Nagel is an indispensable building element

In the old days, when metal nails, screws, nuts and bolts did not exist, people built houses and temples exclusively from wood. And in order to firmly and reliably connect all the components of the future structure, an element such as a dowel was used. This is a universal mounting component, a kind of planed cue, which can have one or another length. It is used primarily to make the structure more durable and durable.

Nagel is

Origin of the term

In the literal translation from German, nagel is a nail. It is made exclusively of wood and may have a rounded or quadratic shape. The shape, length and width of this fastener depends on the structure of the house that is being built, on the size and weight of its walls and floors. Nagels made of wood provide a good fixation of each log relative to another log located nearby, even if the material is slightly damp. It is also worth noting that predominantly a dowel is a fastener for the vertical parts of structures that are more unstable than horizontal. Thus, all the elements of the building are securely fixed in a wreath clip and do not pop out of their places, which ensures the durability of any design.

Production of wooden nails

As a rule, each wooden dowel is made of the same wood species as the main structure. So the future construction will not only have the best technical characteristics, but also a single and attractive appearance. In rare cases, when special strength is required, and the whole structure is made of fairly light wood, nagel from hornbeam, oak or beech is used. These varieties are considered universal and at the same time very durable and reliable. The diameter of a standard wooden nail is about 30 millimeters, but most often they are made to order, so this value can vary depending on the type of construction and other factors.

Nagel birch

Installation of pins and process features

It may seem to many that construction exclusively from wood has long been a thing of the past, since the modern market has a whole host of the latest materials for building houses. However, such buildings as wooden cottages, baths, small country houses still require this "old" component. For small houses, you can use a birch nagel, the diameter of which will be 3 centimeters. In this case, the nails must be placed at a distance of a meter or two from each other, and at the intersection of perpendicular surfaces - at a distance of 25 centimeters. Do not forget to take into account the fact that the drilled hole for the plug must have a slightly larger diameter than the part itself. If all these nuances are not taken into account, over time the logs will lead to the sides, and the facade of your house will suffer greatly.

wooden dowel

Brief nuances in this work

Since the dowel is the main fixing element, there are some tricks that allow you to increase its value. One of them is the degree of humidity of building materials. Nagels are always more dried than the main components from which the supporting walls will be built . When the structure dries up, the nails jam in it, which makes it possible for all logs to hold very firmly in the crowns and not fly out of them. In the future, moisture is more evenly distributed in all areas of the house, and the entire structure sags a little and becomes suitable for life.

A few words in the end

Work with natural wood today is very long-term painstaking and expensive. This should be taken into account at the beginning of construction and all calculations should be done in advance. It is also important that the result is accurate, otherwise, over time, the entire structure will deform and fail.


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