Technoparks in Moscow: addresses, vacancies and job reviews

The word "technopark" is becoming increasingly popular. This is a free platform for placing various offices, warehouses, production and research laboratories on it. Initially, technology parks appeared and began their development in the West, gradually starting to be introduced in Russia, often in Moscow. This is currently considered a fashionable innovation.

Scientific organization

Children's technology parks in Moscow is a place where they introduce high-quality research equipment, teach them how to work in a team and apply their own skills in practice. Thus stimulating interest in creating new projects. The task of children's technology parks in Moscow is to increase prestige and improve the qualifications of various scientific professions (engineers and scientists). In addition, they are a good base for training new employees in large enterprises.

industrial parks in Moscow

Currently, in each district of the capital there are about 7 technology parks. In each of them, they conduct interesting classes, teach aircraft modeling (for example, design drones). In children's technology parks in Moscow, reviews of which are mostly positive, the action plan is designed only for high school students. However, it is worth noting that programs have recently appeared for younger children. Considering the age and interests of each child, there are several forms of conducting classes: educational games, discussions, practical exercises and trainings.

Where in Moscow are technology parks for children?

Technopark in Moscow addresses

Below is a list of technology park addresses in Moscow.

  1. Mosgormash is located at Kashirsky passage, house number 13, building 4.
  2. Technopark, which is located on the basis of the technopolis "Moscow". Address: Volgogradsky Prospekt, building 42, building 13.
  3. More recently, another one was launched - under the name “Baytik”, which is located in Troitsk at 11 Lilac Boulevard.
  4. After some time, four more children's technology parks were built in Moscow on the basis of the Moscow Packaging Center. They are located on Sorge street, house 9A.
  5. Excellent technopark "Caliber". Located on Godovikova street.


Each of the above technology parks has its own set of programs. Representatives of technology parks in Moscow teach the older children robotics, energy, and nanotechnology.

Other programs have been developed for young children: they are taught design, and also taught how to assemble and disassemble robots. In design lessons, children come up with various creative ideas for technological products. Also, for children of all ages, general programs have been developed in different directions. They are based on the development of the child, his intellectual and mental activity.

Will knowledge help children

First of all, these lessons contribute to the development of skills. After completing the entire course, the guys have the opportunity to collaborate with well-known leading companies. Graduates of Moscow technology parks receive benefits for admission to higher educational institutions in various fields.

In all existing technology parks, the age of children is determined differently. On average, recruitment is carried out from 10 to 17 years. Lessons in technology parks are free, but not everywhere. But where training requires financial investment, there is one advantage: free workshops.

Technopark vacancies Moscow

How long the courses last depends on the work plan of Moscow technology parks. In each he is individual. On average, courses last from one year to three, there are short-term ones up to several months, and there are also on-site classes.

Are there exams

There are no exams as such, but it happens that a final analysis is carried out in the classroom. This is necessary in order to correct an already completed program or make any changes to it. Also, the students defend in the classroom projects developed individually or as a group. If the job protection is successful, a graduate is issued a document - a certificate of completion of the course.

In general, from 2 to 15 people are present at the lessons. Some technoparks are open for recording on official sites. Information on them can be useful to everyone who wants to attend classes. To do this, go to the official website of any technology park you like and send a request by e-mail.

How often and how long do lessons take? Classes are usually held several times a week and last several hours. Students in universities and students in the first year of college can visit them. Here, special knowledge and skills are not required, but you need to be able to draw, as this may be necessary for some areas. Entrance examinations do not need to be passed, anyone can take training in technology parks.

Are open house days held?

Every year at the beginning of September, an open day is held in all technology parks in Moscow. This is a fascinating event where people from other regions and cities come. These days, exhibitions, tours are held, guests have the opportunity to try themselves in various directions. And also all those present can enroll in courses.

Technopark city Moscow

Representatives of technology parks tell guests about the capabilities and advantages of various devices: how they work, what functions they perform, and in which direction each technology park works and develops, its goals, features and objectives, as well as prospects and plans for the future.

Work in the company “Technopark”

For those who are looking for work, there are many vacancies in technology parks in Moscow. Here is some of them:

  • driver with a personal car;
  • chief accountant for payroll accounting;
  • janitor;
  • personal consultant;
  • programmer;
  • sales clerk in a cafe;
  • Laboratory Assistant
  • methodologist of a children's technopark.
reviews technopark Moscow

All job candidates are required to provide the necessary documents, as well as write an application.


People who once visited one of the technology parks were satisfied with everything they saw and heard and shared their feedback. They were pleasantly surprised by the size of buildings similar to palaces, spacious rooms with various interesting exhibits.

Tour guides work in almost all industrial parks in the center of Moscow, most of them are very attentive to those present, tell interesting stories about the emergence of industrial parks, their goals and objectives, as well as what functions this or that exhibit performs, by whom and when it was created . Photos and drawings of children hang on the walls; there is no unnecessary information.

Technopark Center Moscow

In a separate room there are structures of various directions, made by the guys personally.

In most technology parks, tours are free, and this is a huge plus, thanks to which it is possible to attract a large number of people to the walls of these organizations, especially children. Many of those who have visited technology parks leave positive feedback not only about excursions and those who conduct them, but also about the work of all working personnel.

The rooms are clean and comfortable, there is no dust and debris anywhere, the organizers and those who are responsible for the safety of guests do their job well and make sure that the tour is at the highest level. In general, visitors left the walls of the building with wonderful impressions and with words of gratitude.

If we compare all the reviews of people who visited different technology parks, we can conclude that most of them have common advantages: large, beautiful, spacious rooms, interesting exhibits, attentive and positive guides who will find a good word for everyone and answer any question.

Of the shortcomings, visitors identified only one thing: when they wanted to sit down, there were no chairs nearby. But compared with other advantages, this is a minor error, which can always be corrected.

work technopark Moscow

Thanks to the existence of such organizations, more talented children appeared who knew a lot about science and technology, engineering and other areas. Each technology park has a sufficient number of graduates who defended their work “excellently”. Many parents are grateful to the representatives of these organizations for teaching their children to love science.


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