How to leave Ukraine to Russia for permanent residence or for a while

2014 was the year of tremendous changes and upheavals for Ukraine. The tragic events of the Maidan, the loss of Crimea, a local armed conflict in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions ... You can argue for a long time about what caused the disaster and look for those responsible. Such discussions will not be able to change anything. War has come into the country, and this fact turns any debate into idle chatter.

For many people, not only well-being, but also life depends on the answer to the question of how to leave Ukraine to Russia.

The reasons for the influx of migrants from Ukraine

how to leave Ukraine to Russia

The bulk of refugees are residents of the eastern regions fleeing the war. The infrastructure of the cities of Lugansk and Donetsk regions was destroyed, and the standard of living of the population dropped to a level that can no longer be considered even minimally acceptable. Constant interruptions in water and light, lack of drugs and quality medical care, lack of products - these are the realities of life in eastern Ukraine. And if you add to this the fact that the last time pensions and social benefits were paid back in July 2014, and then all bank branches were closed, which suspended the work of the financial system, the picture is depressing. People living far below the poverty line flee the country, taking their relatives and friends out, and the question of how to leave Ukraine to Russia without money is extremely important for them. What can we say about those who lived in basements, fleeing the bombing.

Who is running and why

to leave for Russia from Ukraine

But not only residents of the eastern regions are fleeing. Many Ukrainians who do not want to take part in the conflict tend to leave the country to avoid conscription. And this is far from always the desire to avoid danger. Participation in hostilities against citizens of their own country is a morally very difficult decision, not everyone dares to bear such a burden on their conscience. After all, not all Ukrainians support the position of the authorities in relation to the inhabitants of the eastern regions.

For many, leaving Russia to Ukraine is the only way to avoid the dilemma: mobilization or prison. Those who do not want to take up arms are forced to leave the country and seek housing and work abroad.

There have always been many visitors to Russia. But before, these were labor migrants whose sole purpose was money. Now the problem is much more serious. Refugees from Ukraine often do not have not only passports, but also the most necessary documents.

Border Crossing Methods

The main flow of visitors passes through the territory of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions under the control of the LPR and the DPR. How to leave Ukraine to Russia by car and transport at least part of the property? You can freely cross the border in Izvarino. The presentation of passports is not required there, and general control is only minimally necessary. They allow both pedestrians and cars, and in emergency cases even people without documents. To cross the border in the territories under the control of the Ukrainian armed forces, the standard rules apply: passports, customs declarations, the presence of permits for children and certificates of vaccinations for animals are required. Moreover, now the rules have been tightened, the Ukrainian side is carefully checking everyone who leaves, and the entry into the territory of Ukraine from Russia presents considerable difficulties.

Borders with the DNI and LC

how to leave Ukraine to Russia for permanent residence

Those who are thinking about how to leave Ukraine to Russia, today need to consider one
specific moment. Ukrainians who cross the border through the checkpoints of the LPR and the DPR are better off not presenting their passports, even if they have them, but confining themselves to ordinary ones. The fact is that, according to the current Ukrainian legislation, crossing the border at checkpoints not controlled by the official authorities is an administrative offense. And Russian customs without fail puts stamps with dates in their passports. As a result, upon returning to their homeland, document owners with such marks may experience problems.

At the same time, agreements from 2007 are in force in the region, according to which it is not required to present a passport. To get to the territory of Russia, the usual passport of a citizen of Ukraine is enough.

How to legalize your stay in the Russian Federation

how to leave Ukraine to Russia now

Many Ukrainian refugees still plan to return home, because relatives and property remained there. But there are those for whom the question of how to leave Ukraine to Russia for permanent residence is very relevant. Either because there is nowhere to return, or because it is dangerous to go home.

In this case, you must first understand what the goal is: to really change citizenship and stay to live in Russia or simply increase the time spent in the territory of another state. After all, emotions will subside, the military conflict will end sooner or later, and the documents have already been drawn up, and playing back everything is quite problematic.

What other legalization methods, besides obtaining citizenship, can be considered? There are such options for temporary stay in Russia:

  • Temporary shelter.
  • Refugee status.
  • Temporary residence.
  • Residence.

Temporary shelter

A temporary stay is a great option for those who just want to wait out difficult times, but do not know how. Leaving Ukraine for Russia is not the worst way. For a temporary stay, additional documents do not need to be issued. By law, Ukrainian citizens can stay in Russia for up to 90 days. If this is not enough, the FMS can extend this period to 180 days. To do this, you need to have a passport and a migration card with which appropriate marks will be made.

A similar option is a temporary shelter. This status is assigned for a year, if necessary, the period can be extended. Temporary asylum is issued on the basis of a passport and migration card, as well as a medical certificate. To receive it, you must undergo a free medical examination. With this status, citizens of Ukraine are free to apply for a job, all state guarantees of the state apply to them.

Refugee Status and Temporary Residence

how to leave Ukraine to Russia today

Seekers of information on how to leave Ukraine for Russia need to know that refugee status, unlike the above options, has no time limits. Its owners can live in the territory of the Russian Federation, work, be treated, use all social guarantees, even travel abroad. Every one and a half years, you need to go through the counting procedure. The FMS considers each specific situation and decides on the advisability of extending the status. In case of refusal, refugees can appeal the decision of the authorities in court.

The status registration procedure is free. But for obtaining a temporary residence permit you need to pay a fee - 1000 rubles. This status is assigned for 3 years and is valid only within the specific region where the refugee must live and work. The list of territories and quotas for the placement of foreign citizens is approved officially. Placing over the limit is possible only if refugees in Russia have relatives who need care or, on the contrary, the new arrivals themselves are elderly or disabled people.

Citizenship Conditions

For those who are thinking about how to leave Ukraine for Russia forever, temporary residence is the first step to obtaining citizenship. After a year of living on the territory of the Russian Federation with this status, you can apply to the official authorities for a residence permit. After its issuance, the next stage begins, namely, life without a break on the territory of Russia for 5 years. And only after that citizenship can be obtained. But even this is not a guarantee of success.

There is an easier way - the program "Compatriots" designed for Russian-speaking citizens of the former USSR. The only condition is that visitors should have direct Russian relatives. However, if at the moment there are none, you can simply provide documents that confirm that once grandparents, parents or children lived in Russia.

Citizenship under the program "Compatriots"

how to leave Ukraine to Russia without money

To obtain citizenship under the "Compatriots" program, it is enough to confirm knowledge of the norms and rules of the Russian language by passing an interview. For most
residents of the CIS countries is not a problem. If the decision of the commission is positive, the applicant will receive the status of a native speaker. If you have a residence permit (temporary residence or asylum right) and direct Russian relatives, citizenship is usually issued. Those people who are looking for options on how to leave Ukraine for Russia forever usually resort to this method as the most convenient and easy.

An important point: you can obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation only after the immigrant has renounced his previous citizenship. In addition, you can use the program "Compatriots" only if there is a quota in the selected region.

Resettlement under the program "Compatriots"

how to leave Ukraine to Russia 2015

For many, the β€œCompatriots" program is a chance to get not only citizenship, but also housing. After all, this bill provides for the provision of free housing and even certain financial assistance. True, provided that the financial condition of the region selected for relocation will allow you to pay for travel, accommodation and lifting.

How to leave Ukraine to Russia? 2015 was marked by the introduction of significant changes in the program "Compatriots". Previously, it was designed only for immigrants from Russia. Now refugees from Ukraine can take part in it, if they confirm their status as a native speaker.

A list of regions ready to provide housing for immigrants was approved. Of course, this is not the Moscow and Leningrad regions, but territories experiencing a shortage of labor. Among Russians, these areas are not popular, which is precisely why migrants from other countries are attracted there.

Unfortunately, often the quality of housing provided and the level of wages do not meet the expectations of visitors. But this is to be expected. Economically active areas with a high level of income of citizens do not experience a shortage of labor. But the depressed regions are waiting for the influx of migrants, this is a chance to increase the decline in production, and for people - the opportunity to establish a new life, albeit not in ideal conditions, but at least away from exploding shells.


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