related services. In contrast to this corporation, the organization of antipsychic abilities works. Its employees are committed to neutralizing workers first. That is, these corporations are in conflict.

The book "Ubik"

One day, very strange clients turn to the specialists of the second organization. They demand to neutralize the telepathic field existing on the moon. Of course, a group of inertia sets off for the moon. The director of the corporation accompanies them. When the group is in place, an explosion occurs, as a result of which the leader dies. His body is placed in a sarcophagus to maintain contact. Once on Earth, the inertia reveals something strange - now time on this planet flows in the opposite direction! Readers note: this book about virtual reality talks about development and degradation, progress and regression. And it is absolutely necessary to read it to those who are captivated by a love of virtual worlds!

“Love of the Three Zuckerbrines”

The author of this book about virtual reality is the great and inimitable Victor Pelevin. This time, social networks, virtual worlds, the cult of consumption, information slavery, and even such a thing as terrorism, fell into his field of vision. This book is a confrontation between the forces of darkness and light, all material and metaphysical, viewed against the backdrop of the popular game "Angry Birds."

“Love of the Three Zuckerbrines”

The protagonist is the "technical savior of the world" - Cyclops. He is far from the first, guardian angels like him throughout the history of mankind were among people and watched everything that happened. Sarcasm and satire, accurate humor - this is what makes this book the best about virtual reality. The play on words and images, according to critics and readers, deserve close attention, in addition, the work is full of allusions and well-known political events. In general, we recommend reading it!


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