Brian Tracy: wallpapers.

Brian Tracy is one of the most well-known modern coach-trainers in the world and experts in the field of success. He is the author of many books and audio courses about business, sales, and the realization of personal potential.

Lecture by Brian Tracy

Dreams must be large

Quotes by Brian Tracy - this is a real source of motivation for the ordinary employee of the company, and for a big businessman, and even for an ordinary housewife. Judge for yourself:

Dream big! Only great dreams have the ability to guide thought and spirit.

No wonder Tracy talks about this. After all, he himself was born into a poor family. When he had to quit school, he went to work as a laborer. For eight years, the future coach worked on a ship that circumnavigated the world. During this time, Tracy managed to visit 80 countries. Upon his return, he began his career as an ordinary sales manager, and two years later he held the position of vice president of the company.

All this was possible to Brian Tracy, whose quotes are considered in this article, thanks to perseverance and perseverance, as well as the ability to "dream big", which he speaks about.

happy and successful life

Another dream quote

A dream for a successful person can be compared with a guiding star. He does not know exactly how certain circumstances can affect the events of his present life. But although not all information is available to him, he follows his desire, continuing to move forward. Here's what else Tracy writes about the dream:

All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future should be like to the smallest detail, and then they work on the realization of what was conceived.

This is the algorithm for achieving the desired, in the opinion of Brian Tracy. The quote “Everything begins with a dream” also belongs to him. The coach managed to notice that those people who can selflessly and passionately dream of fulfilling their dreams have chances to achieve success. Then comes hard work on this plan.

dream achievement

What should confidence be based on?

Tracy claims:

Confident people do not compare themselves with others. They compare themselves only with the best that they can become.

It is human nature to compare himself with his own kind - friends, acquaintances, or those people whom he once knew. Sometimes people put themselves in comparison with the powers that be, famous people. But this path is unlikely to lead to success. After all, only self-confident person can reach the heights in his activity. And she will not compare herself with others - those who are richer, handsome or talented. Such a comparison will always not be in the person’s favor, for each time those who are better will be sought. A successful person compares himself today with what he was yesterday.

The main enemy of success

Tracy says:

Fear and doubt are the main enemies of great successes and achievements.

This quote from Brian Tracy once again shows: if a person’s soul is tormented by endless doubts, he loses the ability to fully work on his projects. Fears prevent people from realizing themselves completely. The one who dares always takes advantage of the chances at his disposal. Such a person is able to bring his business to its logical conclusion - even if it is a grandiose, large-scale project.

The importance of proper self-presentation

The following quote from Brian Tracy demonstrates the importance of properly presenting oneself in society:

The way you introduce yourself reflects the degree of your love and self-respect.

The importance of first impressions cannot be overestimated. This conclusion, which has long been known to Brian Tracy and his fans, today comes the majority of psychologists. It is important to teach yourself from the first minutes of communication so that this self-presentation reflects a person’s confidence, his love for himself and the world around him. After all, there will be no such second chance.

Famous coach Brian Tracy

Why you should use the mind

And this quote from Brian Tracy once again reminds us that the human mind must be used by him in everyday life:

Your mind is like a muscle - the more you use it, the more powerful it becomes.

If you do not use the mental abilities of the brain, then over time they will decline. Those who work on their mind and use it correctly eventually become capable of more and more mental work. It develops, like an athlete's muscle, under the influence of stress.

Where is the beginning of success?

Brian Tracy's quotes and sayings teach us to never lose hope and motivation. And also his words show where to look for the beginning of a successful life and the fulfillment of everything desired:

Success begins with an attempt.

The long path that a person goes from the beginning of his formation to the completion of large projects always begins with an attempt to try himself in a particular undertaking. If this is not done, then it is impossible to find out whether a particular business is suitable. There are people who try themselves in different fields, and in the end they manage to find their true destiny. And yesterday’s attempt to do something ultimately leads them to find themselves, to fulfill themselves, to achieve their plan.

Responsibility for one’s life

Brian Tracy's quotes teach his fans to be responsible for their lives. The coach says:

Take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Refuse blaming others or seeking excuses.

Many people tend to shift responsibility for their lives onto the shoulders of others, complain about unfavorable circumstances, upbringing, difficult conditions, and the state. This approach is not always the right one. At least, such a position does not lead to success. Even if it seems that certain events occur in a person’s life exclusively without the participation of his will, his contribution to these circumstances still exists.

Consider an example. A woman can live with her husband, who disrespects her, does not provide for the needs of the family. On the one hand, the fault in this case lies with the husband - because he does not want to change for the better. But on the other hand, our heroine is not a hostage to circumstances. If she recognizes that the responsibility for her life lies only with her, this will help her transform her daily routine.

The importance of the environment

Quotes and aphorisms by Brian Tracy show that the possibility of achieving success depends not only on the person himself, but also on his environment. Tracy says:

To fly with eagles, do not graze with turkeys!

The person surrounded by depressed people or those below the level of his development will inevitably pull him down, back to an aimless existence.

individual development path

The fact is that unconsciously, such people, whom Tracy humorously calls "turkeys," are envious of their more successful acquaintance. Not to mention this directly, they will negatively affect it.

But this rule also works in the opposite direction: if a person is regularly in the circle of successful people, he is much more likely to become as successful as they are. Strong and wise individuals are always ready to share their experience with someone who is willing to work on themselves.

Work hard to achieve what you want every day.

Daily work to achieve your most important goals gives you almost complete guarantee that you will feel better and achieve more than if you did not. Your sense of control is enhanced automatically.

This quote from Brian Tracy about work makes it clear the importance of everyday work dedicated to achieving a specific goal. A coach gives a simple recipe for success: to achieve what you want, you should work on a goal every day. Such a person has almost one hundred percent chance of achieving what he wants, the coach said.

work towards the goal

Brian Tracy Quotes in English

Many readers are interested in Tracy's quotes in the original, in English. Let's consider some of them.

Leadership Is The Ability To Get Extraordinary Achievement From Ordinary People.

Translation of this quote: “Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary results from ordinary people.”

Clarity Is The Key To Effective Leadership. What are your goals?

Translation: “Clarity is the key to effective leadership. What are your goals? ”

Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Translation: “Anything we expect with full confidence becomes our self-fulfilling prophecy.”


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