Tips for gardeners: how to grow pepper seedlings

In our country, pepper is grown as an annual crop and only through seedlings. There are two main varieties of this vegetable - sweet (Bulgarian) and spicy (spicy). At the same time, the first, for obvious reasons, is most in demand among gardeners, and spicy lovers grow exclusively for themselves, that is, in small quantities.

Those who know how tomato seedlings are grown know very well how to answer the question: "How to properly grow pepper seedlings." The fact is that these two processes are very similar. Therefore, this article is addressed primarily to beginners in the field of gardening.

In general, the agricultural technology of growing such a crop is very simple - if desired, anyone can get a good harvest. To do this, several features should be taken into account.

How to grow pepper seedlings: instructions

1. Preparing the soil. Today, in gardening stores, you can buy already prepared and fertilized soil for seedlings with all the necessary nutrients. True, it’s worth buying it not the one that is the most affordable, but the quality of which there are already positive reviews from your friends (neighbors in the summer cottage, for example). You can also make a composition yourself. To do this, take one part of river sand and peat and two parts of turf land. Mix everything and add a glass of ash (per standard bucket), superphosphate (30-40 g), potassium sulfate (15 g) and urea (15 g).

2. Prepare the seeds. Pepper seeds should first be disinfected in a potassium permanganate solution. To do this, dissolve 1 g of potassium permanganate in a liter of water (preferably not tap water, but thawed or settled for at least 12 hours).

3. Sow the seeds. Seeds of pepper for seedlings are planted, usually in the first ten days of March. Many experienced gardeners use the lunar calendar to determine favorable days for sowing. Pepper seedlings are recommended to be grown only in individual pots or cups measuring 6 by 6 or 8 by 8 cm. This is necessary because sweet pepper seedlings do not tolerate picking well enough. Put 2-3 seeds in each pot and place them in a low drawer (or pallet) with a foam pad at the bottom.

4. We create favorable conditions. To answer the question of how to grow seedlings of sweet pepper, this item is very important, since pepper is a warm and moisture-loving culture. Therefore, simply placing the drawers on the windowsill is not worth it - there may well be a draft. It is better to cover them with a film on top, fix it with tape or a stapler and put it on the board, which is laid right next to the wall on the battery. The main thing now is not to leave the air of access. Also put a thermometer next to it to control the temperature. At temperatures below 13 degrees, seedling growth stops. If you have done everything according to this instruction, then after 7 days the first shoots will already appear. When there will be a mass germination of pepper seeds, you can remove the film and put a box on the windowsill - closer to the light source. And again, try to avoid drafts.

5. Water the seedlings. Water the seedlings at first every two to three days abundantly and in the morning hours with warm water (25-30 degrees) from the watering can with holes. For the phase of well-developed cotyledons, watering can also be carried out with water at a temperature of 15-18 degrees, but already daily. If you want to know how to properly grow pepper seedlings, it is important to prevent either short-term drying of the soil or its overmoistening. The latter can lead to root rot. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to ensure the normal drainage of excess moisture from pots with waterlogged soil.

6. We feed seedlings. 2 weeks after the shoots appear (or in the phase of two or three true leaves), carry out the first top dressing. For 10 liters of water add superphosphate (25 g), ammonium nitrate (10 g), potassium sulfate (15 g). The second top dressing is carried out 2 weeks before transplanting seedlings into the ground with the same solution. After top dressing, be sure to water the plants, and if the solution gets on the leaves, wash them thoroughly with warm water.

7. We harden seedlings. About 10-14 days before planting in open ground, temper the seedlings. The optimum temperature for this process is 14-15 degrees. First, open the window for a short time, then take the seedlings to the balcony, covering from direct sunlight. If the temperature on the balcony does not fall below the specified temperature range, then leave the seedlings there around the clock.

8. We plant seedlings. More experienced gardeners who know how to grow a good pepper crop say that the age of seedlings when planting in the ground is a particularly important point. So, you will get the best results from 80-90-day seedlings. But the 60-day will provide half the yield.

The place chosen for planting will also help to significantly increase productivity. The proximity of pepper and cucumbers in this regard is very favorable, since the necessary exchanges of useful substances will occur between these cultures.

Plant seedlings according to the scheme 60 by 35 or 30 by 30 cm. Remove the plant from the pot with a lump of earth and deepen to the level of the first true leaves.

Since you now know how to properly grow pepper seedlings and plant them in open ground, seedlings will quickly take root, and the culture will bear fruit until late autumn.


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